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In a standard linear model, we assume that
- Polynomial regression
A natural extension might be to assume some polynomial function,
Again, in the standard linear model approach (with a conditional normal distribution using the GLM terminology), parameters
Even if this polynomial model is not the real one, it might still be a good approximation for
Just to illustrate, consider the following (simulated) dataset
set.seed(1) xr = seq(0,n,by=.1) yr = sin(xr/2)+rnorm(length(xr))/2 db = data.frame(x=xr,y=yr) plot(db)
with the standard regression line
reg = lm(y ~ x,data=db) abline(reg,col="red")
Consider some polynomial regression. If the degree of the polynomial function is large enough, any kind of pattern can be obtained,
But if the degree is too large, then too many ‘oscillations’ are obtained,
and the estimation might be be seen as no longer robust: if we change one point, there might be important (local) changes
plot(db) attach(db) lines(xr,predict(reg),col="red",lty=2) yrm=yr;yrm[31]=yr[31]-2 regm=lm(yrm~poly(xr,25)) lines(xr,predict(regm),col="red")
- Local regression
Actually, if our interest is to have locally a good approximation of
This can be done easily using a weighted regression, where, in the least square formulation, we consider
(it is possible to consider weights in the GLM framework, but let’s keep that for another post). Two comments here:
- here I consider a linear model, but any polynomial model can be considered. Even a constant one. In that case, the optimization problem is
- so far, nothing was mentioned about the weights. The idea is simple, here: if you can a good prediction at point
, then should be proportional to some distance between and : if is too far from , then it should not have to much influence on the prediction.
For instance, if we want to have a prediction at some point
Actually, here, it is the same as
A more general idea is to consider some kernel function
This is actually the so-called Nadaraya-Watson estimator of function
In the previous case, we did consider a uniform kernel
But using this weight function, with a strong discontinuity may not be the best idea… Why not a Gaussian kernel,
This can be done using
fitloc0 = function(x0){ w=dnorm((xr-x0)) reg=lm(y~1,data=db,weights=w) return(predict(reg,newdata=data.frame(x=x0)))}
On our dataset, we can plot
ul=seq(0,10,by=.01) vl0=Vectorize(fitloc0)(ul) u0=seq(-2,7,by=.01) linearlocalconst=function(x0){ w=dnorm((xr-x0)) plot(db,cex=abs(w)*4) lines(ul,vl0,col="red") axis(3) axis(2) reg=lm(y~1,data=db,weights=w) u=seq(0,10,by=.02) v=predict(reg,newdata=data.frame(x=u)) lines(u,v,col="red",lwd=2) abline(v=c(0,x0,10),lty=2) } linearlocalconst(2)
Here, we want a local regression at point 2. The horizonal line below is the regression (the size of the point is proportional to the wieght). The curve, in red, is the evolution of the local regression
Let us use an animation to visualize the construction of the curve. One can use
but for some reasons, I cannot install the package easily on Linux. And it is not a big deal. We can still use a loop to generate some graphs
vx0=seq(1,9,by=.1) vx0=c(vx0,rev(vx0)) graphloc=function(i){ name=paste("local-reg-",100+i,".png",sep="") png(name,600,400) linearlocalconst(vx0[i]) dev.off()} for(i in 1:length(vx0)) graphloc(i)
and then, in a terminal, I simply use
convert -delay 25 /home/freak/local-reg-1*.png /home/freak/local-reg.gif
Of course, it is possible to consider a linear model, locally,
fitloc1 = function(x0){ w=dnorm((xr-x0)) reg=lm(y~poly(x,degree=1),data=db,weights=w) return(predict(reg,newdata=data.frame(x=x0)))}
or even a quadratic (local) regression,
fitloc2 = function(x0){ w=dnorm((xr-x0)) reg=lm(y~poly(x,degree=2),data=db,weights=w) return(predict(reg,newdata=data.frame(x=x0)))}
Of course, we can change the bandwidth
To conclude the technical part this post, observe that, in practise, we have to choose the shape of the weight function (the so-called kernel). But there are (simple) technique to select the “optimal” bandwidth h. The idea of cross validation is to consider
Perhaps we can try on some real data? Inspired from a great post on http://f.briatte.org/teaching/ida/092_smoothing.html, by François Briatte, consider the Global Episode Opinion Survey, from some TV show, http://geos.tv/index.php/index?sid=189 , like Dexter.
library(XML) library(downloader) file = "geos-tww.csv" html = htmlParse("http://www.geos.tv/index.php/list?sid=189&collection=all") html = xpathApply(html, "//table[@id='collectionTable']")[[1]] data = readHTMLTable(html) data = data[,-3] names(data)=c("no",names(data)[-1]) data=data[-(61:64),]
Let us reshape the dataset,
data$no = 1:96 data$mu = as.numeric(substr(as.character(data$Mean), 0, 4)) data$se = sd(data$mu,na.rm=TRUE)/sqrt(as.numeric(as.character(data$Count))) data$season = 1 + (data$no - 1)%/%12 data$season = factor(data$season) plot(data$no,data$mu,ylim=c(6,10)) segments(data$no,data$mu-1.96*data$se, data$no,data$mu+1.96*data$se,col="light blue")
As done by François, we compute some kind of standard error, just to reflect uncertainty. But we won’t really use it.
plot(data$no,data$mu,ylim=c(6,10)) abline(v=12*(0:8)+.5,lty=2) for(s in 1:8){reg=lm(mu~no,data=db,subset=season==s) lines((s-1)*12+1:12,predict(reg)[1:12],col="red") }
Henre, we assume that all seasons should be considered as completely independent… which might not be a great assumption.
db = data NW = ksmooth(db$no,db$mu,kernel = "normal",bandwidth=5) plot(data$no,data$mu) lines(NW,col="red")
We can try to look the curve with a larger bandwidth. The problem is that there is a missing value, at the end. If we (arbitrarily) fill it, we can run a kernel regression,
db$mu[95]=7 NW = ksmooth(db$no,db$mu,kernel = "normal",bandwidth=12) plot(data$no,data$mu,ylim=c(6,10)) lines(NW,col="red")
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