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Discount R courses at Simplilearn
Guest post by Simplilearn
Simplilearn is offering access to its R Language courses at reduced prices. The offer is good till 7th Feb, 2016 with the coupon: GetAhead
Check out the R-courses they offer:
Certified Data Scientist with R Language
At the end of the training, you will be technically competent in key R programming language concepts such as data visualization and exploration, as well as in statistical concepts like linear and logistic regression, cluster analysis, and forecasting.
Certified Data Scientist with R, SAS and Excel
This is a comprehensive package for budding data analysts wanting to learn about SAS software and the statistical techniques essential to decode extensive data. Once you’re done with this course, you will be technically competent in data analytics methods like reporting, clustering, predictive modeling, and optimization – so you can manage huge volumes of data.
With both these courses, Simplilearn offers: