Age & Growth with R (Portland, Oregon)
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I (and Northland alum Taylor Stewart) will be leading a continuing education course on using R for typical age and growth analyses as part of the national American Fisheries Society conference in Portland, OR. Here is the announcement on the conference webpage (scroll to near the bottom). I have also pasted it below for convenience. Let me know if you have any questions.
NEW! Age and Growth Analyses with R
Dr. Derek H. Ogle, Northland College; [email protected]
This one-day course is for fisheries professionals interested in expanding their R skills to include analysis of age and growth data. Through a sequence of demonstrations and hands-on application exercises, participants will use R to construct appropriate metrics and graphics for comparing precision (APE, CV) and bias (age agreement table, tests of symmetry, and age-bias plots) between two sets of estimated ages, construct and apply an age-length key to estimate ages of individual fish from their lengths, summarize mean length-at-age with a von Bertalanffy growth model, and statistically compare von Bertalanffy growth model parameters between two or more groups of fish. Participants should be familiar with the fundamentals of R, including basic applications.
Student member: $140
Student non-member: $165
Young professional member: $165
Member: $207
Non-member: $292
Filed under: Fisheries Science, R Tagged: Age, Age Bias, Age Comparisons, Age-Length Key, Growth, R, Workshop offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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