The RSelenium R Package (Free Webinar)
The Orange County R User Group (OC-RUG) will soon host a free webinar on the new “RSelenium” R Package which provides a set of R bindings for the Selenium 2.0 webdriver using the JsonWireProtocol. Using RSelenium, you can automate web browsers locally or remotely in order to test various web apps, such as Shiny applications – for example.
Webinar Format:
– Introduction to the RSelenium R package
– Live Demonstration
– Question and Answer period
Date: May 21, 2014 at 10 am Pacific (California) time
John Harrison, RSelenium package author/maintainer
For more information on the RSelenium package, please visit this site:
Please note that in addition to attending from your laptop or desktop computer, you can also attend from a Wi-Fi connected iPhone, iPad, Android phone or Android tablet by installing the GoToMeeting App.
Registration is below: