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Here is a short post on how to generate a quick slope field in R and Python.
If you do not know what a slope field is, well I am not the best person to explain it to you since it is a relative new concept for me as well. From what I’ve understood on the subject, a slope field is a graphical way to sort out a first-order differential equation and get a grasp at the solution without having to solve it analytically.
As the Wikipedia’s page says, “it may be used to qualitatively visualize solutions, or to numerically approximate them.”
In general, I feel safe saying that a slope field is some sort of a graphical approach to a differential equation.
Say you have the following differential equation:
drawing the slope field would look something like this:
In Python (without arrows)
and in R (with arrows, x=f and y=h)
Of course these plots are just very quick and can be improved.
Here is the Python code I used to draw them.
And the R code
Here is a beautiful slope field for the following differential equation:
![clip_image002[10] clip_image002[10]](https://i1.wp.com/lh4.ggpht.com/-wfVoyYs27W0/VB9JJCZ8TFI/AAAAAAAAAeg/nDDQspcewbE/clip_image002%25255B10%25255D_thumb%25255B1%25255D.png?resize=67%2C20)
If you need a quick tool for drawing slope fields, this online resource is good, click here.
Hope this was interesting.
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