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Tomorrow, for the final lecture of the Mathematical Statistics course, I will try to illustrate – using Monte Carlo simulations – the difference between classical statistics, and the Bayesien approach.
The (simple) way I see it is the following,
- for frequentists, a probability is a measure of the the frequency of repeated events, so the interpretation is that parameters are fixed (but unknown), and data are random
- for Bayesians, a probability is a measure of the degree of certainty about values, so the interpretation is that parameters are random and data are fixed
Or to quote Frequentism and Bayesianism: A Python-driven Primer, a Bayesian statistician would say “given our observed data, there is a 95% probability that the true value of
To get more intuition about those quotes, consider a simple problem, with Bernoulli trials, with insurance claims. We want to derive some confidence interval for the probability to claim a loss. There were
Consider the standard (frequentist) confidence interval. What does that mean that
is the (asymptotic) 95% confidence interval? The way I see it is very simple. Let us generate some samples, of size
> xbar <- 159 > n <- 1047 > ns <- 100 > M=matrix(rbinom(n*ns,size=1,prob=xbar/n),nrow=n)
I generate 100 samples of size
> fIC=function(x) mean(x)+c(-1,1)*1.96*sqrt(mean(x)*(1-mean(x)))/sqrt(n) > IC=t(apply(M,2,fIC)) > MN=apply(M,2,mean)
Then we plot all those confidence intervals. In red when they do not contain the empirical mean
> k=(xbar/n<IC[,1])|(xbar/n>IC[,2]) > plot(MN,1:ns,xlim=range(IC),axes=FALSE, + xlab="",ylab="",pch=19,cex=.7, + col=c("blue","red")[1+k]) > axis(1) > segments(IC[,1],1:ns,IC[,2],1: + ns,col=c("blue","red")[1+k]) > abline(v=xbar/n)
Now, what about the Bayesian credible interval ? Assume that the prior distribution for the probability to claim a loss has a
Based on that property, the confidence interval is based on quantiles of that (posterior) distribution
> u=seq(.1,.2,length=501) > v=dbeta(u,1+xbar,1+n-xbar) > plot(u,v,axes=FALSE,type="l") > I=u<qbeta(.025,1+xbar,1+n-xbar) > polygon(c(u[I],rev(u[I])),c(v[I], + rep(0,sum(I))),col="red",density=30,border=NA) > I=u>qbeta(.975,1+xbar,1+n-xbar) > polygon(c(u[I],rev(u[I])),c(v[I], + rep(0,sum(I))),col="red",density=30,border=NA) > axis(1)
What does that mean, here, that we have a 95% credible interval. Well, this time, we do not draw using the empirical mean, but some possible probability, based on that posterior distribution (given the observations)
> pk <- rbeta(ns,1+xbar,1+n-xbar)
In green, below, we can visualize the histogram of those values
> hist(pk,prob=TRUE,col="light green", + border="white",axes=FALSE, + main="",xlab="",ylab="",lwd=3,xlim=c(.12,.18))
And here again, let us generate samples, and compute the empirical probabilities,
> M=matrix(rbinom(n*ns,size=1,prob=rep(pk, + each=n)),nrow=n) > MN=apply(M,2,mean)
Here, there is 95% chance that those empirical means lie in the credible interval, defined using quantiles of the posterior distribution. We can actually visualize all those means : in black the mean used to generate the sample, and then, in blue or red, the averages obtained on those simulated samples,
> abline(v=qbeta(c(.025,.975),1+xbar,1+ + n-xbar),col="red",lty=2) > points(pk,seq(1,40,length=ns),pch=19,cex=.7) > k=(MN<qbeta(.025,1+xbar,1+n-xbar))| + (MN>qbeta(.975,1+xbar,1+n-xbar)) > points(MN,seq(1,40,length=ns), + pch=19,cex=.7,col=c("blue","red")[1+k]) > segments(MN,seq(1,40,length=ns), + pk,seq(1,40,length=ns),col="grey")
More details and exemple on Bayesian statistics, seen with the eyes of a (probably) not Bayesian statistician in my slides, from my talk in London, last Summer,
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