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Alternative to Grouped Bar Charts in R

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The #spiffy @dseverski gave me this posit the other day:

Hey, @hrbrmstr, doughnut chart aside, how would you approach the first graph at Bump chart? Trend line? Leave as is?

— David F. Severski (@dseverski) October 25, 2013

and, I obliged shortly thereafter, but figured I’d toss a post up on the blog before heading to Strata.

To rephrase the tweet a bit, Mr. Severski asked me what alternate encoding I’d use for this grouped bar chart (larger version at the link in David’s tweet):


I have almost as much disdain for grouped bar charts as I do for pie or donut charts, so appreciated the opportunity to try a makeover. However, I ran into an immediate problem: the usually #spiffy 451 Group folks did not include raw data. So, I reverse engineered the graph with WebPlotDigitizer, cleaned up the result and made a CSV from it. Then, I headed to RStudio with a plan in mind.

The old chart and data screamed faceted dot plot. The only trick necessary was to manually order the factor levels.

# read in the CSV file
nosql.df <- read.csv("nosql.csv", header=TRUE)
# manually order facets
nosql.df$Database <- factor(nosql.df$Database,
# start the plot
gg <- ggplot(data=nosql.df, aes(x=Quarter, y=Index))
# use points, colored by Quarter
gg <- gg + geom_point(aes(color=Quarter), size=3)
# make strips by nosql db factor
gg <- gg + facet_grid(Database~.)
# rotate the plot
gg <- gg + coord_flip()
# get rid of most of the junk
gg <- gg + theme_bw()
# add a title
gg <- gg + labs(x="", title="NoSQL LinkedIn Skills Index\nSeptember 2013")
# get rid of the legend
gg <- gg + theme(legend.position = "none")
# ensure the strip is gone
gg <- gg + theme(strip.text.x = element_blank())

The result is below in SVG form (install a proper browser if you can’t see it, or run the R code 🙂 I think it conveys the data in a much more informative way. How would you encode the data to make it more informative and accessible?

Full source & data over at github.

< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> < svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="225pt" height="562pt" viewBox="0 0 225 562" version="1.1"> < defs> < g> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-0"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.3125 0 L 0.3125 -6.875 L 5.765625 -6.875 L 5.765625 0 Z M 4.90625 -0.859375 L 4.90625 -6.015625 L 1.171875 -6.015625 L 1.171875 -0.859375 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.296875 0 C 0.328125 -0.570312 0.445312 -1.070312 0.65625 -1.5 C 0.863281 -1.9375 1.269531 -2.328125 1.875 -2.671875 L 2.765625 -3.1875 C 3.171875 -3.425781 3.457031 -3.628906 3.625 -3.796875 C 3.875 -4.054688 4 -4.351562 4 -4.6875 C 4 -5.070312 3.878906 -5.378906 3.640625 -5.609375 C 3.410156 -5.835938 3.101562 -5.953125 2.71875 -5.953125 C 2.132812 -5.953125 1.734375 -5.734375 1.515625 -5.296875 C 1.398438 -5.066406 1.335938 -4.742188 1.328125 -4.328125 L 0.46875 -4.328125 C 0.476562 -4.910156 0.582031 -5.382812 0.78125 -5.75 C 1.144531 -6.40625 1.789062 -6.734375 2.71875 -6.734375 C 3.488281 -6.734375 4.050781 -6.523438 4.40625 -6.109375 C 4.757812 -5.691406 4.9375 -5.226562 4.9375 -4.71875 C 4.9375 -4.1875 4.75 -3.726562 4.375 -3.34375 C 4.15625 -3.125 3.757812 -2.851562 3.1875 -2.53125 L 2.546875 -2.1875 C 2.242188 -2.019531 2.003906 -1.859375 1.828125 -1.703125 C 1.515625 -1.429688 1.316406 -1.128906 1.234375 -0.796875 L 4.90625 -0.796875 L 4.90625 0 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-2"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.59375 -6.703125 C 3.457031 -6.703125 4.085938 -6.347656 4.484375 -5.640625 C 4.773438 -5.085938 4.921875 -4.328125 4.921875 -3.359375 C 4.921875 -2.453125 4.785156 -1.695312 4.515625 -1.09375 C 4.128906 -0.238281 3.488281 0.1875 2.59375 0.1875 C 1.78125 0.1875 1.179688 -0.160156 0.796875 -0.859375 C 0.460938 -1.453125 0.296875 -2.238281 0.296875 -3.21875 C 0.296875 -3.976562 0.394531 -4.632812 0.59375 -5.1875 C 0.957031 -6.195312 1.625 -6.703125 2.59375 -6.703125 Z M 2.578125 -0.578125 C 3.015625 -0.578125 3.363281 -0.769531 3.625 -1.15625 C 3.882812 -1.550781 4.015625 -2.273438 4.015625 -3.328125 C 4.015625 -4.085938 3.921875 -4.710938 3.734375 -5.203125 C 3.546875 -5.703125 3.179688 -5.953125 2.640625 -5.953125 C 2.148438 -5.953125 1.789062 -5.71875 1.5625 -5.25 C 1.332031 -4.78125 1.21875 -4.09375 1.21875 -3.1875 C 1.21875 -2.5 1.289062 -1.945312 1.4375 -1.53125 C 1.65625 -0.894531 2.035156 -0.578125 2.578125 -0.578125 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-3"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.921875 -4.75 L 0.921875 -5.390625 C 1.523438 -5.453125 1.945312 -5.550781 2.1875 -5.6875 C 2.425781 -5.832031 2.609375 -6.164062 2.734375 -6.6875 L 3.390625 -6.6875 L 3.390625 0 L 2.5 0 L 2.5 -4.75 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-4"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.390625 -3.109375 L 2.75 -3.109375 L 2.75 -2.234375 L 0.390625 -2.234375 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-5"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.28125 -1.625 C 1.300781 -1.15625 1.476562 -0.832031 1.8125 -0.65625 C 1.988281 -0.5625 2.179688 -0.515625 2.390625 -0.515625 C 2.796875 -0.515625 3.140625 -0.679688 3.421875 -1.015625 C 3.703125 -1.347656 3.90625 -2.03125 4.03125 -3.0625 C 3.84375 -2.769531 3.609375 -2.5625 3.328125 -2.4375 C 3.054688 -2.320312 2.757812 -2.265625 2.4375 -2.265625 C 1.789062 -2.265625 1.28125 -2.460938 0.90625 -2.859375 C 0.53125 -3.265625 0.34375 -3.785156 0.34375 -4.421875 C 0.34375 -5.023438 0.523438 -5.554688 0.890625 -6.015625 C 1.265625 -6.484375 1.816406 -6.71875 2.546875 -6.71875 C 3.523438 -6.71875 4.195312 -6.273438 4.5625 -5.390625 C 4.769531 -4.910156 4.875 -4.304688 4.875 -3.578125 C 4.875 -2.753906 4.75 -2.023438 4.5 -1.390625 C 4.09375 -0.335938 3.398438 0.1875 2.421875 0.1875 C 1.765625 0.1875 1.265625 0.015625 0.921875 -0.328125 C 0.585938 -0.671875 0.421875 -1.101562 0.421875 -1.625 Z M 2.546875 -3 C 2.878906 -3 3.1875 -3.109375 3.46875 -3.328125 C 3.75 -3.546875 3.890625 -3.929688 3.890625 -4.484375 C 3.890625 -4.972656 3.765625 -5.335938 3.515625 -5.578125 C 3.265625 -5.828125 2.945312 -5.953125 2.5625 -5.953125 C 2.144531 -5.953125 1.816406 -5.8125 1.578125 -5.53125 C 1.335938 -5.257812 1.21875 -4.890625 1.21875 -4.421875 C 1.21875 -3.984375 1.320312 -3.632812 1.53125 -3.375 C 1.75 -3.125 2.085938 -3 2.546875 -3 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-6"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.484375 