100 “must read” R-bloggers’ posts for 2015
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The site R-bloggers.com is now 6 years young. It strives to be an (unofficial) online news and tutorials website for the R community, written by over 600 bloggers who agreed to contribute their R articles to the website. In 2015, the site served almost 17.7 million pageviews to readers worldwide.
In celebration to R-bloggers’ 6th birth-month, here are the top 100 most read R posts written in 2015, enjoy:
- How to Learn R
- How to Make a Histogram with Basic R
- How to Make a Histogram with ggplot2
- Choosing R or Python for data analysis? An infographic
- How to Get the Frequency Table of a Categorical Variable as a Data Frame in R
- How to perform a Logistic Regression in R
- A new interactive interface for learning R online, for free
- How to learn R: A flow chart
- Learn Statistics and R online from Harvard
- Twitter’s new R package for anomaly detection
- R 3.2.0 is released (+ using the installr package to upgrade in Windows OS)
- What’s the probability that a significant p-value indicates a true effect?
- Fitting a neural network in R; neuralnet package
- K-means clustering is not a free lunch
- Why you should learn R first for data science
- How to format your chart and axis titles in ggplot2
- Illustrated Guide to ROC and AUC
- The Single Most Important Skill for a Data Scientist
- A first look at Spark
- Change Point Detection in Time Series with R and Tableau
- Interactive visualizations with R – a minireview
- The leaflet package for online mapping in R
- Programmatically create interactive Powerpoint slides with R
- My New Favorite Statistics & Data Analysis Book Using R
- Dark themes for writing
- How to use SparkR within Rstudio?
- Shiny 0.12: Interactive Plots with ggplot2
- 15 Questions All R Users Have About Plots
- This R Data Import Tutorial Is Everything You Need
- R in Business Intelligence
- 5 New R Packages for Data Scientists
- Basic text string functions in R
- How to get your very own RStudio Server and Shiny Server with DigitalOcean
- Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics Made Simple
- 2014 highlight: Statistical Learning course by Hastie & Tibshirani
- ggplot 2.0.0
- Machine Learning in R for beginners
- Top 77 R posts for 2014 (+R jobs)
- Introducing Radiant: A shiny interface for R
- Eight New Ideas From Data Visualization Experts
- Microsoft Launches Its First Free Online R Course on edX
- Imputing missing data with R; MICE package
- “Variable Importance Plot” and Variable Selection
- The Data Science Industry: Who Does What (Infographic)
- d3heatmap: Interactive heat maps
- R + ggplot2 Graph Catalog
- Time Series Graphs & Eleven Stunning Ways You Can Use Them
- Working with “large†datasets, with dplyr and data.table
- Why the Ban on P-Values? And What Now?
- Part 3a: Plotting with ggplot2
- Importing Data Into R – Part Two
- How-to go parallel in R – basics + tips
- RStudio v0.99 Preview: Graphviz and DiagrammeR
- Downloading Option Chain Data from Google Finance in R: An Update
- R: single plot with two different y-axes
- Generalised Linear Models in R
- Hypothesis Testing: Fishing for Trouble
- The advantages of using count() to get N-way frequency tables as data frames in R
- Playing with R, Shiny Dashboard and Google Analytics Data
- Benchmarking Random Forest Implementations
- Fuzzy String Matching – a survival skill to tackle unstructured information
- Make your R plots interactive
- R #6 in IEEE 2015 Top Programming Languages, Rising 3 Places
- How To Analyze Data: Seven Modern Remakes Of The Most Famous Graphs Ever Made
- dplyr 0.4.0
- Installing and Starting SparkR Locally on Windows OS and RStudio
- Making R Files Executable (under Windows)
- Evaluating Logistic Regression Models
- Awesome-R: A curated list of the best add-ons for R
- Introducing Distributed Data-structures in R
- SAS vs R? The right answer to the wrong question?
- But I Don’t Want to Be a Statistician!
- Get data out of excel and into R with readxl
- Interactive R Notebooks with Jupyter and SageMathCloud
- Learning R: Index of Online R Courses, October 2015
- R User Group Recap: Heatmaps and Using the caret Package
- R Tutorial on Reading and Importing Excel Files into R
- R 3.2.2 is released
- Wanted: A Perfect Scatterplot (with Marginals)
- KDD Cup 2015: The story of how I built hundreds of predictive models….And got so close, yet so far away from 1st place!
- Analyzing 1.1 Billion NYC Taxi and Uber Trips, with a Vengeance
- 10 Top Tips For Becoming A Better Coder!
- James Bond movies
- Modeling and Solving Linear Programming with R – Free book
- Scraping Web Pages With R
- Why you should start by learning data visualization and manipulation
- R tutorial on the Apply family of functions
- The relation between p-values and the probability H0 is true is not weak enough to ban p-values
- A Bayesian Model to Calculate Whether My Wife is Pregnant or Not
- First year books
- Using rvest to Scrape an HTML Table
- dplyr Tutorial: verbs + split-apply
- RStudio Clone for Python – Rodeo
- Time series outlier detection (a simple R function)
- Building Wordclouds in R
- Should you teach Python or R for data science?
- Free online data mining and machine learning courses by Stanford University
- Centering and Standardizing: Don’t Confuse Your Rows with Your Columns
- Network analysis with igraph
- Regression Models, It’s Not Only About Interpretation (oh hack, why not include a few more posts…)
- magrittr: The best thing to have ever happened to R?
- How to Speak Data Science
- R vs Python: a Survival Analysis with Plotly
- 15 Easy Solutions To Your Data Frame Problems In R
- R for more powerful clustering
- Using the R MatchIt package for propensity score analysis
- Interactive charts in R
- R is the fastest-growing language on StackOverflow
- Hash Table Performance in R: Part I
- Review of ‘Advanced R’ by Hadley Wickham
- Plotting Time Series in R using Yahoo Finance data
- R: the Excel Connection
- Cohort Analysis with Heatmap
- Data Visualization cheatsheet, plus Spanish translations
- Back to basics: High quality plots using base R graphics
- 6 Machine Learning Visualizations made in Python and R
- An R tutorial for Microsoft Excel users
- Connecting R to Everything with IFTTT
- Data Manipulation with dplyr
- Correlation and Linear Regression
- Why has R, despite quirks, been so successful?
- Introducing shinyjs: perform common JavaScript operations in Shiny apps using plain R code
- R: How to Layout and Design an Infographic
- New package for image processing in R
- In-database R coming to SQL Server 2016
- Making waffle charts in R (with the new ‘waffle’ package)
- Revolution Analytics joins Microsoft
- Six Ways You Can Make Beautiful Graphs (Like Your Favorite Journalists)