Double Box Plot package boxplotdbl 1.2.0 released
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This article describes changes from the first release on March 2013, including changes from the beta release of package boxplotdbl.
New features
Newly supported arguments:
- col
- factor.labels
- draw.legend
- shading
- shading.angle
- blackwhite
Implicitly supported arguments:
following boxplot color parameters were added.
- medcol
- whiskcol
- staplecol
- boxcol
- outcol
- outbg
Newly supported variable type in S3 method:
- factor
- accepts four vectors instead of two data.frames
- formula
- accepts two sets of formula and data.frame
- list
- accepts a saved stat output of boxplotdou.
Important changes
Following arguments were removed
at the release on April 2013, because these were actually not working;
, color.sheer
and pars
Output value format is changed.
Previous output is available as an item of $stat
. This change is to enable replay by previous output by bodplotdou.list(x, ...)
Roll of name.on.axis
argument was slightly changed,
is now to show lables by abbreviation (a, b, c, ...)
. Previsously, the value was to show labels by full name. To do the same, name.on.axis=NUL
L or =factor.labels
must be specified. The default action is unchanged, showing full names. The roll of FALSE
is unchanged. This change is to make the action compatible to factor.labels
Example of showing new features
boxplotdou(Sepal.Length~Species, iris, Sepal.Width~Species, iris, shading=TRUE, factor.labels=FALSE, name.on.axis=TRUE, boxcol='orange')
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