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After the break (sadly without the ski race!), the software round-table session was something I was looking for. The four softwares covered by this round-table were BUGS, JAGS, STAN, and BiiPS, each presented according to the same pattern. I would have like to see a “battle of the bands”, illustrating pros & cons for each language on a couple of models & datasets. STAN got the officious prize for cool tee-shirts (we should have asked the STAN team for poster prize tee-shirts).
I called for a BayesComp meeting at 7:30, hoping for current and future members to show up and discuss the format of the future MCMski meetings, maybe even proposing new locations on other “sides of the Italian Alps”!
Filed under: Mountains, pictures, R, Statistics, Travel, University life Tagged: Alps, banquet, BayesComp, Bayesian model choice, BiiPS, BUGS, Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, flu, JAGS, MCMSki IV, ski race, software, STAN, statistical significance, tee-shirt

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