useR!2014 at UCLA is open for registration
The Organizing Committee of userR!2014 at UCLA, to be held June 30th through July 3rd, is pleased to announce the opening of registration on its website:
Discounted prices for early registration are effective through 5/10/14, after which regular registration prices will be in place.
The specific program schedule will be announced very soon, so do please check back regularly on the website even after you’ve registered. Details about accommodations at the campus Conference Center as well as discounted rates at several local hotels in the area are already posted, along with other information you may find useful. The registration process uses an easy web-based system that will allow you to register for the Conference, and also to reserve lodging if you choose to stay on campus, by using your credit card (in US dollars). Institutional or business checks are also allowed (no personal checks can be accepted) but these must be received by June 1, 2014.
We very much look forward to meeting members of the world-wide R community! If this will be your first visit to Los Angeles or you’re already familiar with the charms of Southern California, we’ll work hard to help ensure it’s a great experience.