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Find integers x with 4 to 8 digits which are (a) perfect squares x=y² such that [x/100] is also a perfect square; (b) perfect cubes x=y³ such that [x/1000] is also a perfect cube; (c) perfect cubes x=y³ such that [x/100] is also a perfect cube (where [y] denotes here the integer part).
I first ran an R code in the train from Luxembourg that was not workng (the code not the train!), as I had started with
cubs=(34:999)^2 #perfect square cubs=cubs[cubs%%10>0] #no 0 at the end trubs=trunc(cubs/100) difs=apply(abs(outer(cubs,trubs,"-")),2,min) mots=cubs[difs==0]
If namely too high a lower bound in the list of perfect squares. It thus returned an empty set with good reasons. Using instead
cubs=(1:999)^2 #perfect square
produced the outcome
> mots [1] 121 144 169 196 441 484 961 1681
and hence the solution 1681. For the other questions, I used
trubs=(1:999)^3 for (i in 1:length(trubs)){ cubs=trubs[i]*100+(1:99) sol=abs(cubs-round(exp(log(cubs)/3))^3) if (min(sol)==0){ print(cubs[sol==0])} }
and got the outcome
[1] 125 [1] 2744
which means a solution of 2744. Same thing for
trubs=(1:999)^3 for (i in 1:length(trubs)){ cubs=trubs[i]*1000+(1:999) sol=abs(cubs-round(exp(log(cubs)/3))^3) if (min(sol)==0){ print(cubs[sol==0])} }
[1] 1331 1728
and two solutions. (Of course, writing things on a piece of paper goes way faster…)
Filed under: Books, Kids, R Tagged: Le Monde, mathematical puzzle, R
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