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I prepared the following notes for a consulting client, and I thought they might be of interest to some other people too.
For example, if
In matrix form we can write
where xreg
argument in auto.arima
This model can be estimated by setting the xreg
argument to be a matrix with one column:
x1 <- 1:length(y) fit <- auto.arima(y, xreg=x1) |
The associated coefficient is the slope of the trend line.
Here is a simple example of a linear trend fitted to the Asian sheep data from the fpp
package :
library(fpp) T <- length(livestock) x1 <- seq(T) fit <- auto.arima(livestock, xreg=x1) fc <- forecast(fit, xreg=T+seq(10)) b0 <- coef(fit)["intercept"] b1 <- coef(fit)["x1"] t <- seq(T+10) trend <- ts(b0 + b1*t, start=start(livestock)) plot(fc, main="Linear trend with AR(1) errors") lines(trend, col='red') |
A linear trend fitted to the Asian sheep data. The automatically selected error term is an AR(1) process.
A more flexible approach is to use a piecewise linear trend which bends at some time. If the trend bends at time
In auto.arima
, set xreg
to be a matrix with two columns:
fit <- auto.arima(y, xreg=cbind(x1, pmax(0,x1-tau)) |
If the associated coefficients of
This can be extended to allow any number of “bend points” known as knots. Just add additional columns with 0s before each knot, and values 1, 2, … after the knot.
Here is a piecewise linear trend fitted to the Asian sheep data with knots at years 1990 and 1992:
x2 <- pmax(0, x1-30) x3 <- pmax(0, x1-32) fit <- auto.arima(livestock, xreg=cbind(x1,x2,x3)) fc <- forecast(fit, xreg=cbind(max(x1)+seq(10), max(x2)+seq(10), max(x3)+seq(10))) b0 <- coef(fit)["intercept"] b1 <- coef(fit)["x1"] b2 <- coef(fit)["x2"] b3 <- coef(fit)["x3"] trend <- ts(b0 + b1*t + b2*pmax(0,t-30) + b3*pmax(0,t-32), start=start(livestock)) plot(fc, main="Piecewise linear trend with AR(1) errors") lines(trend, col='red') |
If there is to be no trend before the first knot, but a piecewise linear trend thereafter, leave out the first column of the above matrix
If there is to be a piecewise linear trend up to the last knot, but no trend thereafter, a slightly modified set up can be used. For one knot at time
xreg <- pmin(0, x1-tau) |
where the first 0 in the column is in row
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