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School’s out: Building Interactive R Apps with shiny, googleVis in our R Academy

[This article was first published on eoda, R und Datenanalyse » eoda english R news, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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In our R Academy course “Interactive Datavisualization with R” participants learned today how to build interactive graphics in R using the shiny and the googleVis package.

Interactive Web Application with R

Interactive Web Application with R

Rstudios shiny package is a great way to build an Application for interactive visualizations out of R.
For our example App we recreated Hans Rosslings (Gapminder) Visualization which puts a countries Life-Expectancy in relation with its Gross-Domestic-Product.

We used the data from via the rdatamarket Package. We combined data from Gapminder(Population), the World Bank (GDP) and from the United Nations (Life-Expectancy) with each other. even offers an R-console snippet for importing the data directly into R (Under Export).

The following lines of code shows what you need to do. Have fun with  R in the web.

# TODO: Add comment
# Author: msc


#getting Data from
#life_expectancy and gdp
life_expectancy <- dmlist("15r2!hrp")
gdp <- dmlist("15c9!hd1")

population <- dmlist("1cfl!r3d")

#renaming the value variable
names(gdp)[3] <- "GDP"
names(life_expectancy)[3] <- "life_expectancy"
names(population)[3] <- "Population"

#merge to one dataframe
data <- merge(gdp,life_expectancy, by = c("Country","Year"))
data <- merge(data, population, by = c("Country","Year"))

#data is only until 2008 complete
data < - data[data$Year 

# TODO: Add comment
# Author: msc

if(!"googleVis"%in%installed.packages())install.packages("googleVis", repos = "")

shinyServer(function(input, output) {
			data$Population <- data$Population/1000
			output$main_plot <- renderGvis({
						if(input$xAchse == "log. GDB"){
							data$GDP <- log(data$GDP)
							data$GDP <- data$GDP
						if(input$all == TRUE){
							country_filter <- input$country_filter1
						if(input$all == FALSE){
							country_filter <- input$country_filter2
						#it seems that gvisMotionChart needs different variables for idvar and colorvar
						data$CountryCol <- data$Country
						gvisMotionChart(data[data$Country %in% country_filter,],
								idvar = "Country",
								timevar = "Year",
								xvar = "GDP",
								yvar = "life_expectancy",
								colorvar = "CountryCol",
								sizevar = "Population",
								options = list(showChartButtons = FALSE,
										       showSidePanel = FALSE,
											   showXScalePicker = FALSE,
											   showYScalePicker = FALSE)
			output$map <- renderGvis({
						if(input$all == TRUE){
							country_filter <- input$country_filter1
						if(input$all == FALSE){
							country_filter <- input$country_filter2
						year_filter <- input$year_filter
						data$hover <- paste0("Life-Expectancy ",data$Country,": ",round(data$life_expectancy))
						gvisGeoChart(data[data$Country %in% country_filter & data$Year == year_filter,], locationvar = "Country", colorvar = "GDP", hovervar = "hover")


# TODO: Add comment
# Author: msc


if(!"googleVis"%in%installed.packages())install.packages("googleVis", repos = "")


#Buiding a HTML Table

				headerPanel(tags$body(tags$img(src="eoda_logo.png", width = "400px", align ="right"),
								       h1("Life-Expectancy ~ GDP per capita"),
									   h2("(random Country preselection)"),
									   h5("sometimes changes doen't take effect immediatly in this case please refresh the whole page"))),
						selectInput('xAchse', 'X Axis', c('GDP', 'log. GDB')),
						checkboxInput(inputId = 'all',label = 'all countries', value = TRUE),
						conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.all == true',
								checkboxGroupInput(inputId = 'country_filter1',
										label = 'Countries', unique(data$Country),
										selected = unique(data$Country))),
						conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.all == false',
										label = 'Countries', choices = unique(data$Country)))
						  h4("(circle-size = population in tsd)"),
						  htmlOutput(outputId = "main_plot"),
						  h3("World Map"),
						  h4("(colour range = GDP per capita/ additional Life-Expectancy per MouseOver Effect)"),
						  htmlOutput(outputId = "map"),
						  sliderInput(inputId = "year_filter",
								      label = "Year",
									  min = 1960,
									  max = 2008,
						              value = 2008,
									  format = "####")

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