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As a Data Scientist it is my Obligation to support #nobagida, #nopegida and any other #no[a-z]{2}gida today :)

[This article was first published on joy of data » R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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barplot(rep(1,10), main="")
mtext("#[a-z]{2}gida = ...", side=3, adj=.1, line=1, cex=2, col=rgb(.4,.4,.4))

barplot(runif(10,.5,1.5), col=rainbow(10), main="")
mtext("#no[a-z]{2}gida = ...", side=3, adj=.1, line=1, cex=3)

mtext("[]", side=1, adj=.9, line=.4, cex=.9)


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