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In this post, we do a brute force solution of Tic-Tac-Toe, the well-known 3*3 game. You’ll learn how data.tree can be used to build a tree of game history, and how the resulting data.tree structure can be used to analyse the game.
This post is based on data.tree 0.2.1, which you can get from CRAN.
We want to set up the problem in a way such that each
Nodeis a move of a player, and each path describes the entire history of a game.
We number the fields from 1 to 9. Additionally, for easy readability, we label the
Nodesin an Excel-like manner, such that field 9, say, is ‘c3’:
fields <- expand.grid(letters[1:3], 1:3) fields ## Var1 Var2 ## 1 a 1 ## 2 b 1 ## 3 c 1 ## 4 a 2 ## 5 b 2 ## 6 c 2 ## 7 a 3 ## 8 b 3 ## 9 c 3
To speed up things a bit, we consider rotation, so that, say, the first move in a3 and a1 are considered equal, because they could be achieved with a 90 degree rotation of the board. This leaves us with only a3, b3, and b2 for the first move of player 1:
library(data.tree) ttt<- Node$new("ttt") #consider rotation, so first move is explicit ttt$AddChild("a3") ttt$a3$f ttt$AddChild("b3") ttt$b3$f ttt$AddChild("b2") ttt$b2$f ttt$Set(player = 1, filterFun = isLeaf)
Game play
Now we traverse the tree recursively, and add possible moves to the leaves along the way, growing it to eventually hold all possible games. To do this, we define a method which, based on a Node’s path, adds possible moves as children.
AddPossibleMoves <- function(node) { t <- Traverse(node, traversal = "ancestor", filterFun = isNotRoot) available <- rownames(fields)[!rownames(fields) %in% Get(t, "f")] for (f in available) { child <- node$AddChild(paste0(fields[f, 1], fields[f, 2])) child$f <- as.numeric(f) child$player <- ifelse(node$player == 1, 2, 1) hasWon <- HasWon(child) if (!hasWon && child$level <= 10) AddPossibleMoves(child) if (hasWon) { child$result <- child$player print(paste("Player ", child$player, "wins!")) } else if(child$level == 10) { child$result <- 0 print("Tie!") } } return (node) }
Note that we store additional info along the way. For example, in the line
child$player <- ifelse(node$player == 1, 2, 1), the player is deferred from the parent
Node, and set as an attribute in the
Exit Criteria
Our algorithm stops whenever either player has won, or when all 9 fields are taken. Whether a player has won is determined by this function:
HasWon <- function(node) { t <- Traverse(node, traversal = "ancestor", filterFun = function(x) !x$isRoot && x$player == node$player) mine <- Get(t, "f") mineV <- rep(0, 9) mineV[mine] <- 1 mineM <- matrix(mineV, 3, 3, byrow = TRUE) result <- any(rowSums(mineM) == 3) || any(colSums(mineM) == 3) || sum(diag(mineM)) == 3 || sum(diag(t(mineM))) == 3 return (result) }
Tree creation
The following code plays all possible games. Depending on your computer, this might take a few minutes:
system.time(for (child in ttt$children) AddPossibleMoves(child)) ## user system elapsed ## 345.645 3.245 346.445
What is the total number of games?
ttt$leafount ## [1] 89796
How many nodes (moves) does our tree have?
ttt$totalCount ## [1] 203716
What is the average length of a game?
mean(ttt$Get(function(x) x$level - 1, filterFun = isLeaf)) ## [1] 8.400775
What is the average branching factor?
ttt$averageBranchingFactor ## [1] 1.788229
How many games were won by each player?
winnerOne <- Traverse(ttt, filterFun = function(x) x$isLeaf && x$result == 1) winnerTwo <- Traverse(ttt, filterFun = function(x) x$isLeaf && x$result == 2) ties <- Traverse(ttt, filterFun = function(x) x$isLeaf && x$result == 0) c(winnerOne = length(winnerOne), winnerTwo = length(winnerTwo), ties = length(ties)) ## winnerOne winnerTwo ties ## 39588 21408 28800
We can, for example, look at any
Node, using the
PrintBoardfunction. This function prints the game history:
PrintBoard <- function(node) { mineV <- rep(0, 9) t <- Traverse(node, traversal = "ancestor", filterFun = function(x) !x$isRoot && x$player == 1) field <- Get(t, "f") value <- Get(t, function(x) paste0("X", x$level - 1)) mineV[field] <- value t <- Traverse(node, traversal = "ancestor", filterFun = function(x) !x$isRoot && x$player == 2) field <- Get(t, "f") value <- Get(t, function(x) paste0("O", x$level - 1)) mineV[field] <- value mineM <- matrix(mineV, 3, 3, byrow = TRUE) rownames(mineM) <- letters[1:3] colnames(mineM) <- as.character(1:3) mineM }
The first number denotes the move (1 to 9). The second number is the player:
PrintBoard(ties[[1]]) ## 1 2 3 ## a "O2" "X3" "O4" ## b "X5" "O6" "X7" ## c "X1" "O8" "X9"
We could now move on to define a minimax optimisation criteria, or a heuristic search.
Exercise: Do the same for Chess!
The post Solving Tic-Tac-Toe with R data.tree appeared first on ipub.
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