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Inference for ARMA(p,q) Time Series

[This article was first published on Freakonometrics » R-english, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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As we mentioned in our previous post, as soon as we have a moving average part, inference becomes more complicated. Again, to illustrate, we do not need a two general model. Consider, here, some,1) process,\phi%20X_{t-1}+\varepsilon_t+\theta%20\varepsilon_{t-1}

where\varepsilon_t) is some white noise, and assume further that\theta+\phi\neq0.

> theta=.7
> phi=.5
> n=1000
> Z=rep(0,n)
> set.seed(1)
> e=rnorm(n)
> for(t in 2:n) Z[t]=phi*Z[t-1]+e[t]+theta*e[t-1]
> Z=Z[800:1000]
> plot(Z,type="l")

To start with something simple, assume that we did miss the moving average component,\phi%20X_{t-1}+u_t

The estimator of\phi – by least squares – is not longer consistent. But still. We can still compute it

> base=data.frame(Y=Z[2:n],X=Z[1:(n-1)])
> regression=lm(Y~0+X,data=base)
> summary(regression)

lm(formula = Y ~ 0 + X, data = base)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.2445 -0.7909  0.0626  0.9707  3.0685 

  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
X  0.69571    0.05101   13.64   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 1.225 on 199 degrees of freedom
  (799 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared:  0.4832,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.4806 
F-statistic:   186 on 1 and 199 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

and then, we cancompute the autocorrelation of the noise,

> n=200
> cor(residuals(regression)[2:n],residuals(regression)[1:(n-1)])
[1] 0.2663076

or more formally, use Durbin-Watson estimator, to get autocorrelation of the noise (and some significance test)

> library(car)
> durbinWatsonTest(regression)
 lag Autocorrelation D-W Statistic p-value
   1       0.2656555       1.46323       0
 Alternative hypothesis: rho != 0

The point, here, is that we would like to assume that

meaning that  should be some  process. And

i.e.  is a root of this quadratic problem,

> polyroot(c(1,-1/cor(residuals(regression)[2:n],residuals(regression)[1:(n-1)]),1))
[1] 0.2884681+0i 3.4665883+0i

Here, we do have two positive roots. I would go for the one smaller than one, in order to be able to invert the polynomial, if necessary…

An alternative might be to use properties of the autocorrelation function,


Again, we have a set of three equations, with three unknown parameters. Numerically, it is possible to find some roots. If we run the code, we get

> v=c(as.numeric(acf(Z)$acf[2:3]),1)*var(Z)
> library(rootSolve)
> seteq=function(x){
+ F1=v[1]-x[3]^2*(x[2]^2+2*x[1]*x[2]+1)/(1-x[1]^2)
+ F2=v[2]-(x[1]*v[1]+x[2]*x[3]^2)
+ F3=v[3]-x[1]*v[2]
+ return(c(F1,F2,F3))}
> multiroot(f=seteq,start=c(.1,.1,1))
[1]  3.643734 -3.188145  1.427759

[1]  1.371170e-11 -3.714573e-11  0.000000e+00

[1] 8

[1] 1.695248e-11

Here, we have a situation…

We can use, here, the algorithm described in the context of  processes.

> V=function(p){
+ phi=p[1]
+ theta=p[2]
+ u=rep(0,length(Z))
+ for(t in 2:length(Z)) u[t]=Z[t]-phi*Z[t-1]-theta*u[t-1]
+ return(sum(u^2))
+ }
> p=optim(par=c(.1,.1),V)$par
[1] 0.3637783 0.7773845
> coef=c(p,sqrt(V(p)/(length(Z))))

which is not so bad. Actually, if we run that procecure on 1,000 samples, we get the following output

Last, but not least, one more time, we can use (global) maximum likelihood techniques, since the process is a Gaussian process (all finite dimensional vector will have a joint Gaussian distribution) if we assume that the noise is Gaussian.

> library(mnormt)
> GlobalLogLik=function(A,TS){
+ n=length(TS)
+ phi=A[1];  theta=A[2]
+ sigma=A[3]
+ SIG=matrix(0,n,n)
+ rho=rep(0,n)
+ rho[1]=sigma^2*(theta^2+2*phi*theta+1)/(1-phi^2)
+ rho[2]=phi*rho[1]+theta*sigma^2
+ for(h in 3:n) rho[h]=phi*rho[h-1]
+ for(i in 1:n){for(j in 1:n){
+ SIG[i,j]=rho[abs(i-j)+1]}}
+ return(dmnorm(TS,rep(0,n),SIG,log=TRUE))}
> LogL=function(A) -GlobalLogLik(A,TS=Z)
> optim(c(.1,.1,1),LogL)$par
[1] 0.3890991 0.7672036 1.0731340

It works fine, one more time. But maybe we got lucky here. We’ve seen in the post on autoregressive time series that the algorithm might fell if the time series is not stationary. In order to avoid such problems, we can consider a constraint optimization problem, where we simply recall that ,

> U=matrix(c(1,-1,0,0,0,0),2,3)
> C=-c(.999,.999)
> constrOptim(c(.1,.1,1),LogL,grad=NULL,ui=U,ci=C)
[1] 0.3890991 0.7672036 1.0731340

[1] 300.1956

function gradient 
     118       NA 

[1] 0


[1] 2

[1] -1.536358e-05

If we run that algorithm 1,000 times, on simulated time series (with the same parameters), we get

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