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How many times you have an error in your code, query, etc and you don't have the solution? How many times in these cases you open your favorite browser and search in your favorite search engine and type (I mean copy/paste) that error and you click the first result you get and then you don't feel alone in this planet: "other people had the same problem/question/error as you", and finally, a little bit down you see the most voted answer and YES it was a so simple mistake/fix. Well, this happens to me several times a week.
Stackoverflow is the biggest site of Q&A that means have a lot of data and fortunately we can get it.
Out of context: Original thoughts come to my mind and it come in verse form (not in a haiku way):
When you're down and troubled
And you need a coding hand
And nothing, nothing is going right
Open a browser and type about this
And the first match will be there
To brighten up even your darkest night.
Well, now to code.
The Data
If you want the SO data you can found at least 2 options:
The first case you can make any query but you are limited you obtain only 50,000 rows via csv file. The second option you can download all the dump 🙂 but it comes in xml format (:S?!). So I decided use the second source and write a script to parse the 27GB xml file to extract only the questions and load the data into a sqlite data base.
db <- src_sqlite("~/so-db.sqlite") dfqst <- tbl(db, "questions") nrow(dfqst) ## [1] 9970064 head(dfqst)
id | creationdate | score | viewcount | title | tags |
4 | 2008-07-31T21:42:52.667 | 358 | 24247 | When setting a form's opacity should I use a decimal or double? | < c#>< winforms>< type-conversion>< opacity> |
6 | 2008-07-31T22:08:08.620 | 156 | 11840 | Why doesn't the percentage width child in absolutely positioned parent work? | < css>< css3>< internet-explorer-7> |
9 | 2008-07-31T23:40:59.743 | 1023 | 265083 | How do I calculate someone's age in C#? | < c#><.net>< datetime> |
11 | 2008-07-31T23:55:37.967 | 890 | 96670 | How do I calculate relative time? | < c#>< datetime>< datediff> |
13 | 2008-08-01T00:42:38.903 | 357 | 99233 | Determining a web user's time zone | < browser>< timezone>< timezoneoffset> |
14 | 2008-08-01T00:59:11.177 | 228 | 66007 | Difference between Math.Floor() and Math.Truncate() | <.net> |
dftags <- tbl(db, "questions_tags") nrow(dftags) ## [1] 29496408 head(dftags)
id | tag |
10006 | wcf |
10006 | silverlight |
10006 | compression |
10006 | gzip |
10038 | javascript |
10038 | animation |
Top Tags by Year
Well, it's almost end of year and we can talk about summaries about what happened this year. So, let's look about the changes in the top tags at stackoverflow. We need count grouping by creationyear and tag, then use row_number function to make the rank by year and filter by the first 30 places.
dfqst <- dfqst %>% mutate(creationyear = substr(creationdate, 0, 5)) dftags2 <- left_join(dftags, dfqst %>% select(id, creationyear), by = "id") dftags3 <- dftags2 %>% group_by(creationyear, tag) %>% summarize(count = n()) %>% arrange(creationyear, -count) %>% collect()
In the previous code we need to collect becuase we can't use row_number via tbl source (or at least I don't know how to do it yet).
tops <- 30 dftags4 <- dftags3 %>% group_by(creationyear) %>% mutate(rank = row_number()) %>% ungroup() %>% filter(rank <= tops) %>% mutate(rank = factor(rank, levels = rev(seq(tops))), creationyear = as.numeric(creationyear))
Lets took the first 5 places this year. Nothing new.
dftags4 %>% filter(creationyear == 2015) %>% head(5)
creationyear | tag | count | rank |
2015 | javascript | 177412 | 1 |
2015 | java | 153231 | 2 |
2015 | android | 123557 | 3 |
2015 | php | 123109 | 4 |
2015 | c# | 109692 | 5 |
The next data frames is to get the name at the start and end of the lines for our first plot.
