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Segmentation of methylation profiles using methylKit

[This article was first published on Recipes, scripts and genomics, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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methylKit is an R package for DNA methylation analysis and annotation using high-throughput bisulfite sequencing data. We recently included a new function in methylKit called methSeg(). The function can segment methylation profiles (methylRaw objects) or differential methylation profiles (methylDiff objects). Currently the function is available on a different branch for development. You can install the version of methylKit that has the segmentation functionality as shown below. We will move it to the master branch once we have more feedback for the function.


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In the context of methylation, we first extract segments between change points of the signal (methylation profiles) then cluster those segments into groups based on the mean methylation values of the segments. In this case, a segment is a region of the genome where CpGs have similar methylation values. We cluster those segments into segment groups using mixture modeling. The segment groups correspond to highly methylated regions or lowly methylated regions. Since this is an unsupervised method, we can find more patterns than just highly or lowly methylated regions. The users have to further overlap the segments with other marks and annotation such as promoters, H3K27ac or other histone modifications to associate segment groups with functional annotation.
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Use case and example

Below, we are using methylation data from Roadmap Epigenomics H1 cell line. The code demonstrates how to use the function and export the results to a BED file. Similarly, we can apply this function on differential methylation profiles, where values range between -100 and 100. Do help(methSeg) to see the help page for the function.

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