R 101: Summarizing Data
[This article was first published on Mathew Analytics » R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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When working with large amounts of data that is structured in a tabular format, a common operation is to summarize that data in different ways using specific variables. In Microsoft Excel, pivot tables are a nice feature that is used for this purpose. While not as “efficient” in relation to Excel pivot tables, R also has similar calculations that can be used to summarize large amount of data. In the following R code, I utilize R to summarize a data frame by specific variables.
## CREATE DATA dat = data.frame( name=c("Tony","James","Sara","Alice","David","Angie","Don","Faith","Becky","Jenny", "Kristi","Neil","Brandon","Kara","Kendra","Liz","Gina","Amber","Alice","George"), state=c("KS","IA","CA","FL","MI","CO","KA","CO","KS","CA","MN","FL","NM","MS","GA", "IA","IL","ID","NY","NJ"), gender=c("M","M","F","F","F","M","F","M","F","F","F","M","M","F","F","F","F","F","F","M"), marital_status=c("M","S","S","S","M","M","S","M","S","M","M","S","S","S","M","M","S","M","S","M"), credit=c("good","good","poor","fair","poor","fair","fair","fair","good","fair", "good","good","poor","fair","poor","fair","fair","fair","good","fair"), owns_home=c(0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1), cost=c(500,200,300,150,200,300,400,450,250,150,500,200,300,150,200,300,400,450,250,150)) ## AGGREGATE FUNCTION FROM BASE R aggregate(cost ~ marital_status, data=dat, FUN=mean) aggregate(cost ~ marital_status + gender, data=dat, FUN=mean) aggregate(cost ~ marital_status + credit + gender, data=dat, FUN=mean) ## SUMMARY BY IN DOBY: library(doBy) summaryBy(cost ~ marital_status, data=dat, FUN=c(mean, sd)) summaryBy(cost ~ gender, data=dat, FUN=c(mean, sd)) summaryBy(cost ~ credit, data=dat, FUN=c(mean, sd)) ## DDPLY IN PLYR library(plyr) ddply(dat, .(credit), "nrow") ddply(dat, .(credit, gender), "nrow") ddply(dat, .(marital_status), summarise, avg=mean(cost)) ddply(dat, .(marital_status, gender), summarise, avg=mean(cost)) ddply(dat, .(marital_status, gender, credit), summarise, avg=mean(cost)) ## DPLYR PACKAGE library(dplyr) Good = filter(dat, credit=="good") Good arrange(Good, desc(cost)) select(Good, owns_home, cost) mutate(Good, New_Value=cost/5) by.type <- group_by(Good, gender) summarise(by.type, num.types = n(), counts = sum(cost)) ## SQLDF PACKAGE library(sqldf) sqldf("SELECT gender, COUNT(*) FROM dat GROUP BY gender") sqldf("SELECT gender, credit, COUNT(*) FROM dat GROUP BY gender, credit") sqldf("SELECT gender, credit, COUNT(*), AVG(cost) FROM dat GROUP BY gender, credit")

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