mapview 0.5.0
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I have put some more effort into mapview.
The current version 0.5.0 has some new features which make the whole experience much more user-friendly.
In a nutshell, changes/additions are as follows:
is now also defined for SpatialPixelsDataFrame- all Spatial * DataFrame methods have gained argument
to select specific columns from the attribute table - SpatialPointsDataFrame method has gained argument
to scale the circles according to another variable - added
to render true-/false-color images of RatserStacks/Bricks (likeraster::plotRGB
) - added
to view the extent/bbox of Raster/Spatial objects. This is useful for large objects as only the four corners of the extent need to be reprojected (usingraster::projectExtent
) - defined
to easily add layers to a leaflet/mapview map or combine existing maps - defined class 'mapview' which has two slots
- @object – a list with all objects that are shown on the map
- @map – the map
- Raster* methods have gained argument
to avoid long rendering times (by default set to 500000 pixels which produces acceptable times on my machine) - enhanced leaflet integration so that you can use leaflet maps and add features using mapview (e.g.
) or use mapview to create maps and add functionality provided by leaflet (using e.g.%>%
As an example, this means that you can now do things like
mapView(meuse.grid, zcol = "soil") + viewExtent(meuse) + meuse
to view all points of meuse
plus their extent
on top of a raster layer of meuse.grid$soil
All new functionality is highlighted in detail in the demo at
(the .Rmd source of which is now also included as a vignette in the package)
The package repository can be found at
To install the package use
library(devtools) install_github("environmentalinformatics-marburg/mapview")
I hope this update will prove useful for some of you.
Don't hesitate to send me feedback and/or suggestions.
Formal bug reports and feature requests should be filed at
Here's an example of viewRGB()
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