dftags5 <- dftags4 %>% filter(creationyear == max(creationyear)) %>% mutate(creationyear = as.numeric(creationyear) + 0.25) dftags6 <- dftags4 %>% filter(creationyear == min(creationyear)) %>% mutate(creationyear = as.numeric(creationyear) - 0.25)
Now, let's do a simply regresion model model rank ~ year to know if a tag's rank go up or down across the years. Maybe this is a very simply and non correct approach but it's good to explore the trends. Let's consider the top tags in this year with at least 3 appearances:
tags_tags <- dftags4 %>% count(tag) %>% filter(n >= 3) %>% # have at least 3 appearances filter(tag %in% dftags5$tag) %>% # top tags in 2015 .$tag dflms <- dftags4 %>% filter(tag %in% tags_tags) %>% group_by(tag) %>% do(model = lm(as.numeric(rank) ~ creationyear, data = .)) %>% mutate(slope = coefficients(model)[2]) %>% arrange(slope) %>% select(-model) %>% mutate(trend = cut(slope, breaks = c(-Inf, -1, 1, Inf), labels = c("-", "=", "+")), slope = round(slope, 2)) %>% arrange(desc(slope)) dflms %>% filter(trend != "=")
tag | slope | trend |
r | 4.50 | + |
arrays | 2.70 | + |
css | 1.85 | + |
json | 1.70 | + |
jquery | 1.42 | + |
android | 1.09 | + |
xml | -1.57 | – |
sql-server | -1.77 | – |
asp.net | -2.12 | – |
Yay! it's not coincidence (may be yes because I choose tag with 3 or more appearances): R have a a big increase in the las 3 years, The reason can be probably the datascience boom and how the data have become somethig more important in technologies. Today everything is being measured. Other reason is because R it's awesome.
I'm not sure why the arrays have a similiar trend. This tag is a generic one because all programing lenguages have arrays objects. My first guess is this a web's colaterlal effect. In javascript you need to know how handle data (usually the response to an ajax request is a json object which is parsed into dict, arrays and/or list) to make you web interactive. What else we see? asp.net same as xml and sql-serve are going down.
Now let's put some colord to emphasize the most interesting results.
colors <- c("asp.net" = "#6a40fd", "r" = "#198ce7", "css" = "#563d7c", "javascript" = "#f1e05a", "json" = "#f1e05a", "android" = "#b07219", "arrays" = "#e44b23", "xml" = "green") othertags <- dftags4 %>% distinct(tag) %>% filter(!tag %in% names(colors)) %>% .$tag colors <- c(colors, setNames(rep("gray", length(othertags)), othertags))
Now the fun part! I call this The subway-style-rank-year-tag plot: the past and the future.
p <- ggplot(mapping = aes(creationyear, y = rank, group = tag, color = tag)) + geom_line(size = 1.7, alpha = 0.25, data = dftags4) + geom_line(size = 2.5, data = dftags4 %>% filter(tag %in% names(colors)[colors != "gray"])) + geom_point(size = 4, alpha = 0.25, data = dftags4) + geom_point(size = 4, data = dftags4 %>% filter(tag %in% names(colors)[colors != "gray"])) + geom_point(size = 1.75, color = "white", data = dftags4) + geom_text(data = dftags5, aes(label = tag), hjust = -0, size = 4.5) + geom_text(data = dftags6, aes(label = tag), hjust = 1, size = 4.5) + scale_color_manual(values = colors) + ggtitle("The subway-style-rank-year-tag plot:nPast and the Future") + xlab("Top Tags by Year in Stackoverflow") + scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(min(dftags4$creationyear) - 2, max(dftags4$creationyear) + 2), limits = c(min(dftags4$creationyear) - 1.0, max(dftags4$creationyear) + 0.5)) p
First of all: javascript, the language of the web, is the top tag nowadays. This is nothing new yet so let's focus in the changes of places. We can see the web/mobile technologies like android, json are now more "popular" these days, same as css, html, nodejs, swift, ios, objective-c, etc. By other hand the xml and asp.net (and its friends like .net, visual-studio) tags aren't popular this year comparing with the previous years, but hey! obviously a top 30 tag in SO means popular yet! In the same context is interesting see is how xml is going down and json s going up. It seems xml is being replaced by json format gradually. The same effect could be in .net with the rest of the webframeworks like ror, django, php frameworks.
The Topics this Year
We know, for example, some question are tagged by database, other are tagged with sql or mysql and maybe this questions belong to a family or group of questions. So let's find the topics/cluster/families/communities in all 2015 questions.
The approach we'll test is inspired by Tagoverflow a nice app by Piotr Migdal and Marta Czarnocka-Cieciura. To find the communiest we use/test the resolution package from the analyxcompany team which is a R implementation of Laplacian Dynamics and Multiscale Modular Structure in Networks.