0.1875 C 1.691406 0.1875 1.117188 -0.03125 0.765625 -0.46875 C 0.410156 -0.90625 0.234375 -1.4375 0.234375 -2.0625 L 1.109375 -2.0625 C 1.148438 -1.625 1.234375 -1.304688 1.359375 -1.109375 C 1.578125 -0.753906 1.96875 -0.578125 2.53125 -0.578125 C 2.976562 -0.578125 3.335938 -0.695312 3.609375 -0.9375 C 3.878906 -1.175781 4.015625 -1.484375 4.015625 -1.859375 C 4.015625 -2.316406 3.867188 -2.640625 3.578125 -2.828125 C 3.296875 -3.015625 2.90625 -3.109375 2.40625 -3.109375 C 2.351562 -3.109375 2.296875 -3.101562 2.234375 -3.09375 C 2.179688 -3.09375 2.125 -3.09375 2.0625 -3.09375 L 2.0625 -3.84375 C 2.144531 -3.832031 2.21875 -3.820312 2.28125 -3.8125 C 2.34375 -3.8125 2.40625 -3.8125 2.46875 -3.8125 C 2.789062 -3.8125 3.050781 -3.863281 3.25 -3.96875 C 3.601562 -4.144531 3.78125 -4.457031 3.78125 -4.90625 C 3.78125 -5.238281 3.660156 -5.492188 3.421875 -5.671875 C 3.191406 -5.859375 2.914062 -5.953125 2.59375 -5.953125 C 2.03125 -5.953125 1.644531 -5.765625 1.4375 -5.390625 C 1.3125 -5.179688 1.242188 -4.882812 1.234375 -4.5 L 0.390625 -4.5 C 0.390625 -5 0.492188 -5.425781 0.703125 -5.78125 C 1.046875 -6.40625 1.648438 -6.71875 2.515625 -6.71875 C 3.191406 -6.71875 3.71875 -6.5625 4.09375 -6.25 C 4.46875 -5.945312 4.65625 -5.507812 4.65625 -4.9375 C 4.65625 -4.519531 4.546875 -4.1875 4.328125 -3.9375 C 4.191406 -3.78125 4.015625 -3.65625 3.796875 -3.5625 C 4.148438 -3.46875 4.425781 -3.28125 4.625 -3 C 4.820312 -2.71875 4.921875 -2.378906 4.921875 -1.984375 C 4.921875 -1.347656 4.707031 -0.828125 4.28125 -0.421875 C 3.863281 -0.015625 3.265625 0.1875 2.484375 0.1875 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.8125 -6.734375 C 3.5625 -6.734375 4.082031 -6.535156 4.375 -6.140625 C 4.664062 -5.753906 4.8125 -5.359375 4.8125 -4.953125 L 3.984375 -4.953125 C 3.929688 -5.210938 3.851562 -5.421875 3.75 -5.578125 C 3.539062 -5.859375 3.226562 -6 2.8125 -6 C 2.34375 -6 1.96875 -5.78125 1.6875 -5.34375 C 1.414062 -4.90625 1.265625 -4.28125 1.234375 -3.46875 C 1.421875 -3.75 1.664062 -3.960938 1.96875 -4.109375 C 2.226562 -4.234375 2.523438 -4.296875 2.859375 -4.296875 C 3.421875 -4.296875 3.910156 -4.113281 4.328125 -3.75 C 4.742188 -3.394531 4.953125 -2.863281 4.953125 -2.15625 C 4.953125 -1.539062 4.753906 -1 4.359375 -0.53125 C 3.960938 -0.0625 3.398438 0.171875 2.671875 0.171875 C 2.046875 0.171875 1.503906 -0.0625 1.046875 -0.53125 C 0.585938 -1.007812 0.359375 -1.816406 0.359375 -2.953125 C 0.359375 -3.785156 0.460938 -4.488281 0.671875 -5.0625 C 1.054688 -6.175781 1.769531 -6.734375 2.8125 -6.734375 Z M 2.75 -0.578125 C 3.1875 -0.578125 3.515625 -0.722656 3.734375 -1.015625 C 3.960938 -1.316406 4.078125 -1.671875 4.078125 -2.078125 C 4.078125 -2.421875 3.976562 -2.75 3.78125 -3.0625 C 3.582031 -3.375 3.222656 -3.53125 2.703125 -3.53125 C 2.335938 -3.53125 2.019531 -3.410156 1.75 -3.171875 C 1.476562 -2.929688 1.34375 -2.566406 1.34375 -2.078125 C 1.34375 -1.648438 1.460938 -1.289062 1.703125 -1 C 1.953125 -0.71875 2.300781 -0.578125 2.75 -0.578125 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.171875 -2.375 L 3.171875 -5.421875 L 1.015625 -2.375 Z M 3.1875 0 L 3.1875 -1.640625 L 0.25 -1.640625 L 0.25 -2.46875 L 3.3125 -6.734375 L 4.03125 -6.734375 L 4.03125 -2.375 L 5.015625 -2.375 L 5.015625 -1.640625 L 4.03125 -1.640625 L 4.03125 0 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 0.3125 L 6.875 0.3125 L 6.875 5.765625 L 0 5.765625 Z M 0.859375 4.90625 L 6.015625 4.90625 L 6.015625 1.171875 L 0.859375 1.171875 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.875 0.703125 L 6.875 2.046875 L 1.0625 4.015625 L 6.875 5.984375 L 6.875 7.296875 L 0 7.296875 L 0 6.421875 L 4.0625 6.421875 C 4.195312 6.421875 4.425781 6.421875 4.75 6.421875 C 5.082031 6.429688 5.429688 6.4375 5.796875 6.4375 L 0 4.46875 L 0 3.546875 L 5.796875 1.578125 L 5.59375 1.578125 C 5.425781 1.578125 5.171875 1.578125 4.828125 1.578125 C 4.484375 1.585938 4.226562 1.59375 4.0625 1.59375 L 0 1.59375 L 0 0.703125 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.546875 2.609375 C 0.546875 3.171875 0.753906 3.554688 1.171875 3.765625 C 1.597656 3.972656 2.070312 4.078125 2.59375 4.078125 C 3.0625 4.078125 3.441406 4 3.734375 3.84375 C 4.191406 3.601562 4.421875 3.195312 4.421875 2.625 C 4.421875 2.101562 4.222656 1.722656 3.828125 1.484375 C 3.441406 1.253906 2.96875 1.140625 2.40625 1.140625 C 1.875 1.140625 1.429688 1.253906 1.078125 1.484375 C 0.722656 1.722656 0.546875 2.097656 0.546875 2.609375 Z M 5.15625 2.640625 C 5.15625 3.285156 4.941406 3.832031 4.515625 4.28125 C 4.085938 4.726562 3.453125 4.953125 2.609375 4.953125 C 1.804688 4.953125 1.140625 4.753906 0.609375 4.359375 C 0.078125 3.960938 -0.1875 3.351562 -0.1875 2.53125 C -0.1875 1.84375 0.046875 1.296875 0.515625 0.890625 C 0.984375 0.484375 1.613281 0.28125 2.40625 0.28125 C 3.238281 0.28125 3.90625 0.492188 4.40625 0.921875 C 4.90625 1.347656 5.15625 1.921875 5.15625 2.640625 Z M 5.140625 2.609375 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.015625 0.625 L 5.015625 1.421875 L 4.3125 1.421875 C 4.601562 1.660156 4.8125 1.910156 4.9375 2.171875 C 5.0625 2.441406 5.125 2.738281 5.125 3.0625 C 5.125 3.769531 4.878906 4.25 4.390625 4.5 C 4.117188 4.632812 3.726562 4.703125 3.21875 4.703125 L 0 4.703125 L 0 3.84375 L 3.15625 3.84375 C 3.46875 3.84375 3.71875 3.800781 3.90625 3.71875 C 4.21875 3.5625 4.375 3.289062 4.375 2.90625 C 4.375 2.695312 4.351562 2.53125 4.3125 2.40625 C 4.238281 2.175781 4.097656 1.972656 3.890625 1.796875 C 3.734375 1.660156 3.566406 1.570312 3.390625 1.53125 C 3.210938 1.488281 2.957031 1.46875 2.625 1.46875 L 0 1.46875 L 0 0.625 Z M 5.140625 2.59375 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.109375 2.390625 C 5.109375 2.785156 5.007812 3.128906 4.8125 3.421875 C 4.707031 3.578125 4.550781 3.738281 4.34375 3.90625 L 4.96875 3.90625 L 4.96875 4.6875 L 0.40625 4.6875 C -0.226562 4.6875 -0.726562 4.59375 -1.09375 4.40625 C -1.78125 4.050781 -2.125 3.390625 -2.125 2.421875 C -2.125 1.878906 -2 1.421875 -1.75 1.046875 C -1.507812 0.679688 -1.132812 0.476562 -0.625 0.4375 L -0.625 1.296875 C -0.84375 1.335938 -1.015625 1.421875 -1.140625 1.546875 C -1.328125 1.734375 -1.421875 2.03125 -1.421875 2.4375 C -1.421875 3.082031 -1.191406 3.503906 -0.734375 3.703125 C -0.472656 3.828125 0.00390625 3.882812 0.703125 3.875 C 0.441406 3.707031 0.25 3.503906 0.125 3.265625 C 0 3.023438 -0.0625 2.710938 -0.0625 2.328125 C -0.0625 1.785156 0.128906 1.304688 0.515625 0.890625 C 0.898438 0.484375 1.539062 0.28125 2.4375 0.28125 C 3.269531 0.28125 