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Music and snow.
Poke my eyes out
Perhaps your immediate response is: “I’d rather poke my eyes out with a burning stick than do data analysis.”
There’s a completely different reaction from a lot of people who have experienced data analysis.
It’s not entirely clear why humans like music so much. Part of it may be the guessing game we do. We perceive a pattern in the music and guess where it will go next. One of two things happens:
- we are gratified to be right
- we are surprised to be wrong
We like being surprised and we like being right, and we like the tension of not knowing which it will be. We look for patterns, and patterns within patterns.
We look for patterns, and patterns within patterns.
R is the grand piano
Twisting the metaphor beyond recognition, there’s a data analysis instrument that is outstanding at making music. It is called R. There are some technical reasons why R is good. There are also social reasons:
- it is the lingua franca of statistics
- it is rapidly growing in applied data analysis
- there are thousands of contributed packages (as of this writing 4953 in the main repository)
The dominant human sense is vision. That means learning — the key component of data analysis — is largely visual. Graphics are important.
In R you can imitate ugly and uninformative graphics as is common in some software.
Figure 3: Ugly and uninformative.
Figure 4: Strength of Facebook friendship by location.
Figure 5: The male to female ratio of death rates in Australia from 1921 (red) through the rainbow to 2009 (purple).
- The Play It by R package
- the sound of a tweet
It’s a thrill to discover something that no one else knows. Data analysis is one of the surest routes to that feeling. It’s like walking through fresh snow that no other creature has touched.
Joy drives the wheels in the great cosmic clock
from “Ode an die Freude” by Friedrich Schiller
Appendix R
The function that created Figure 3 is:
function (filename = "ugly.png") { if(length(filename)) { png(file=filename, width=512) par(mar=c(5,4, 1, 2) + .1) } x <- 2:11 y <- c(10,13,13,14,17,15,14,16,18,17) plot(x, y, xlim=c(0,15), ylim=c(0,20), xaxs="i", yaxs="i", type="o", col="darkblue", lwd=4, pch=15, cex=2, xlab="", ylab="") usr <- par("usr") polygon(c(usr[1], usr[2], usr[2], usr[1]), c(usr[3], usr[3], usr[4], usr[4]), col="gray70") abline(h=c(5,10,15)) lines(x, y, type="o", col="darkblue", lwd=4, pch=15, cex=2) if(length(filename)) { dev.off() } }
Photo credits
Flutist in Nepal by blaackhawk via stock.xchng
Fast piano by bornagain via stock.xchng
Snow by ezaqury via stock.xchng
See also
Maybe you were looking for The Joy of Stats.
The post The joy of data analysis appeared first on Burns Statistics.
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