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At the recent International Symposium on Forecasting, held in Riverside, California, Tillman Gneiting gave a great talk on “Evaluating forecasts: why proper scoring rules and consistent scoring functions matter”. It will be the subject of an IJF invited paper in due course.
One of the things he talked about was the “Murphy diagram” for comparing forecasts, as proposed in Ehm et al (2015). Here’s how it works for comparing mean forecasts.
It is well-known that the mean of the forecast distribution is obtained by minimizing the squared error loss function,
An old result that is not so well known is that there are other loss functions which would also lead to the forecast mean. In fact, Savage (1971) showed that any scoring function is consistent for the mean if and only if it is of the form
where the function
Ehm et al (2015) showed that any scoring function satisfying condition (1) can be written as
So if we have point forecasts for
and plot this as a function of
I have written some R code for producing these plots. Here it is applied to rolling one-step forecasts computed using ETS and ARIMA models. The data was simulated from an ARIMA model, so we would expect the ARIMA forecasts to be better:
source("http://robjhyndman.com/Rfiles/murphy.R") library(forecast) y <- arima.sim(n = 300, list(ar = c(0.8897, -0.4858), ma = c(-0.2279, 0.2488)), sd = sqrt(0.1796)) # Rolling one-step forecasts f1 <- f2 <- ts(numeric(300)*NA) for(i in 30:299) { fit1 <- ets(window(y,end=i)) fit2 <- auto.arima(window(y,end=i)) f1[i+1] <- forecast(fit1, PI=FALSE, h=1)$mean f2[i+1] <- forecast(fit2, h=1)$mean } murphydiagram(y, f1, f2) legend("topleft", lty=1, col=c("blue","red"), legend=c("ETS","ARIMA")) murphydiagram(y, f1, f2, type='diff', main="ETS - ARIMA") |
The shaded region shows 95% pointwise confidence intervals for the difference between the two functions.
Currently my R code only works for the mean function, but it would be easy enough to modify the function to handle quantiles and expectiles as well.
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