3.921875 0.484375 4.390625 0.890625 C 4.867188 1.304688 5.109375 1.804688 5.109375 2.390625 Z M 2.53125 3.90625 C 3.15625 3.90625 3.613281 3.773438 3.90625 3.515625 C 4.207031 3.265625 4.359375 2.941406 4.359375 2.546875 C 4.359375 1.953125 4.082031 1.546875 3.53125 1.328125 C 3.226562 1.210938 2.835938 1.15625 2.359375 1.15625 C 1.796875 1.15625 1.363281 1.269531 1.0625 1.5 C 0.769531 1.726562 0.625 2.035156 0.625 2.421875 C 0.625 3.023438 0.898438 3.453125 1.453125 3.703125 C 1.753906 3.835938 2.113281 3.90625 2.53125 3.90625 Z M 5.140625 2.484375 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 3.375 C 0.796875 3.6875 0.828125 3.945312 0.890625 4.15625 C 1.015625 4.507812 1.25 4.804688 1.59375 5.046875 C 1.875 5.222656 2.234375 5.351562 2.671875 5.4375 C 2.921875 5.488281 3.160156 5.515625 3.390625 5.515625 C 4.242188 5.515625 4.90625 5.34375 5.375 5 C 5.84375 4.664062 6.078125 4.117188 6.078125 3.359375 L 6.078125 1.703125 L 0.796875 1.703125 Z M 6.875 0.765625 L 6.875 3.5625 C 6.875 4.507812 6.539062 5.242188 5.875 5.765625 C 5.269531 6.222656 4.492188 6.453125 3.546875 6.453125 C 2.816406 6.453125 2.15625 6.316406 1.5625 6.046875 C 0.519531 5.566406 0 4.734375 0 3.546875 L 0 0.765625 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.96875 3.3125 C 3.96875 3.707031 4.023438 4.015625 4.140625 4.234375 C 4.304688 4.578125 4.613281 4.75 5.0625 4.75 C 5.507812 4.75 5.8125 4.566406 5.96875 4.203125 C 6.0625 3.992188 6.109375 3.6875 6.109375 3.28125 L 6.109375 1.625 L 3.96875 1.625 Z M 0.796875 3.625 C 0.796875 4.195312 0.960938 4.609375 1.296875 4.859375 C 1.503906 5.003906 1.753906 5.078125 2.046875 5.078125 C 2.546875 5.078125 2.890625 4.851562 3.078125 4.40625 C 3.171875 4.175781 3.21875 3.863281 3.21875 3.46875 L 3.21875 1.625 L 0.796875 1.625 Z M 6.875 0.703125 L 6.875 3.65625 C 6.875 4.46875 6.632812 5.039062 6.15625 5.375 C 5.875 5.582031 5.546875 5.6875 5.171875 5.6875 C 4.742188 5.6875 4.390625 5.5625 4.109375 5.3125 C 3.960938 5.1875 3.828125 5.003906 3.703125 4.765625 C 3.566406 5.109375 3.414062 5.367188 3.25 5.546875 C 2.945312 5.859375 2.535156 6.015625 2.015625 6.015625 C 1.566406 6.015625 1.164062 5.875 0.8125 5.59375 C 0.269531 5.175781 0 4.515625 0 3.609375 L 0 0.703125 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.0625 3.625 C 7.0625 4.5 6.832031 5.175781 6.375 5.65625 C 5.914062 6.132812 5.394531 6.398438 4.8125 6.453125 L 4.8125 5.546875 C 5.257812 5.441406 5.613281 5.234375 5.875 4.921875 C 6.132812 4.617188 6.265625 4.191406 6.265625 3.640625 C 6.265625 2.960938 6.023438 2.414062 5.546875 2 C 5.066406 1.582031 4.335938 1.375 3.359375 1.375 C 2.546875 1.375 1.890625 1.5625 1.390625 1.9375 C 0.890625 2.3125 0.640625 2.875 0.640625 3.625 C 0.640625 4.3125 0.90625 4.832031 1.4375 5.1875 C 1.707031 5.375 2.070312 5.515625 2.53125 5.609375 L 2.53125 6.53125 C 1.800781 6.445312 1.191406 6.175781 0.703125 5.71875 C 0.117188 5.175781 -0.171875 4.441406 -0.171875 3.515625 C -0.171875 2.710938 0.0664062 2.039062 0.546875 1.5 C 1.191406 0.78125 2.179688 0.421875 3.515625 0.421875 C 4.523438 0.421875 5.359375 0.691406 6.015625 1.234375 C 6.710938 1.804688 7.0625 2.601562 7.0625 3.625 Z M 7.0625 3.4375 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.328125 1.265625 C 1.085938 1.265625 0.894531 1.351562 0.75 1.53125 C 0.613281 1.707031 0.546875 1.921875 0.546875 2.171875 C 0.546875 2.460938 0.613281 2.75 0.75 3.03125 C 0.976562 3.5 1.351562 3.734375 1.875 3.734375 L 2.546875 3.734375 C 2.484375 3.628906 2.429688 3.492188 2.390625 3.328125 C 2.347656 3.171875 2.316406 3.015625 2.296875 2.859375 L 2.234375 2.34375 C 2.191406 2.039062 2.125 1.8125 2.03125 1.65625 C 1.882812 1.394531 1.648438 1.265625 1.328125 1.265625 Z M 3.046875 3.3125 C 3.066406 3.5 3.144531 3.628906 3.28125 3.703125 C 3.351562 3.734375 3.460938 3.75 3.609375 3.75 C 3.890625 3.75 4.09375 3.644531 4.21875 3.4375 C 4.351562 3.238281 4.421875 2.945312 4.421875 2.5625 C 4.421875 2.125 4.304688 1.8125 4.078125 1.625 C 3.941406 1.519531 3.742188 1.453125 3.484375 1.421875 L 3.484375 0.640625 C 4.097656 0.660156 4.523438 0.863281 4.765625 1.25 C 5.015625 1.632812 5.140625 2.078125 5.140625 2.578125 C 5.140625 3.171875 5.023438 3.65625 4.796875 4.03125 C 4.578125 4.394531 4.226562 4.578125 3.75 4.578125 L 0.859375 4.578125 C 0.773438 4.578125 0.707031 4.59375 0.65625 4.625 C 0.601562 4.664062 0.578125 4.742188 0.578125 4.859375 C 0.578125 4.890625 0.578125 4.925781 0.578125 4.96875 C 0.578125 5.019531 0.582031 5.070312 0.59375 5.125 L -0.015625 5.125 C -0.0546875 5 -0.0820312 4.898438 -0.09375 4.828125 C -0.101562 4.765625 -0.109375 4.671875 -0.109375 4.546875 C -0.109375 4.253906 -0.00390625 4.046875 0.203125 3.921875 C 0.304688 3.847656 0.460938 3.796875 0.671875 3.765625 C 0.441406 3.597656 0.242188 3.351562 0.078125 3.03125 C -0.0859375 2.707031 -0.171875 2.351562 -0.171875 1.96875 C -0.171875 1.5 -0.03125 1.117188 0.25 0.828125 C 0.53125 0.535156 0.882812 0.390625 1.3125 0.390625 C 1.78125 0.390625 2.140625 0.53125 2.390625 0.8125 C 2.648438 1.101562 2.8125 1.488281 2.875 1.96875 Z M 5.140625 2.609375 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.578125 1.125 C 1.296875 1.144531 1.078125 1.210938 0.921875 1.328125 C 0.648438 1.546875 0.515625 1.914062 0.515625 2.4375 C 0.515625 2.75 0.582031 3.019531 0.71875 3.25 C 0.851562 3.488281 1.066406 3.609375 1.359375 3.609375 C 1.566406 3.609375 1.726562 3.515625 1.84375 3.328125 C 1.914062 3.203125 1.992188 2.960938 2.078125 2.609375 L 2.25 1.9375 C 2.351562 1.507812 2.472656 1.195312 2.609375 1 C 2.835938 0.632812 3.15625 0.453125 3.5625 0.453125 C 4.03125 0.453125 4.410156 0.617188 4.703125 0.953125 C 4.992188 1.296875 5.140625 1.757812 5.140625 2.34375 C 5.140625 3.09375 4.921875 3.640625 4.484375 3.984375 C 4.203125 4.191406 3.898438 4.289062 3.578125 4.28125 L 3.578125 3.484375 C 3.765625 3.472656 3.9375 3.40625 4.09375 3.28125 C 4.3125 3.09375 4.421875 2.757812 4.421875 2.28125 C 4.421875 1.957031 4.359375 1.710938 4.234375 1.546875 C 4.117188 1.390625 3.960938 1.3125 3.765625 1.3125 C 3.546875 1.3125 3.367188 1.414062 3.234375 1.625 C 3.160156 1.75 3.09375 1.9375 3.03125 2.1875 L 2.890625 2.734375 C 2.742188 3.347656 2.601562 3.753906 2.46875 3.953125 C 2.25 4.285156 1.910156 4.453125 1.453125 4.453125 C 1.003906 4.453125 0.617188 4.28125 0.296875 3.9375 C -0.0234375 3.601562 -0.1875 3.085938 -0.1875 2.390625 C -0.1875 1.648438 -0.0195312 1.125 0.3125 0.8125 C 0.65625 0.5 1.078125 0.332031 1.578125 0.3125 Z M 5.140625 2.359375 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.453125 1.15625 C 1.910156 1.15625 1.457031 1.269531 