Let the extraction/transformation data/game begin!:
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("igraph")) library("resolution") library("networkD3") dftags20150 <- dftags2 %>% filter(creationyear == "2015") %>% select(id, tag) dfedge <- dftags20150 %>% left_join(dftags20150 %>% select(tag2 = tag, id), by = "id") %>% filter(tag < tag2) %>% count(tag, tag2) %>% ungroup() %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% collect() dfvert <- dftags20150 %>% group_by(tag) %>% summarise(n = n()) %>% ungroup() %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% collect()
Let's define a relative small number of tags to reduce the calculation times. Then made a igraph element via the edges (tag-tag count) to use the cluster_resolution algorithm to find groups. Sounds relative easy.
first_n <- 75 nodes <- dfvert %>% head(first_n) %>% mutate(id = seq(nrow(.))) %>% rename(label = tag) %>% select(id, label, n) head(nodes)
id | label | n |
1 | javascript | 177412 |
2 | java | 153231 |
3 | android | 123557 |
4 | php | 123109 |
5 | c# | 109692 |
6 | jquery | 92621 |
edges <- dfedge %>% filter(tag %in% nodes$label, tag2 %in% nodes$label) %>% rename(from = tag, to = tag2) head(edges)
from | to | n |
javascript | jquery | 57970 |
css | html | 37135 |
html | javascript | 35404 |
html | jquery | 24438 |
android | java | 24134 |
mysql | php | 22531 |
So, now create the igraph object and get the cluster via this method:
g <- graph.data.frame(edges %>% rename(weight = n), directed = FALSE) pr <- page.rank(g)$vector c <- cluster_resolution(g, directed = FALSE) V(g)$comm <- membership(c)
Add data to the nodes:
nodes <- nodes %>% left_join(data_frame(label = names(membership(c)), cluster = as.character(membership(c))), by = "label") %>% left_join(data_frame(label = names(pr), page_rank = pr), by = "label")
Let's view some tags and size of each cluster.
clusters <- nodes %>% arrange(desc(page_rank)) %>% group_by(cluster) %>% do({data_frame(top_tags = paste(head(.$label), collapse = ", "))}) %>% ungroup() %>% left_join(nodes %>% group_by(cluster) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% summarise(n_tags = n(), n_qst = sum(n)) %>% ungroup(), by = "cluster") %>% arrange(desc(n_qst)) clusters
cluster | top_tags | n_tags | n_qst |
1 | javascript, jquery, html, css, angularjs, ajax | 9 | 513489 |
5 | java, android, json, xml, spring, eclipse | 16 | 432171 |
4 | python, arrays, c++, regex, string, linux | 16 | 360488 |
7 | c#, sql, asp.net, sql-server, .net, asp.net-mvc | 11 | 280690 |
3 | php, mysql, database, wordpress, forms, apache | 9 | 249254 |
8 | ios, swift, objective-c, xcode, iphone, osx | 6 | 163449 |
6 | ruby-on-rails, ruby, ruby-on-rails-4 | 3 | 57126 |
9 | excel, vba, excel-vba | 3 | 39925 |
2 | node.js, mongodb | 2 | 37374 |
Mmm! The results from the algorithm make sense (at least for me).
A nice thing to notice is that in every cluster the tag with more page rank is a programming language (except for the excel cluster).
Now, let's name every group:
- The big just-frontend group leading by the top one javascript: jquery, html, css.
- The java-and-android group.
- The general-programming-rocks cluster.
- The mmm… prograWINg group (I sometimes use windows, about 95% of the time).
- The php-biased-backend cluster.
- The Imobile programming group.
- Just the *ror cluster.
- The I-code-…-in-excel community.
- Mmm I don't know how name this cluster: nodo-monge.
