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Norm Matloff: Mad(Data)Scientist

[This article was first published on Revolutions, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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by Joseph Rickert

Norman Matloff professor of computer science at UC Davis, and founding member of the UCD Dept. of Statistics has begun posting as Mad(Data)Scientist. (You may know Norm from his book, The Art of R Programming: NSP, 2011.) In his second post (out today) on the new R package, freqparcoord, that he wrote with Yinkang Xie, Norm looks into outliers in baseball data.

> library(freqparcoord)
> data(mlb)
> freqparcoord(mlb,-3,4:6,7)



We would like to welcome Norm as a new R blogger and we are looking forward to future posts!

Mad(Data)Scientist: More on freqparcoord

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