Secret Santa Picker using R
[This article was first published on The Practical R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Here’s a quick post on making a secret santa picker using R. The code eliminates a person from picking themselves, otherwise it’s no frills.
#set the variable for the number of people npeople=5 fam=matrix(ncol=1, nrow=npeople, NA) fam[1,1]="name1" fam[2,1]="name2" fam[3,1]="name3" fam[4,1]="name4" fam[5,1]="name5" fam2=matrix(ncol=1, nrow=npeople, NA) names=c("name1","name2","name3","name4","name5") for (i in 1:npeople){ #pick the first name if (i==1){ xx2=sample(names, (npeople-i+1), replace=FALSE) } else xx2=sample(xx2, (npeople-i+1), replace=FALSE) if (xx2[1]!=fam[i,1]){ fam2[i,1]=xx2[1] } else{ fam2[i,1]=xx2[2]} #set up the new matrix with one less name used=which(xx2==fam2[i]) xx2[used]="zzzzz" xx2=sort(xx2)[1:(npeople-i)] } #add "has" to the matrix has=matrix(ncol=1,nrow=npeople, "has") #build the final matrices final=cbind(fam,has,fam2) #the final results final
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] “name1” “has” “name4”
[2,] “name2” “has” “name3”
[3,] “name3” “has” “name5”
[4,] “name4” “has” “name2”
[5,] “name5” “has” “name1”

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