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Data Science Radar – Communicator Profile

[This article was first published on Mango Solutions, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Andy NichollsData Science Radar-Mango-Solutions-andy-nichols









by Andy Nichols @andyofsmeg

1. Tell us a bit about your background in Data Science.

In short I am a statistician.  That’s what I qualified anyway.  Following my degree I was employed as a statistician in the pharmaceutical industry for a number of years before joining Mango and broadening my horizons.  I now head up Mango’s Data Science team.  I still teach semi-regularly and specialise in R and SAS for my analysis.

2. How would you describe what a Communicator is in your own words?

A communicator can take a complex data science concept and explain it to a non-technical audience.  Their special skill is empathy.

3. Were you surprised at your Data Science Radar profile result?   Please explain. 

Not at all.  My job is to work closely with customers to understand what they’re trying to achieve and then help them find the best way of doing that.  Effective communication is key to my role.

4. Is knowing this information beneficial to shaping your career development plan?  If so, how? 

It’s already shaped my career to date.  Working at Mango has enabled me to travel the world spreading the word around R.

5. How do you apply your skills as a Communicator at Mango Solutions?

As Head of Data Science at Mango I have to work with a blend of different data science personalities, from fellow communicators to the hard core technologists.  I need to be able to pick the right team for the job and ensure they are working together effectively.

 6. If someone wanted to develop their Communicator skills further, what would you recommend? 

Watch and learn.  In Rich Pugh and Aimée Gott I work with two of the most effective technical trainers on the planet.  I’ve also watched a video of myself from EARL.  It’s amazing what you discover when you watch yourself back.

7. Which of your other highest scoring skills on the Radar compliments a Communicator skillset and why? 

Visualiser.  I think the two largely go hand in hand and a good image communicates its own story.

Do your own Data Science Radar here 






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