Call for participation: AusDM 2015, Sydney, 8-9 August
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The 13th Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015)
Sydney, Australia, 8–9 August 2015
The Australasian Data Mining Conference is devoted to the art and science of intelligent data mining: the meaningful analysis of (usually large) data sets to discover relationships and present the data in novel ways that are compact, comprehensible and useful for researchers and practitioners.
This conference will bring together the Data Mining and Business Analytics community researchers and practitioners to share and learn of research and progress in the local context and new breakthroughs in data mining algorithms and their applications.
Discovering Negative Links on Social Networking Sites
Prof Huan Liu, Arizona State University
Large Scale Metric Learning using Locality Sensitive Hashing
Prof Ramamohanarao Kotagiri, University of Melbourne
Big Data for Everyone
Prof Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University
Big Data Mining and Data Science
Prof Yong Shi, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Deep Broad Learning – Big Models for Big Data
Prof Geoff Webb, Monash University
Algorithm acceleration for high throughout biology
Prof Wei Wang, University of California, Los Angeles
Big Data Analytics in Business Environments
Prof Hui Xiong, State University of New Jersey
On Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks
Prof Phillip Yu, University of Illinois at Chicago
Resource Management in Cloud Computing Systems
Prof Albert Zomaya, University of Sydney
Big Data Algorithms and Clinical Applications
A/Prof Yixin Chen, Washington University
Defining Data Science
Prof Yangyong Zhu, Fudan University
Learning with Big Data by Incremental Optimization of Performance Measures
Prof Zhi-Hua Zhou, Nanjinf University
Accepted Papers
Research Track:
FSMEC: A Feature Selection Method based on the Minimum Spanning Tree and Evolutionary Computation
Amer Abu Zaher, Regina Berretta, Ahmed Shamsul Arefin and Pablo Moscato
Mining Productive Emerging Patterns and Their Application in Trend Prediction
Vincent Mwintieru Nofong
Detection of Structural Changes in Data Streams
Ross Callister, Mihai Lazarescu and Duc-Son Pham
Multiple Imputation on Partitioned Datasets
Michael Furner and Md Zahidul Islam
Particle Swarm Optimisation for Feature Selection: A Size-Controlled Approach
Bing Xue and Mengjie Zhang
Complement Random Forest
Md Nasim Adnan and Zahid Islam
Aspect-Based Opinion Mining from Product Reviews Using Conditional Random Fields
Amani Samha, Yuefeng Li and Jinglan Zhang
On Ranking Nodes using kNN Graphs, Shortest-paths and GPUs
Ahmed Shamsul Arefin, Regina Berretta and Pablo Moscato
Link Prediction and Topological Feature Importance in Social Networks
Stephan Curiskis, Thomas Osborn and Paul Kennedy
AWST: A Novel Attribute Weight Selection Technique for Data Clustering
Md Anisur Rahman and Md Zahidul Islam
Genetic Programming Using Two Blocks To Extract Edge Features
Wenlong Fu, Mengjie Zhang and Mark Johnston
Designing a knowledge-based schema matching system for schema mapping
Sarawat Anam and Byeong Ho Kang
A Differentially Private Decision Forest
Sam Fletcher and Md Zahidul Islam
Industry Track:
Improving Bridge Deterioration Modelling Using Rainfall Data from the Bureau of Meteorology
Qing Huang, Kok-Leong Ong and Damminda Alahakoon
An Industrial Application of Rotation Forest: Transformer Health Diagnosis
Tamilalagan Natarajan, Duc-Son Pham and Mihai Lazarescu
Non-Invasive Attributes Significance in the Risk Evaluation of Heart Disease Using Decision Tree Analysis
Mai Shouman and Tim Turner
An Improved SMO Algorithm for Credit Risk Evaluation
Jue Wang, Aiguo Lu and Xuemei Jiang
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