Text Mining Gun Deaths Data
[This article was first published on Econometrics by Simulation, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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In this post I will explore public data being collected by Slate. I previously released code using a much early set of this data demonstrating how to turn this data into an animated map.
This data began collection as a public response to the horrifying shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in December of 2012 in an attempt to create a database of all of the deaths as a result of guns in the US. Since its creation, the database has expanded to a list of over 12,000 deaths in a little over a year.
In this post I will explore a little of that database as well scrape the web for additional data from the articles listed on the database.
This data began collection as a public response to the horrifying shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in December of 2012 in an attempt to create a database of all of the deaths as a result of guns in the US. Since its creation, the database has expanded to a list of over 12,000 deaths in a little over a year.
In this post I will explore a little of that database as well scrape the web for additional data from the articles listed on the database.
# Let's load the raw data: gun.deaths <- read.csv( "http://slate-interactives-prod.elasticbeanstalk.com/gun-deaths/getCSV.php") tail(gun.deaths) summary(gun.deaths) # We can see that the vast majority of gun deaths are among men with 10,153 # and only 1,850 among women. The mean age is 33.34 while the median age is # a little lower are 30. Interestingly the maximum age is 107. What # information is not provided though would be interesting would be cause of # death such murder, suicide, accident, etc. library(XML) # Read and parse HTML file gun.deaths.text <- list() html.last <- "" # The following code will grab all 12k+ article text. I have a somewhat # slow internet # This will allow you to gather some of the text and come back to it at a # future point if you decide not to wait for it to ping all 12k websites. for (i in (length(gun.deaths.text)+1):nrow(gun.deaths)) { print(paste("reading html #", i)) # The following code I borrow from a post on Quantum Forest. # It grabs the text between paragrahs from HTML documents. # www.quantumforest.com/2011/10/reading-html-pages-in-r-for-text-processing/ try(doc.html <- htmlTreeParse(gun.deaths$url[i], useInternal = TRUE)) # I have added a few 'try' error handling functions so that the web scraping # loop does not stop when there is a missing URL. if (is.null(doc.html)) doc.html <- html.last doc.text = unlist(try(xpathApply(doc.html, '//p', xmlValue))) doc.text = gsub('\\n', ' ', doc.text) doc.text = paste(doc.text, collapse = ' ') if (identical(html.last, doc.html)) doc.text <- "ERROR Source DROPPED" gun.deaths.text[i] <- list(doc.text) # Save the last html read as the current so that dropped documents are not # counted twice. html.last <- doc.html } length(gun.deaths.text) # for the following results I only collect the first ~3000 results # I suggest saving the data after you have downloaded it all. save(gun.deaths.text, file="gun.deaths.text.Rdata") load("gun.deaths.text.Rdata") # We will use the text mining library library(tm) # We first turn our list of articles into a corpus gun.deaths.corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(gun.deaths.text)) # Then we lowercase the words in that list. gun.deaths.corpus <- tm_map(gun.deaths.corpus, tolower) # This will create a matrix that lists all of the words # and how frequently they appear in each article. # It can be very long. dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(gun.deaths.corpus) freqTerms <- findFreqTerms(dtm, 550) dtmDic <- as.data.frame(inspect(DocumentTermMatrix(gun.deaths.corpus, list(dictionary = sort(c("suspect", "suspects", "gunman", "fatally", "slaying","witnesses", "victim" , "victims", "homicide", "drug", "crime", "accidentally", "multiple", "suicide", "accidental", "killed","children", "student", "teacher", "charged", "arrested", "self-defense", "defend")))))) ndict <- ncol(dtmDic) nobs <- nrow(dtmDic) # Let's drop the information about frequency of word use and just ask whether # different words were used. bimydf <- as.data.frame(dtmDic*0+1*(dtmDic>0)) # Let's see some word frequencies plotted # First we want to count probability of word use for each article perc <- apply(bimydf,2,mean) # I will now create my first bead plot to be saved to the hard drive png("2013-03-13GunDeaths1.png", width = 650, height = 400) # Adjust the margins par(mar=c(5,2,3,1)) # Plot the beads plot(perc, xaxt = "n", xlab="", ylab="%", cex=1.5, main="Percent of Articles Using Word",pch=19) # Add guide lines for (i in 1:ndict) abline(v=i, col=gray(.9-.1*(i %% 4)), lwd=1) # Add text to identify each bead text(cex=1, x=1:length(perc)+.5, y=-.015, names(perc), xpd=TRUE, srt=60, pos=2) dev.off()
# This is interesting. Homicide and crime are common while accidentally # and suicide are quite low. # Let's creating a valiable that is 1 to count how frequently a word such #as homocide,gunman, victim, etc appears. violent <- bimydf$homicide+bimydf$gunman+bimydf$victim+ bimydf$victims+bimydf$victims+bimydf$crime+bimydf$suspect+ bimydf$suspects+bimydf$slaying # The average number of references to any of the above terms per article # is 2. summary(violent[doc.text != "ERROR Source DROPPED"]) violent.bi <- as.numeric(violent>0) summary(violent.bi[doc.text != "ERROR Source DROPPED"]) # 58% of the articles seem to have some reference to violence or crime with(bimydf, cor(data.frame(violent.bi, suicide, accidental, accidentally, multiple, children, drug))) # Looking at a correlation matrix we find more results. Our violent crime # variable is negatively correlated with suicide, accidental, and accidentally # while strongly correlated with multiple, children, and drug. # Next I will plot out our data over time with each death being mapped. library("RColorBrewer") # I use color brewer to mix a brew of colors with blues representing the # youngest aged victims and darkred representing the oldest victims. collist <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "darkred")) (50) # Prepare to save as png png("2013-03-13GunDeaths2.png", width = 650, height = 1200) # I adjust the margins. par(mar=c(5,1,3,1)) # Open a plot window plot(0,0, xlim=c(.75,ndict-.5), ylim=c(.03,.97), type="n", xaxt = "n", xlab="", yaxt = "n", ylab="Account", main="Wordcount Beadplot-US Gun Deaths Articles") # Name the columns text(cex=1, x=1:ndict, y=-.015, colnames(dtmDic), xpd=TRUE, srt=60, pos=2) # Insert column guides for (i in 1:ndict) abline(v=i-.25, col=gray(.9-.1*(i %% 4)), lwd=4) # Insert a small horizontal line for each word associated with # each article for (i in 1:ndict) for (ii in 1:nobs) if (dtmDic[ii,i]>0) lines(c(i-.75,i+.15),c(ii/nobs,ii/nobs), col=collist[min(gun.deaths$age[ii],50)], lwd=.5) dev.off()
# Blue is young child victim while dark red is a victim who is 50 years or older.
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