1.09375 1.5 C 0.738281 1.726562 0.5625 2.09375 0.5625 2.59375 C 0.5625 2.976562 0.726562 3.296875 1.0625 3.546875 C 1.394531 3.804688 1.875 3.9375 2.5 3.9375 C 3.132812 3.9375 3.601562 3.804688 3.90625 3.546875 C 4.21875 3.285156 4.375 2.960938 4.375 2.578125 C 4.375 2.148438 4.207031 1.804688 3.875 1.546875 C 3.550781 1.285156 3.078125 1.15625 2.453125 1.15625 Z M 5.109375 2.421875 C 5.109375 2.804688 5.023438 3.128906 4.859375 3.390625 C 4.765625 3.535156 4.601562 3.703125 4.375 3.890625 L 6.90625 3.890625 L 6.90625 4.703125 L 0 4.703125 L 0 3.953125 L 0.703125 3.953125 C 0.390625 3.753906 0.164062 3.519531 0.03125 3.25 C -0.101562 2.976562 -0.171875 2.671875 -0.171875 2.328125 C -0.171875 1.765625 0.0625 1.28125 0.53125 0.875 C 1 0.46875 1.625 0.265625 2.40625 0.265625 C 3.132812 0.265625 3.765625 0.445312 4.296875 0.8125 C 4.835938 1.1875 5.109375 1.722656 5.109375 2.421875 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.015625 0.640625 L 5.015625 1.4375 L 4.15625 1.4375 C 4.320312 1.507812 4.523438 1.671875 4.765625 1.921875 C 5.003906 2.179688 5.125 2.476562 5.125 2.8125 C 5.125 2.820312 5.125 2.847656 5.125 2.890625 C 5.125 2.929688 5.117188 2.992188 5.109375 3.078125 L 4.21875 3.078125 C 4.226562 3.023438 4.234375 2.976562 4.234375 2.9375 C 4.234375 2.894531 4.234375 2.851562 4.234375 2.8125 C 4.234375 2.382812 4.097656 2.054688 3.828125 1.828125 C 3.554688 1.597656 3.242188 1.484375 2.890625 1.484375 L 0 1.484375 L 0 0.640625 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.734375 3.9375 C 3.734375 4.375 3.816406 4.71875 3.984375 4.96875 C 4.160156 5.21875 4.476562 5.34375 4.9375 5.34375 C 5.425781 5.34375 5.757812 5.164062 5.9375 4.8125 C 6.03125 4.625 6.078125 4.367188 6.078125 4.046875 L 6.078125 1.78125 L 3.734375 1.78125 Z M 6.875 0.84375 L 6.875 4.03125 C 6.875 4.550781 6.800781 4.984375 6.65625 5.328125 C 6.363281 5.972656 5.820312 6.296875 5.03125 6.296875 C 4.613281 6.296875 4.273438 6.207031 4.015625 6.03125 C 3.753906 5.863281 3.539062 5.628906 3.375 5.328125 C 3.269531 5.597656 3.128906 5.800781 2.953125 5.9375 C 2.773438 6.070312 2.484375 6.144531 2.078125 6.15625 L 1.15625 6.1875 C 0.894531 6.195312 0.703125 6.222656 0.578125 6.265625 C 0.359375 6.316406 0.21875 6.414062 0.15625 6.5625 L 0 6.5625 L 0 5.421875 C 0.0625 5.390625 0.140625 5.363281 0.234375 5.34375 C 0.328125 5.320312 0.503906 5.304688 0.765625 5.296875 L 1.921875 5.234375 C 2.367188 5.210938 2.671875 5.046875 2.828125 4.734375 C 2.910156 4.554688 2.953125 4.273438 2.953125 3.890625 L 2.953125 1.78125 L 0 1.78125 L 0 0.84375 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.125 2.703125 C 5.125 3.054688 5.039062 3.398438 4.875 3.734375 C 4.707031 4.078125 4.492188 4.332031 4.234375 4.5 C 3.972656 4.675781 3.675781 4.789062 3.34375 4.84375 C 3.113281 4.894531 2.742188 4.921875 2.234375 4.921875 L 2.234375 1.234375 C 1.722656 1.253906 1.3125 1.375 1 1.59375 C 0.695312 1.820312 0.546875 2.171875 0.546875 2.640625 C 0.546875 3.085938 0.691406 3.441406 0.984375 3.703125 C 1.148438 3.847656 1.347656 3.953125 1.578125 4.015625 L 1.578125 4.84375 C 1.390625 4.820312 1.179688 4.75 0.953125 4.625 C 0.734375 4.507812 0.550781 4.375 0.40625 4.21875 C 0.15625 3.957031 -0.015625 3.640625 -0.109375 3.265625 C -0.148438 3.054688 -0.171875 2.828125 -0.171875 2.578125 C -0.171875 1.953125 0.0507812 1.421875 0.5 0.984375 C 0.957031 0.554688 1.59375 0.34375 2.40625 0.34375 C 3.21875 0.34375 3.875 0.5625 4.375 1 C 4.875 1.4375 5.125 2.003906 5.125 2.703125 Z M 2.90625 4.046875 C 3.269531 4.015625 3.5625 3.9375 3.78125 3.8125 C 4.1875 3.582031 4.390625 3.195312 4.390625 2.65625 C 4.390625 2.269531 4.25 1.941406 3.96875 1.671875 C 3.695312 1.410156 3.34375 1.273438 2.90625 1.265625 Z M 5.140625 2.625 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5 0.625 L 5 1.46875 L 0 1.46875 L 0 0.625 Z M 6.875 0.625 L 6.875 1.46875 L 5.921875 1.46875 L 5.921875 0.625 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-15"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.875 0.75 L 6.875 1.703125 L 4.03125 1.703125 L 4.03125 5.28125 L 6.875 5.28125 L 6.875 6.21875 L 0 6.21875 L 0 5.28125 L 3.21875 5.28125 L 3.21875 1.703125 L 0 1.703125 L 0 0.75 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-16"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.015625 1.46875 L 1.6875 1.46875 C 1.425781 1.46875 1.21875 1.503906 1.0625 1.578125 C 0.757812 1.734375 0.609375 2.015625 0.609375 2.421875 C 0.609375 3.003906 0.867188 3.40625 1.390625 3.625 C 1.671875 3.738281 2.054688 3.796875 2.546875 3.796875 L 5.015625 3.796875 L 5.015625 4.640625 L 0 4.640625 L 0 3.84375 L 0.734375 3.84375 C 0.546875 3.738281 0.382812 3.601562 0.25 3.4375 C -0.0078125 3.113281 -0.140625 2.722656 -0.140625 2.265625 C -0.140625 1.554688 0.0976562 1.070312 0.578125 0.8125 C 0.835938 0.664062 1.179688 0.59375 1.609375 0.59375 L 5.015625 0.59375 Z M 5.140625 2.625 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-17"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.15625 2.546875 C 5.15625 3.117188 5.019531 3.582031 4.75 3.9375 C 4.476562 4.289062 4.003906 4.503906 3.328125 4.578125 L 3.328125 3.75 C 3.640625 3.695312 3.894531 3.582031 4.09375 3.40625 C 4.300781 3.226562 4.40625 2.941406 4.40625 2.546875 C 4.40625 2.015625 4.144531 1.632812 3.625 1.40625 C 3.28125 1.25 2.859375 1.171875 2.359375 1.171875 C 1.859375 1.171875 1.4375 1.273438 1.09375 1.484375 C 0.75 1.703125 0.578125 2.039062 0.578125 2.5 C 0.578125 2.84375 0.679688 3.117188 0.890625 3.328125 C 1.109375 3.535156 1.40625 3.675781 1.78125 3.75 L 1.78125 4.578125 C 1.113281 4.484375 0.625 4.25 0.3125 3.875 C 0.0078125 3.5 -0.140625 3.019531 -0.140625 2.4375 C -0.140625 1.78125 0.0976562 1.253906 0.578125 0.859375 C 1.054688 0.472656 1.65625 0.28125 2.375 0.28125 C 3.25 0.28125 3.929688 0.492188 4.421875 0.921875 C 4.910156 1.347656 5.15625 1.890625 5.15625 2.546875 Z M 5.140625 2.421875 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-18"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.90625 0.625 L 6.90625 1.46875 L 4.34375 1.46875 C 4.59375 1.664062 4.769531 1.84375 4.875 2 C 5.050781 2.269531 5.140625 2.609375 5.140625 3.015625 C 5.140625 3.742188 4.882812 4.238281 4.375 4.5 C 4.09375 4.632812 3.707031 4.703125 3.21875 4.703125 L 0 4.703125 L 0 3.84375 L 3.15625 3.84375 C 3.53125 3.84375 3.800781 3.796875 3.96875 3.703125 C 4.25 3.546875 4.390625 3.257812 4.390625 2.84375 C 4.390625 2.488281 4.265625 2.171875 4.015625 1.890625 C 3.773438 1.609375 3.320312 1.46875 2.65625 1.46875 L 0 1.46875 L 0 0.625 