We have uploaded version 2.1.2 to CRAN. The windows and mac binaries have been compiled and the tarball is available.
Version 2.1.2 comes with some small changes and new features:
New functions
advanced.procD.lm()for statistically comparing two or more explanatory models. This function is brought to geomorph by Mike Collyer, and can be tested by using the new dataset pupfish.
To warp a specimen outline to the reference, we have added a new function called warpRefOutline(). Also, we have added warping of outline in plotRefToTarget() These functions together allows the visualisation of 2D datasets. More details on how to use this feature are available in the helpguide.
Other New features We have added a ShowPlot option to two.b.pls(). And Mike Collyer has been working on improving the lm functions, now adding RRPP option to procD.pgls(). Emma