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A beautiful story about NYC weather

[This article was first published on Revolutions, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Inspired by Tufte's classic visualization of New York City weather in 2013, Alex Bresler used the R language to update the chart for 2014:

NYC weather

(Click the image to view the zoomable SVG version.) The R code to create the plot is available on GitHub, and is easily adapted to display data for any of the other cities provided in the University of Dayton Average Daily Temperature Archive. Here's the version for Chicago:


This one doesn't include the annotations, since the labels on the NYC were added by Alex by adding to the ggplot2 object directly (which I didn't attempt for Chicago). But the annotations are really the highlight of the plot: following Tufte, these are what tell the story of NYC's weather last year. (But you can sure see that Chicago was damn cold last winter!)

Musings, Lessons, Analysis, and Visualizations by Alex Bresler: Visualizing New York City's 2014 Weather (via Hilary Parker)

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