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RcppBDT 0.2.2

[This article was first published on Thinking inside the box , and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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A new maintenance release of the RcppBDT package is now on CRAN. There is no new code in this; it mainly accomodates a request by CRAN to standardize the \code{Imports:} and \code{Depends:} relationships in the \code{DESCRIPTION} file. We also updated the build process now that we can use Rcpp 0.11.0.

Having said that, there is a lot of new code in the git repository but I guess I’ll talk about that when I can make a new upload. Yesterday, this balked because win-builder felt the need for a long long int in 64-bit mode which we can provide once C++11 will be permitted under R 3.1.0, due out in April. Oddly, no such need arose in 64-bit Linux. Oh well.

The complete NEWS entry is below:

Changes in version 0.2.2 (2014-02-21)

  • Updates to current CRAN Policy standards for Depends: and Imports: in DESCRIPTION

  • Also take advantage of new Rcpp 0.11.0 build options

  • New code remains in GitHub repo master branch until R 3.1.0 is release so that we can use C++11 in order to get the long long int support without which the package does not build on Windows (whereas Linux is fine)

Courtesy of CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for 0.2.2 relative to 0.2.1. As always, feedback is welcome and the rcpp-devel mailing list off the R-Forge page for Rcpp is the best place to start a discussion.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

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