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ShareLaTeX (click here to register a free account) is a wonderful and reliable on-line editor for writing and compiling LaTeX documents “in the cloud” as well as working together in real-time (imagine Google Docs supporting LaTeX => you get ShareLaTeX).
What is even more, the ShareLaTeX team recently announced that now its users are able to prepare documents using knitr!
Note that R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22) is only available.
Here is an exemplary chunk in an .Rtex
file giving the list of installed packages:
%% begin.rcode % cat(strwrap(paste(sort(rownames(installed.packages())), collapse=", "), % width=80), sep='\n') %% end.rcode
which results in:
## AER, BayesX, CircStats, CompQuadForm, DAAG, Ecdat, FMStable, Formula, HSAUR, ## KernSmooth, LearnBayes, MASS, MBESS, MCMCpack, MatchIt, Matching, Matrix, ## MatrixModels, PKPDmodels, R2WinBUGS, RANN, RColorBrewer, RUnit, Rcgmin, Rglpk, ## Rvmmin, SimComp, SparseM, TH.data, TSP, WhatIf, Zelig, abind, acepack, ade4, ## ade4TkGUI, adehabitatLT, adehabitatMA, akima, alr3, animation, ape, base, ## bdsmatrix, biclust, bitops, boot, caTools, candisc, car, cba, chron, class, ## clue, cluster, coda, codetools, coin, colorspace, compiler, corrgram, corrplot, ## coxme, cshapes, cubature, datasets, date, deldir, dfoptim, dichromat, digest, ## diveMove, doMC, dynlm, e1071, effects, ellipse, evaluate, expm, fBasics, ## flexclust, foreach, foreign, formatR, fts, gWidgets, gam, gbm, gclus, gdata, ## gee, geosphere, ggplot2, gpclib, grDevices, graphics, grid, gss, gstat, gtable, ## gtools, heplots, hexbin, highr, igraph, igraphdata, ineq, intervals, ipred, ## isa2, iterators, itertools, kernlab, knitr, labeling, lattice, latticeExtra, ## leaps, lmtest, locfit, logspline, lokern, lpSolve, mapdata, mapproj, maps, ## maptools, markdown, matrixcalc, mboost, methods, mgcv, mice, miscTools, ## mitools, mlbench, mnormt, modeltools, mratios, multcomp, munsell, mvtnorm, ## nlme, nnet, nor1mix, np, numDeriv, nws, optextras, optimx, oz, pan, parallel, ## party, pbivnorm, pcaPP, pixmap, plm, plyr, poLCA, polspline, polycor, polynom, ## prodlim, proto, proxy, pscl, quantreg, randomForest, rbounds, relations, ## reshape, reshape2, rlecuyer, rmeta, rpart, sandwich, scales, scatterplot3d, ## sem, seriation, setRNG, sets, sfsmisc, shapefiles, slam, snow, sp, spacetime, ## spatial, spdep, splancs, splines, stabledist, statmod, stats, stats4, stringr, ## strucchange, survey, survival, survival, svGUI, svUnit, systemfit, tcltk, ## testit, testthat, timeDate, timeSeries, tis, tools, tripack, tweedie, ucminf, ## urca, utils, vcd, waveslim, xtable, xts, zoo
Installation of new packages has been disabled (as well as any access to on-line resources). However, you may upload your data sets (e.g. in CSV format) to your projects and read them with R commands. It seems that the compilation takes place in a chroot
ed-like environment, so it is secure.
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