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-19"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.875 0.734375 L 6.875 1.828125 L 1.3125 5.3125 L 6.875 5.3125 L 6.875 6.1875 L 0 6.1875 L 0 5.140625 L 5.5625 1.625 L 0 1.625 L 0 0.734375 Z M 6.875 3.40625 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-20"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.375 3.171875 L 5.421875 3.171875 L 2.375 1.015625 Z M 0 3.1875 L 1.640625 3.1875 L 1.640625 0.25 L 2.46875 0.25 L 6.734375 3.3125 L 6.734375 4.03125 L 2.375 4.03125 L 2.375 5.015625 L 1.640625 5.015625 L 1.640625 4.03125 L 0 4.03125 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-21"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.90625 1.46875 L 5.90625 0.625 L 6.875 0.625 L 6.875 1.46875 Z M -1.265625 -0.171875 C -1.253906 0.203125 -1.222656 0.425781 -1.171875 0.5 C -1.117188 0.582031 -0.945312 0.625 -0.65625 0.625 L 5 0.625 L 5 1.46875 L -0.75 1.46875 C -1.113281 1.46875 -1.382812 1.40625 -1.5625 1.28125 C -1.875 1.082031 -2.03125 0.707031 -2.03125 0.15625 C -2.03125 0.125 -2.023438 0.0820312 -2.015625 0.03125 C -2.015625 -0.0078125 -2.007812 -0.078125 -2 -0.171875 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-22"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.875 0.59375 L 6.875 1.40625 L 2.890625 1.40625 L 5.015625 3.578125 L 5.015625 4.65625 L 3.140625 2.734375 L 0 4.765625 L 0 3.6875 L 2.53125 2.125 L 1.890625 1.40625 L 0 1.40625 L 0 0.59375 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-23"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.875 0.734375 L 6.875 1.65625 L 0.8125 1.65625 L 0.8125 5.140625 L 0 5.140625 L 0 0.734375 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-24"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.90625 0.546875 L 6.90625 1.375 L 4.40625 1.375 C 4.644531 1.5625 4.828125 1.78125 4.953125 2.03125 C 5.078125 2.289062 5.140625 2.566406 5.140625 2.859375 C 5.140625 3.484375 4.925781 3.988281 4.5 4.375 C 4.070312 4.769531 3.441406 4.96875 2.609375 4.96875 C 1.816406 4.96875 1.15625 4.773438 0.625 4.390625 C 0.101562 4.003906 -0.15625 3.472656 -0.15625 2.796875 C -0.15625 2.410156 -0.0664062 2.085938 0.109375 1.828125 C 0.222656 1.671875 0.398438 1.503906 0.640625 1.328125 L 0 1.328125 L 0 0.546875 Z M 0.578125 2.75 C 0.578125 3.195312 0.757812 3.535156 1.125 3.765625 C 1.488281 3.992188 1.96875 4.109375 2.5625 4.109375 C 3.09375 4.109375 3.53125 3.992188 3.875 3.765625 C 4.21875 3.535156 4.390625 3.203125 4.390625 2.765625 C 4.390625 2.378906 4.25 2.039062 3.96875 1.75 C 3.6875 1.46875 3.21875 1.328125 2.5625 1.328125 C 2.09375 1.328125 1.710938 1.382812 1.421875 1.5 C 0.859375 1.726562 0.578125 2.144531 0.578125 2.75 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-25"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.015625 3.75 L 5.015625 4.6875 C 4.691406 4.5625 3.957031 4.296875 2.8125 3.890625 C 1.945312 3.585938 1.242188 3.332031 0.703125 3.125 C -0.578125 2.632812 -1.359375 2.289062 -1.640625 2.09375 C -1.921875 1.894531 -2.0625 1.550781 -2.0625 1.0625 C -2.0625 0.945312 -2.054688 0.851562 -2.046875 0.78125 C -2.035156 0.71875 -2.015625 0.640625 -1.984375 0.546875 L -1.21875 0.546875 C -1.257812 0.691406 -1.285156 0.796875 -1.296875 0.859375 C -1.304688 0.929688 -1.3125 0.992188 -1.3125 1.046875 C -1.3125 1.203125 -1.285156 1.316406 -1.234375 1.390625 C -1.179688 1.460938 -1.117188 1.523438 -1.046875 1.578125 C -1.015625 1.585938 -0.882812 1.640625 -0.65625 1.734375 C -0.425781 1.835938 -0.253906 1.910156 -0.140625 1.953125 L 5.015625 0.09375 L 5.015625 1.046875 L 0.9375 2.40625 Z M 5.140625 2.390625 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-26"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.015625 0.625 L 5.015625 1.453125 L 4.3125 1.453125 C 4.550781 1.648438 4.726562 1.832031 4.84375 2 C 5.03125 2.269531 5.125 2.582031 5.125 2.9375 C 5.125 3.34375 5.023438 3.664062 4.828125 3.90625 C 4.722656 4.039062 4.5625 4.164062 4.34375 4.28125 C 4.601562 4.46875 4.796875 4.6875 4.921875 4.9375 C 5.054688 5.195312 5.125 5.484375 5.125 5.796875 C 5.125 6.472656 4.882812 6.929688 4.40625 7.171875 C 4.132812 7.304688 3.78125 7.375 3.34375 7.375 L 0 7.375 L 0 6.5 L 3.484375 6.5 C 3.816406 6.5 4.046875 6.410156 4.171875 6.234375 C 4.296875 6.066406 4.359375 5.863281 4.359375 5.625 C 4.359375 5.300781 4.25 5.019531 4.03125 4.78125 C 3.8125 4.539062 3.441406 4.421875 2.921875 4.421875 L 0 4.421875 L 0 3.5625 L 3.28125 3.5625 C 3.613281 3.5625 3.859375 3.519531 4.015625 3.4375 C 4.253906 3.3125 4.375 3.070312 4.375 2.71875 C 4.375 2.40625 4.25 2.117188 4 1.859375 C 3.75 1.597656 3.300781 1.46875 2.65625 1.46875 L 0 1.46875 L 0 0.625 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.390625 0 L 0.390625 -8.609375 L 7.21875 -8.609375 L 7.21875 0 Z M 6.140625 -1.078125 L 6.140625 -7.53125 L 1.46875 -7.53125 L 1.46875 -1.078125 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.171875 -8.609375 L 2.359375 -8.609375 L 2.359375 0 L 1.171875 0 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 -6.28125 L 1.78125 -6.28125 L 1.78125 -5.390625 C 2.070312 -5.753906 2.382812 -6.015625 2.71875 -6.171875 C 3.050781 -6.335938 3.421875 -6.421875 3.828125 -6.421875 C 4.710938 -6.421875 5.3125 -6.109375 5.625 -5.484375 C 5.800781 -5.140625 5.890625 -4.65625 5.890625 -4.03125 L 5.890625 0 L 4.8125 0 L 4.8125 -3.953125 C 4.8125 -4.335938 4.753906 -4.644531 4.640625 -4.875 C 4.453125 -5.269531 4.113281 -5.46875 3.625 -5.46875 C 3.375 -5.46875 3.171875 -5.441406 3.015625 -5.390625 C 2.722656 -5.304688 2.46875 -5.132812 2.25 -4.875 C 2.070312 -4.664062 1.957031 -4.453125 1.90625 -4.234375 C 1.851562 -4.015625 1.828125 -3.695312 1.828125 -3.28125 L 1.828125 0 L 0.78125 0 Z M 3.25 -6.421875 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.4375 -3.0625 C 1.4375 -2.394531 1.578125 -1.832031 1.859375 -1.375 C 2.148438 -0.925781 2.609375 -0.703125 3.234375 -0.703125 C 3.722656 -0.703125 4.125 -0.910156 4.4375 -1.328125 C 4.757812 -1.742188 4.921875 -2.347656 4.921875 -3.140625 C 4.921875 -3.929688 4.753906 -4.515625 4.421875 -4.890625 C 4.097656 -5.273438 3.703125 -5.46875 3.234375 -5.46875 C 2.703125 -5.46875 2.269531 -5.265625 1.9375 -4.859375 C 1.601562 -4.453125 1.4375 -3.851562 1.4375 -3.0625 Z M 3.03125 -6.390625 C 3.507812 -6.390625 3.910156 -6.285156 4.234375 -6.078125 C 4.421875 -5.960938 4.632812 -5.757812 4.875 -5.46875 L 4.875 -8.640625 L 5.890625 -8.640625 L 5.890625 0 L 4.9375 0 L 4.9375 -0.875 C 4.695312 -0.488281 4.40625 -0.207031 4.0625 -0.03125 C 3.726562 0.132812 3.34375 0.21875 2.90625 0.21875 C 2.207031 0.21875 1.601562 -0.0703125 1.09375 -0.65625 C 0.582031 -1.25 