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Processing an XL grading sheet with R

[This article was first published on tuxette-chix » R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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This tutorial is dedicated to Vincent and to Erwan, the former for proposing me an interesting challenge to solve with R and the latter for his suspicious remarks about the language not being suited for this kind of task.
Disclaimer: of course, this script can not be used on a computer with Windows OS… ;)

Problem description

When correcting students’ essays, some teachers prefer filling a worksheet with detailed grading for every question in the essay (I must confess that you must be a bit mental to do it but actually… I do it). Well, this kind of detailed grading of an essay can be directly stored in a XL (yeah…) file and the teacher does not write anything on the students’ essay. The file looks like this file NotesPartiel.xls, which is provided as an example (the marks are real but the names are not). It looks like this:
with the first row containing the questions’ numbers, the second, the questions’ full mark and then, the detailed grades for every student. The first two columns contain the students’ first and last names.

The challenge was to code an R script for creating a PDF file that contains a page with the name and detailed marks for every student. To do so, I used:

Solution part 1: Rscript

The R script first contains a customizable part in which the user can define: