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Amanda Cox on using R at the NYT

[This article was first published on Revolutions, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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For more than six years, the New York Times has been using the R language to develop and implement much of the fantastic data journalism on the website and in the newspaper. A few months ago graphics editor Amanda Cox was interviewed for the Data Stories podcast, where she described the process for creating the interactive data visualizations at the Times. Some highlights of the podcast include Amanda describing R as "The greatest software on Earth", and the background behind the visualization below which tells a unique story based on where you live.

NYT Poverty

This chart, by the way, was cited by the White House Chief Data Scientist DJ Patil as an examplar of the positive impact of open data, in his keynote at the Strata conference last week.

To listen to the interview, and to find useful links to the resources Amanda mentions during the interview, follow the link below.

Data Stories: Amanda Cox on Working With R, NYT Projects, Favorite Data

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