0.328125 -2.03125 0.328125 -3 C 0.328125 -3.914062 0.5625 -4.707031 1.03125 -5.375 C 1.5 -6.050781 2.164062 -6.390625 3.03125 -6.390625 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-4"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.390625 -6.421875 C 3.835938 -6.421875 4.269531 -6.316406 4.6875 -6.109375 C 5.101562 -5.898438 5.421875 -5.628906 5.640625 -5.296875 C 5.847656 -4.972656 5.988281 -4.601562 6.0625 -4.1875 C 6.125 -3.894531 6.15625 -3.429688 6.15625 -2.796875 L 1.546875 -2.796875 C 1.566406 -2.160156 1.71875 -1.648438 2 -1.265625 C 2.28125 -0.878906 2.71875 -0.6875 3.3125 -0.6875 C 3.863281 -0.6875 4.300781 -0.867188 4.625 -1.234375 C 4.8125 -1.441406 4.945312 -1.6875 5.03125 -1.96875 L 6.0625 -1.96875 C 6.039062 -1.738281 5.953125 -1.484375 5.796875 -1.203125 C 5.640625 -0.921875 5.46875 -0.6875 5.28125 -0.5 C 4.957031 -0.1875 4.554688 0.0195312 4.078125 0.125 C 3.828125 0.1875 3.539062 0.21875 3.21875 0.21875 C 2.4375 0.21875 1.773438 -0.0625 1.234375 -0.625 C 0.691406 -1.195312 0.421875 -1.992188 0.421875 -3.015625 C 0.421875 -4.023438 0.691406 -4.84375 1.234375 -5.46875 C 1.785156 -6.101562 2.503906 -6.421875 3.390625 -6.421875 Z M 5.0625 -3.640625 C 5.019531 -4.097656 4.921875 -4.460938 4.765625 -4.734375 C 4.484375 -5.242188 4.003906 -5.5 3.328125 -5.5 C 2.835938 -5.5 2.425781 -5.320312 2.09375 -4.96875 C 1.769531 -4.625 1.597656 -4.179688 1.578125 -3.640625 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-5"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.171875 -6.28125 L 1.546875 -6.28125 L 2.984375 -4.0625 L 4.4375 -6.28125 L 5.71875 -6.25 L 3.609375 -3.21875 L 5.8125 0 L 4.46875 0 L 2.90625 -2.359375 L 1.40625 0 L 0.0625 0 L 2.28125 -3.21875 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-0"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.46875 0 L 0.46875 -10.328125 L 8.671875 -10.328125 L 8.671875 0 Z M 7.375 -1.296875 L 7.375 -9.046875 L 1.765625 -9.046875 L 1.765625 -1.296875 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-1"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.09375 -10.328125 L 2.75 -10.328125 L 7.96875 -1.96875 L 7.96875 -10.328125 L 9.296875 -10.328125 L 9.296875 0 L 7.734375 0 L 2.4375 -8.359375 L 2.4375 0 L 1.09375 0 Z M 5.109375 -10.328125 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-2"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.921875 -0.8125 C 4.753906 -0.8125 5.328125 -1.128906 5.640625 -1.765625 C 5.953125 -2.398438 6.109375 -3.109375 6.109375 -3.890625 C 6.109375 -4.585938 6 -5.160156 5.78125 -5.609375 C 5.414062 -6.296875 4.800781 -6.640625 3.9375 -6.640625 C 3.15625 -6.640625 2.585938 -6.34375 2.234375 -5.75 C 1.890625 -5.164062 1.71875 -4.457031 1.71875 -3.625 C 1.71875 -2.820312 1.890625 -2.148438 2.234375 -1.609375 C 2.585938 -1.078125 3.148438 -0.8125 3.921875 -0.8125 Z M 3.96875 -7.75 C 4.9375 -7.75 5.753906 -7.425781 6.421875 -6.78125 C 7.097656 -6.132812 7.4375 -5.179688 7.4375 -3.921875 C 7.4375 -2.710938 7.140625 -1.707031 6.546875 -0.90625 C 5.953125 -0.113281 5.035156 0.28125 3.796875 0.28125 C 2.765625 0.28125 1.941406 -0.0664062 1.328125 -0.765625 C 0.722656 -1.472656 0.421875 -2.421875 0.421875 -3.609375 C 0.421875 -4.867188 0.738281 -5.875 1.375 -6.625 C 2.019531 -7.375 2.882812 -7.75 3.96875 -7.75 Z M 3.921875 -7.71875 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-3"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -3.328125 C 2.046875 -2.742188 2.179688 -2.269531 2.421875 -1.90625 C 2.890625 -1.21875 3.707031 -0.875 4.875 -0.875 C 5.40625 -0.875 5.882812 -0.953125 6.3125 -1.109375 C 7.144531 -1.398438 7.5625 -1.921875 7.5625 -2.671875 C 7.5625 -3.234375 7.390625 -3.632812 7.046875 -3.875 C 6.679688 -4.101562 6.117188 -4.304688 5.359375 -4.484375 L 3.96875 -4.796875 C 3.050781 -5.003906 2.40625 -5.234375 2.03125 -5.484375 C 1.375 -5.910156 1.046875 -6.554688 1.046875 -7.421875 C 1.046875 -8.347656 1.363281 -9.109375 2 -9.703125 C 2.644531 -10.296875 3.554688 -10.59375 4.734375 -10.59375 C 5.816406 -10.59375 6.734375 -10.332031 7.484375 -9.8125 C 8.242188 -9.289062 8.625 -8.453125 8.625 -7.296875 L 7.3125 -7.296875 C 7.238281 -7.847656 7.085938 -8.273438 6.859375 -8.578125 C 6.429688 -9.117188 5.707031 -9.390625 4.6875 -9.390625 C 3.863281 -9.390625 3.269531 -9.210938 2.90625 -8.859375 C 2.550781 -8.515625 2.375 -8.113281 2.375 -7.65625 C 2.375 -7.144531 2.582031 -6.773438 3 -6.546875 C 3.28125 -6.390625 3.90625 -6.203125 4.875 -5.984375 L 6.328125 -5.65625 C 7.023438 -5.488281 7.566406 -5.269531 7.953125 -5 C 8.609375 -4.507812 8.9375 -3.804688 8.9375 -2.890625 C 8.9375 -1.742188 8.519531 -0.925781 7.6875 -0.4375 C 6.851562 0.0507812 5.882812 0.296875 4.78125 0.296875 C 3.5 0.296875 2.492188 -0.03125 1.765625 -0.6875 C 1.035156 -1.332031 0.679688 -2.210938 0.703125 -3.328125 Z M 4.84375 -10.609375 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-4"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 10.546875 -0.03125 L 9.84375 0.828125 L 8.25 -0.390625 C 7.863281 -0.179688 7.445312 -0.015625 7 0.109375 C 6.550781 0.234375 6.0625 0.296875 5.53125 0.296875 C 3.925781 0.296875 2.671875 -0.222656 1.765625 -1.265625 C 0.960938 -2.296875 0.5625 -3.578125 0.5625 -5.109375 C 0.5625 -6.503906 0.910156 -7.703125 1.609375 -8.703125 C 2.492188 -9.972656 3.8125 -10.609375 5.5625 -10.609375 C 7.382812 -10.609375 8.734375 -10.023438 9.609375 -8.859375 C 10.296875 -7.941406 10.640625 -6.769531 10.640625 -5.34375 C 10.640625 -4.675781 10.554688 -4.035156 10.390625 -3.421875 C 10.140625 -2.484375 9.71875 -1.71875 9.125 -1.125 Z M 5.703125 -0.953125 C 5.992188 -0.953125 6.265625 -0.96875 6.515625 -1 C 6.773438 -1.039062 7 -1.125 7.1875 -1.25 L 6.046875 -2.125 L 6.75 -3 L 8.109375 -1.953125 C 8.535156 -2.441406 8.820312 -2.988281 8.96875 -3.59375 C 9.125 -4.195312 9.203125 -4.773438 9.203125 -5.328125 C 9.203125 -6.535156 8.882812 -7.507812 8.25 -8.25 C 7.613281 -9 6.742188 -9.375 5.640625 -9.375 C 4.523438 -9.375 3.640625 -9.015625 2.984375 -8.296875 C 2.335938 -7.585938 2.015625 -6.492188 2.015625 -5.015625 C 2.015625 -3.773438 2.328125 -2.785156 2.953125 -2.046875 C 3.578125 -1.316406 4.492188 -0.953125 5.703125 -0.953125 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-5"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.09375 -10.328125 L 2.5 -10.328125 L 2.5 -1.234375 L 7.734375 -1.234375 L 7.734375 0 L 1.09375 0 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-6"> < path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-7"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.921875 -7.5 L 2.21875 -7.5 L 2.21875 0 L 0.921875 0 Z M 