rrdf 2.0: Updates, some fixes, and a preprint
[This article was first published on chem-bla-ics, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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It all started 3.5 years ago with a question on BioStar: how can one import RDF into R and because lack of an answer, I hacked up rrdf. Previously, I showed two examples and a vignette. Apparently, it was a niche, and I received good feedback. And it is starting to get cited in literature, e.g. by Vissoci et al. Furthermore, I used it in the ropenphacts package so when I write that up, I like to have something to refer people to for detail about the used rrdf package.Want to share your content on R-bloggers? click here if you have a blog, or here if you don't.
Thus, during the x-mas holidays I wrote up what I had in my mind, resulting in this preprint on the PeerJ PrePrints server, for you to comment on.
Yes, please go ahead, read it, try the package (“install.packages(pkgs=c(“rrdf”))”), ask questions, and comment on the preprint. I anticipate to submit it to a peer-reviewed journal by the end of this month.
Along with the preprint, I updated the rrdf package (now at 2.0.2). These are the changes:
- added methods to read/write RDF from strings
- updated to Apache Jena 2.11 (yeah, I am hardly doing things from scratch)
- remote SPARQLing now skips Jena by default (add jena=TRUE to use it again)
- better conversion of SPARQL results to a matrix
- proper removal of language and types
- better handling of anonymous nodes
- also output variables (columns) if they have no data (thank to Alan Ruttenberg)
- fixed the output of supported formats in documentation and error messages

To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: chem-bla-ics.
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