Now let's put the names in the data frame, plot them and check if it helps to get an idea how the top tags in SO are related to each other.
clusters <- clusters %>% mutate(cluster_name = c("frontend", "java-and-android", "general-programming-rocks", "prograWINg", "php-biased-backend", "Imobile", "ror", "I-code-...-in-excel", "nodo-monge"), cluster_name = factor(cluster_name, levels = rev(cluster_name))) ggplot(clusters) + geom_bar(aes(cluster_name, n_qst), stat = "identity", width = 0.5, fill = "#198ce7") + scale_y_continuous("Questions", labels = scales::comma) + xlab(NULL) + coord_flip() + ggtitle("Distrution for the number of Questionsnin the Top 100 tag Clusters")
nodes <- nodes %>% mutate(nn2 = round(30*page_rank ^ 2/max(page_rank ^ 2)) + 1) %>% left_join(clusters %>% select(cluster, cluster_name), by = "cluster") %>% mutate(cluster_order = seq(nrow(.))) edges2 <- edges %>% left_join(nodes %>% select(from = label, id), by = "from") %>% rename(source = id) %>% left_join(nodes %>% select(to = label, id), by = "to") %>% rename(target = id) %>% mutate(ne2 = round(30*n ^ 3/max(n ^ 3)) + 1, source = source - 1, target = target - 1) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% head(nrow(nodes)*1.5) # this is to reduce the edges to plot colorrange <- viridisLite::viridis(nrow(clusters)) %>% stringr::str_sub(1, 7) %>% paste0("'", ., "'", collapse = ", ") %>% paste0("[", ., "]") colordomain <- clusters$cluster_name %>% paste0("'", ., "'", collapse = ", ") %>% paste0("[", ., "]") color_scale <- "d3.scale.ordinal().domain(%s).range(%s)" %>% sprintf(colordomain, colorrange)
net <- forceNetwork(Links = edges2, Nodes = nodes, Source = "source", Target = "target", NodeID = "label", Group = "cluster_name", Value = "ne2", linkWidth = JS("function(d) { return Math.sqrt(d.value);}"), Nodesize = "nn2", radiusCalculation = JS("Math.sqrt(d.nodesize)+6"), colourScale = color_scale, opacity = 1, linkColour = "#BBB", legend = TRUE, linkDistance = 50, charge = -100, bounded = TRUE, Family = "Lato") net
Now let's try the adjacency matrix way like Matthew in his post. Basically we made a tag-tag data frame like de edges, and plot them via geom_tile. Adding color for communities, and transparency for counts.
library("ggplot2") library("beyonce") name_order <- (nodes %>% arrange(desc(cluster_name), desc(page_rank)))$label edges2 <- edges %>% inner_join(nodes %>% select(label, cluster_name), by = c("from" = "label")) %>% inner_join(nodes %>% select(label, cluster_name), by = c("to" = "label")) %>% purrr::map_if(is.factor, as.character) %>% {rbind(.,rename(., from = to, to = from))} %>% mutate(group = ifelse(cluster_name.x == cluster_name.y, cluster_name.x, NA), group = factor(group, levels = clusters$cluster_name), to = factor(to, levels = rev(name_order)), from = factor(from, levels = name_order))
The data is ready to plot. We'll use log(n) for transparency scale to reduce visually the big differences between javascript counts vs others tags.
p2 <- ggplot(edges2, aes(x = from, y = to, fill = group, alpha = log(n))) + geom_tile() + scale_alpha_continuous(range = c(.0, 1)) + scale_fill_manual(values = c(setNames(beyonce_palette(18 ,nrow(clusters), type = "continuous"), clusters$cluster_name)), na.value = "gray") + scale_x_discrete(drop = FALSE) + scale_y_discrete(drop = FALSE) + coord_equal() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 270, hjust = 0, vjust = 0), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position = "right") + xlab("Tags") + ylab("Same tags") + ggtitle("A tag-tag-cluster plot") p2
(See only the image in this link)
With this plot is easier to see the size of the cluster in terms of numbers of tags (acording the algorithm from the resolution package). We can also see tags with big degree (lot of links) like: json, xml, javascript, database (and mysql), sql, etc.
Ok, one thing is sure: There a lot of data and this is not much. Just a litte. Well, that is. If you have some questions about this you can go to SO and write them or you just can write here in the comments below.
- Finding communities in networks with R and igraph.
- Adjacency matrix plots with R and ggplot2.
- Transposing a dataframe maintaining the first column as heading.
- Split a vector into chunks in R.
- What are the differences between community detection algorithms in igraph?.
- Capitalize the first letter of both words in a two word string.
- R: simple multiplication causes integer overflow.
- jQuery how to find an element based on a data-attribute value?.
- remove grid, background color and top and right borders from ggplot2.
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