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9 new R jobs (for December 3rd 2014) – from ebay and more

This is the bimonthly R Jobs post (for 2014-12-03), based on the R-bloggers’ sister website:

If you are an employer who is looking to hire people from the R community, please visit this link to post a new R job (it’s free, and registration takes less than 10 seconds).

If you are a job seekers, please follow the links below to learn more and apply for your job of interest (or visit previous R jobs posts).

  1. Freelance
    R programmer for spatial data – Germany jessica.schnell
    Radolfzell am Bodensee Baden-Württemberg, Germany
    3 Dec2014
  2. Full-Time
    Tree Improvement Analysts and DataBase Manager North Carolina State University – Posted by Fikret
    Raleigh North Carolina, United States
    2 Dec2014
  3. Freelance
    Freelance Shiny app developer instuit
    1 Dec2014
  4. Full-Time
    Statistical and Methodological Consultant at the Center for Open Science Center for Open Science – Posted by Katy Cain
    Charlottesville Virginia, United States
    25 Nov2014
  5. Full-Time
    Research Engineer/Applied Researcher at eBay ajinkya
    San Jose California, United States
    25 Nov2014
  6. Full-Time
    The Channel 4 Data Planning & Analytics PhD Scholarship 2015 Channel 4 – Posted by Sally Alexander
    London England, United Kingdom
    24 Nov2014
  7. Freelance
    Looking for a partner to code an algorithm which will trade pairs in R Gilad – Posted by giladbi
    24 Nov2014
  8. Full-Time
    Data Scientist for – Posted by
    Amsterdam Noord-Holland, Netherlands
    21 Nov2014
  9. Full-Time
    Data Scientist for MachinePulse in Mumbai MachinePulse – Posted by MachinePulse
    Mumbai Maharashtra, India
    19 Nov2014