A Survey Tool Designed Entirely in Shiny Surveying Users of R
[This article was first published on Econometrics by Simulation, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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I have not commented my code so it is pretty messy right now. You can find the source on GitHub.
In order to run your own survey all you need do is edit the Qlist.csv file. It contains one row for each question and one column for the question text and additional columns for potential answers (which will enter the radio buttons). All of the questions will have the default option of “Prefer not to answer” selected. It should be easy to modify this option as well since you need only find where this text appears in the server.R code.
It should be equally easy to change the introductory message and the accreditation to me, though it would be nice if you left a link somewhere back to me.
I will comment the GitHub files as soon as I have chance. If people find this tool useful perhaps I will work on improving it. Please tell me if you find it useful or have suggestions for future improvements!
Please take note that it is really not up in running in a sustainable way since I was recently told that sometimes the ShinyApps.io server must be restarted which means that all of the files are restored to those when the app was originally set up.
To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Econometrics by Simulation.
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