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Microsoft R Open 3.2.3 now available

[This article was first published on Revolutions, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Microsoft R Open 3.2.3, the performance-enhanced distribution of R 3.2.3, is now available for download from

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This is the latest (and first of many to come!) update to Revolution R Open under its new name. In addition to the improvements in R 3.2.3, this update to MRO brings support for Mac OS X "El Capitan" and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1, and is linked to a CRAN repository snapshot from January 1, 2016 that features dozens of new and updated packages.

As always, you can use the latest and greatest CRAN packages with MRO with the checkpoint package (and get reproducible R scripts with just one line of code, to boot). And to make it easier for you to pick a CRAN snapshot with the package versions you need, we have also introduced the CRAN Time Machine on MRAN where you can browse the contents of CRAN as they were on any date since September 17, 2014. 

CRAN time machine

Use the calendar tool to browse our CRAN snapshot from a date of your choice, or use the drop-down tool to browse snapshots associated with prior releases of Microsoft R Open. This is particularly useful if you need to go back in time and check the details or vignettes from a package you've used in the past.

For more information on Microsoft R Open, visit MRAN at the link below.

MRAN: Download MRO 3.2.3

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