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Part 2 of Who We Are: Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM)

[This article was first published on Decision Science News » R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Last week, we looked at where the Society for Judgment and Decision Making members were from in terms of academic areas. This week we look at where they’re from geographically.

To start, we note that most members (1195/1714 or 70%) are from the USA.


Inside the USA, there are members in 45 states, as seen at the top of the page. The states with more than 5 members are these:


Outside the US, we have members in North America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, South America and Africa.

And those regions comprise 39 countries. Here are the countries with more than 5 members.

Now, you’re probably wanting to reproduce these graphs. Or, if you’re like most people, you aren’t.

You’ll need directory.csv.gz, state_table.csv.gz, and regions.csv.gz. And the code below.

H/T to @winston_chang’s R Graphics Cookbook, from which I borrowed a code snippet or two.

The post Part 2 of Who We Are: Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) appeared first on Decision Science News.

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