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R is the fastest-growing language on StackOverflow

[This article was first published on Revolutions, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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StackOverview is a popular Q&A site, and a go-to resource for developers of all languages to find answers to programming problems they may have: most of the time, the question has already been asked and answered, or you can always post a new question and wait for a reply. It's an excellent resource for R users, featuring answers to nearly 100,000 R questions. In fact, R is the fastest-growing language on StackOverflow in terms of the number of questions asked:

Stackoverflow ranks

The chart above was created — in R, of course — by Joshua Kunst, who helpfully provided the R code to make this subway-style rank plot using the ggplot2 package. The "fastest-growing" claim is based on Joshua's regression analysis of the data above: R's trendline has a slope of 4.50. (RedMonk also uses StackOverflow data, combined with GitHub activity, for their bi-annual language popularity rankings. R was ranked #13 in their most recent analysis, in June 2015.) The data comes directly from the StackExchange data dump, loaded into a Sqlite database and processed in R using Hadley Wickham's RSQLite package. There's much more interesting analysis of the StackOverflow data in Joshua's blog post, including a cluster analysis of the top 100 tags in StackOverflow. Check it out at the link below.

Joshua Kunst: What do we ask in StackOverflow?


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