0.921875 -10.328125 L 2.21875 -10.328125 L 2.21875 -8.890625 L 0.921875 -8.890625 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-8"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.921875 -7.53125 L 2.125 -7.53125 L 2.125 -6.46875 C 2.488281 -6.90625 2.867188 -7.21875 3.265625 -7.40625 C 3.660156 -7.601562 4.101562 -7.703125 4.59375 -7.703125 C 5.664062 -7.703125 6.390625 -7.328125 6.765625 -6.578125 C 6.960938 -6.171875 7.0625 -5.585938 7.0625 -4.828125 L 7.0625 0 L 5.78125 0 L 5.78125 -4.75 C 5.78125 -5.207031 5.710938 -5.578125 5.578125 -5.859375 C 5.347656 -6.328125 4.941406 -6.5625 4.359375 -6.5625 C 4.054688 -6.5625 3.804688 -6.53125 3.609375 -6.46875 C 3.265625 -6.363281 2.960938 -6.160156 2.703125 -5.859375 C 2.492188 -5.609375 2.351562 -5.347656 2.28125 -5.078125 C 2.21875 -4.816406 2.1875 -4.441406 2.1875 -3.953125 L 2.1875 0 L 0.921875 0 Z M 3.90625 -7.71875 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-9"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.90625 -10.328125 L 2.125 -10.328125 L 2.125 -4.328125 L 5.359375 -7.53125 L 6.984375 -7.53125 L 4.09375 -4.71875 L 7.140625 0 L 5.53125 0 L 3.171875 -3.796875 L 2.125 -2.828125 L 2.125 0 L 0.90625 0 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-10"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.0625 -7.703125 C 4.601562 -7.703125 5.125 -7.578125 5.625 -7.328125 C 6.125 -7.078125 6.503906 -6.753906 6.765625 -6.359375 C 7.015625 -5.972656 7.1875 -5.523438 7.28125 -5.015625 C 7.351562 -4.671875 7.390625 -4.117188 7.390625 -3.359375 L 1.859375 -3.359375 C 1.890625 -2.597656 2.070312 -1.984375 2.40625 -1.515625 C 2.738281 -1.054688 3.257812 -0.828125 3.96875 -0.828125 C 4.632812 -0.828125 5.164062 -1.046875 5.5625 -1.484375 C 5.78125 -1.734375 5.9375 -2.023438 6.03125 -2.359375 L 7.28125 -2.359375 C 7.25 -2.085938 7.140625 -1.78125 6.953125 -1.4375 C 6.765625 -1.09375 6.554688 -0.816406 6.328125 -0.609375 C 5.941406 -0.234375 5.46875 0.0195312 4.90625 0.15625 C 4.601562 0.226562 4.257812 0.265625 3.875 0.265625 C 2.9375 0.265625 2.140625 -0.0703125 1.484375 -0.75 C 0.828125 -1.4375 0.5 -2.394531 0.5 -3.625 C 0.5 -4.832031 0.828125 -5.8125 1.484375 -6.5625 C 2.140625 -7.320312 3 -7.703125 4.0625 -7.703125 Z M 6.078125 -4.375 C 6.023438 -4.914062 5.90625 -5.351562 5.71875 -5.6875 C 5.375 -6.289062 4.796875 -6.59375 3.984375 -6.59375 C 3.398438 -6.59375 2.910156 -6.382812 2.515625 -5.96875 C 2.128906 -5.550781 1.925781 -5.019531 1.90625 -4.375 Z M 3.953125 -7.71875 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-11"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.734375 -3.671875 C 1.734375 -2.867188 1.898438 -2.195312 2.234375 -1.65625 C 2.578125 -1.113281 3.128906 -0.84375 3.890625 -0.84375 C 4.472656 -0.84375 4.953125 -1.09375 5.328125 -1.59375 C 5.710938 -2.09375 5.90625 -2.816406 5.90625 -3.765625 C 5.90625 -4.710938 5.707031 -5.414062 5.3125 -5.875 C 4.925781 -6.332031 4.445312 -6.5625 3.875 -6.5625 C 3.238281 -6.5625 2.722656 -6.316406 2.328125 -5.828125 C 1.929688 -5.335938 1.734375 -4.617188 1.734375 -3.671875 Z M 3.640625 -7.671875 C 4.210938 -7.671875 4.691406 -7.546875 5.078125 -7.296875 C 5.304688 -7.160156 5.566406 -6.914062 5.859375 -6.5625 L 5.859375 -10.375 L 7.0625 -10.375 L 7.0625 0 L 5.9375 0 L 5.9375 -1.046875 C 5.632812 -0.585938 5.28125 -0.253906 4.875 -0.046875 C 4.476562 0.160156 4.019531 0.265625 3.5 0.265625 C 2.65625 0.265625 1.925781 -0.0820312 1.3125 -0.78125 C 0.695312 -1.488281 0.390625 -2.429688 0.390625 -3.609375 C 0.390625 -4.703125 0.671875 -5.648438 1.234375 -6.453125 C 1.796875 -7.265625 2.597656 -7.671875 3.640625 -7.671875 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-12"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.40625 -10.328125 L 2.828125 -10.328125 L 2.828125 0 L 1.40625 0 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-13"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.96875 -10.328125 L 2.234375 -10.328125 L 2.234375 0 L 0.96875 0 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-14"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.6875 -2.359375 C 1.71875 -1.941406 1.820312 -1.617188 2 -1.390625 C 2.3125 -0.984375 2.863281 -0.78125 3.65625 -0.78125 C 4.125 -0.78125 4.535156 -0.878906 4.890625 -1.078125 C 5.253906 -1.285156 5.4375 -1.601562 5.4375 -2.03125 C 5.4375 -2.351562 5.289062 -2.597656 5 -2.765625 C 4.820312 -2.867188 4.460938 -2.988281 3.921875 -3.125 L 2.90625 -3.390625 C 2.269531 -3.546875 1.796875 -3.722656 1.484375 -3.921875 C 0.941406 -4.265625 0.671875 -4.738281 0.671875 -5.34375 C 0.671875 -6.050781 0.925781 -6.625 1.4375 -7.0625 C 1.957031 -7.507812 2.648438 -7.734375 3.515625 -7.734375 C 4.648438 -7.734375 5.46875 -7.398438 5.96875 -6.734375 C 6.28125 -6.304688 6.429688 -5.847656 6.421875 -5.359375 L 5.234375 -5.359375 C 5.210938 -5.648438 5.113281 -5.910156 4.9375 -6.140625 C 4.644531 -6.472656 4.140625 -6.640625 3.421875 -6.640625 C 2.941406 -6.640625 2.578125 -6.546875 2.328125 -6.359375 C 2.085938 -6.179688 1.96875 -5.945312 1.96875 -5.65625 C 1.96875 -5.320312 2.128906 -5.054688 2.453125 -4.859375 C 2.640625 -4.742188 2.914062 -4.640625 3.28125 -4.546875 L 4.109375 -4.34375 C 5.023438 -4.125 5.632812 -3.910156 5.9375 -3.703125 C 6.4375 -3.378906 6.6875 -2.875 6.6875 -2.1875 C 6.6875 -1.507812 6.429688 -0.925781 5.921875 -0.4375 C 5.410156 0.0390625 4.632812 0.28125 3.59375 0.28125 C 2.46875 0.28125 1.671875 0.03125 1.203125 -0.46875 C 0.742188 -0.976562 0.5 -1.609375 0.46875 -2.359375 Z M 3.546875 -7.71875 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-15"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.21875 -7.53125 L 1.84375 -7.53125 L 3.578125 -4.875 L 5.328125 -7.53125 L 6.875 -7.5 L 4.328125 -3.859375 L 6.984375 0 L 5.359375 0 L 3.5 -2.828125 L 1.6875 0 L 0.078125 0 L 2.734375 -3.859375 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-16"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.109375 -0.84375 C 4.703125 -0.84375 5.191406 -1.085938 5.578125 -1.578125 C 5.972656 -2.078125 6.171875 -2.820312 6.171875 -3.8125 C 6.171875 -4.414062 6.082031 -4.929688 5.90625 -5.359375 C 5.582031 -6.191406 4.984375 -6.609375 4.109375 -6.609375 C 3.234375 -6.609375 2.632812 -6.171875 2.3125 -5.296875 C 2.132812 -4.828125 2.046875 -4.226562 2.046875 -3.5 C 2.046875 -2.914062 2.132812 -2.421875 2.3125 -2.015625 C 2.632812 -1.234375 3.234375 -0.84375 4.109375 -0.84375 Z M 0.828125 -7.5 L 2.0625 -7.5 L 2.0625 -6.5 C 2.3125 -6.84375 2.585938 -7.109375 2.890625 -7.296875 C 3.316406 -7.578125 3.816406 -7.71875 4.390625 -7.71875 C 5.242188 -7.71875 5.96875 -7.390625 6.5625 -6.734375 C 7.164062 -6.078125 7.46875 -5.144531 7.46875 -3.9375 C 7.46875 -2.289062 7.035156 -1.117188 6.171875 -0.421875 C 5.628906 0.0234375 5 0.25 4.28125 0.25 C 3.707031 0.25 3.226562 0.125 2.84375 -0.125 C 2.625 -0.257812 2.375 -0.5 2.09375 -0.84375 L 2.09375 3 L 0.828125 3 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-17"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.1875 -9.640625 L 2.46875 -9.640625 L 2.46875 -7.53125 L 3.671875 -7.53125 L 3.671875 -6.5 L 2.46875 -6.5 L 2.46875 -1.578125 C 2.46875 -1.316406 2.554688 -1.144531 2.734375 -1.0625 C 2.828125 -1.007812 2.988281 -0.984375 3.21875 -0.984375 C 3.28125 -0.984375 3.347656 -0.984375 3.421875 -0.984375 C 3.492188 -0.984375 3.578125 -0.988281 3.671875 -1 L 3.671875 0 C 3.523438 0.0390625 3.367188 0.0703125 3.203125 0.09375 C 3.046875 0.113281 2.878906 0.125 2.703125 0.125 C 2.109375 0.125 1.707031 -0.0234375 1.5 -0.328125 C 1.289062 -0.628906 1.1875 -1.023438 1.1875 -1.515625 L 1.1875 -6.5 L 0.15625 -6.5 L 0.15625 -7.53125 L 1.1875 -7.53125 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-18"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.921875 -7.53125 L 2.1875 -7.53125 L 2.1875 -6.46875 C 2.476562 -6.832031 2.75 -7.101562 3 -7.28125 C 3.414062 -7.5625 3.890625 -7.703125 4.421875 -7.703125 C 5.015625 -7.703125 5.492188 -7.554688 5.859375 -7.265625 C 6.066406 -7.085938 6.253906 -6.835938 6.421875 -6.515625 C 6.703125 -6.921875 7.03125 -7.21875 7.40625 -7.40625 C 7.789062 -7.601562 8.222656 -7.703125 8.703125 -7.703125 C 9.710938 -7.703125 10.398438 -7.335938 10.765625 -6.609375 C 10.960938 -6.210938 11.0625 -5.679688 11.0625 -5.015625 L 11.0625 0 L 9.75 0 L 9.75 -5.234375 C 9.75 -5.734375 9.625 -6.078125 9.375 -6.265625 C 9.125 -6.453125 8.816406 -6.546875 8.453125 -6.546875 C 7.953125 -6.546875 7.523438 -6.378906 7.171875 -6.046875 C 6.816406 -5.710938 6.640625 -5.15625 6.640625 -4.375 L 6.640625 0 L 5.34375 0 L 5.34375 -4.921875 C 5.34375 -5.429688 5.28125 -5.800781 5.15625 -6.03125 C 4.96875 -6.382812 4.613281 -6.5625 4.09375 -6.5625 C 3.613281 -6.5625 3.175781 -6.375 2.78125 -6 C 2.382812 -5.632812 2.1875 -4.96875 2.1875 -4 L 2.1875 0 L 0.921875 0 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-19"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.828125 -10.375 L 2.0625 -10.375 L 2.0625 -6.625 C 2.332031 -6.976562 2.660156 -7.25 3.046875 -7.4375 C 3.429688 -7.632812 3.851562 -7.734375 4.3125 -7.734375 C 5.25 -7.734375 6.007812 -7.410156 6.59375 -6.765625 C 7.175781 -6.117188 7.46875 -5.164062 7.46875 -3.90625 C 7.46875 -2.71875 7.175781 -1.726562 6.59375 -0.9375 C 6.019531 -0.15625 5.222656 0.234375 4.203125 0.234375 C 3.628906 0.234375 3.144531 0.0976562 2.75 -0.171875 C 2.519531 -0.335938 2.269531 -0.601562 2 -0.96875 L 2 0 L 0.828125 0 Z M 4.125 -0.875 C 4.8125 -0.875 5.320312 -1.144531 5.65625 -1.6875 C 6 -2.238281 6.171875 -2.957031 6.171875 -3.84375 C 6.171875 -4.632812 6 -5.289062 5.65625 -5.8125 C 5.320312 -6.332031 4.820312 -6.59375 4.15625 -6.59375 C 3.582031 -6.59375 3.078125 -6.378906 2.640625 -5.953125 C 2.203125 -5.523438 1.984375 -4.820312 1.984375 -3.84375 C 1.984375 -3.132812 2.078125 -2.5625 2.265625 -2.125 C 2.585938 -1.289062 3.207031 -0.875 4.125 -0.875 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-20"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.96875 -7.53125 L 2.171875 -7.53125 L 2.171875 -6.234375 C 2.265625 -6.484375 2.503906 -6.789062 2.890625 -7.15625 C 3.273438 -7.519531 3.71875 -7.703125 4.21875 -7.703125 C 4.238281 -7.703125 4.273438 -7.695312 4.328125 -7.6875 C 4.390625 -7.6875 4.488281 -7.679688 4.625 -7.671875 L 4.625 -6.328125 C 4.550781 -6.347656 4.484375 -6.359375 4.421875 -6.359375 C 4.359375 -6.359375 4.289062 -6.359375 4.21875 -6.359375 C 3.570312 -6.359375 3.078125 -6.15625 2.734375 -5.75 C 2.398438 -5.34375 2.234375 -4.867188 2.234375 -4.328125 L 2.234375 0 L 0.96875 0 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-21"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.453125 0 C 0.492188 -0.863281 0.671875 -1.617188 0.984375 -2.265625 C 1.296875 -2.910156 1.90625 -3.492188 2.8125 -4.015625 L 4.171875 -4.796875 C 4.773438 -5.148438 5.195312 -5.453125 5.4375 -5.703125 C 5.820312 -6.085938 6.015625 -6.53125 6.015625 -7.03125 C 6.015625 -7.613281 5.835938 -8.078125 5.484375 -8.421875 C 5.128906 -8.773438 4.660156 -8.953125 4.078125 -8.953125 C 3.210938 -8.953125 2.613281 -8.625 2.28125 -7.96875 C 2.101562 -7.613281 2.003906 -7.125 1.984375 -6.5 L 0.703125 -6.5 C 0.710938 -7.375 0.875 -8.085938 1.1875 -8.640625 C 1.726562 -9.617188 2.695312 -10.109375 4.09375 -10.109375 C 5.238281 -10.109375 6.078125 -9.796875 6.609375 -9.171875 C 7.148438 -8.546875 7.421875 -7.851562 7.421875 -7.09375 C 7.421875 -6.28125 7.132812 -5.585938 6.5625 -5.015625 C 6.238281 -4.679688 5.648438 -4.28125 4.796875 -3.8125 L 3.828125 -3.28125 C 3.367188 -3.019531 3.007812 -2.773438 2.75 -2.546875 C 2.28125 -2.140625 1.984375 -1.691406 1.859375 -1.203125 L 7.359375 -1.203125 L 7.359375 0 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-22"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.890625 -10.078125 C 5.203125 -10.078125 6.144531 -9.539062 6.71875 -8.46875 C 7.175781 -7.632812 7.40625 -6.492188 7.40625 -5.046875 C 7.40625 -3.679688 7.195312 -2.550781 6.78125 -1.65625 C 6.195312 -0.363281 5.234375 0.28125 3.890625 0.28125 C 2.679688 0.28125 1.78125 -0.242188 1.1875 -1.296875 C 0.695312 -2.171875 0.453125 -3.347656 0.453125 -4.828125 C 0.453125 -5.972656 0.597656 -6.957031 0.890625 -7.78125 C 1.441406 -9.3125 2.441406 -10.078125 3.890625 -10.078125 Z M 3.890625 -0.875 C 4.546875 -0.875 5.066406 -1.164062 5.453125 -1.75 C 5.835938 -2.332031 6.03125 -3.414062 6.03125 -5 C 6.03125 -6.144531 5.890625 -7.085938 5.609375 -7.828125 C 5.328125 -8.566406 4.78125 -8.9375 3.96875 -8.9375 C 3.226562 -8.9375 2.6875 -8.582031 2.34375 -7.875 C 2 -7.175781 1.828125 -6.144531 1.828125 -4.78125 C 1.828125 -3.757812 1.9375 -2.9375 2.15625 -2.3125 C 2.488281 -1.351562 3.066406 -0.875 3.890625 -0.875 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-23"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.375 -7.125 L 1.375 -8.109375 C 2.289062 -8.191406 2.925781 -8.335938 3.28125 -8.546875 C 3.644531 -8.753906 3.914062 -9.25 4.09375 -10.03125 L 5.09375 -10.03125 L 5.09375 0 L 3.75 0 L 3.75 -7.125 Z "/> < symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-24"> < path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.75 0.28125 C 2.550781 0.28125 1.679688 -0.046875 1.140625 -0.703125 C 0.609375 -1.359375 0.34375 -2.15625 0.34375 -3.09375 L 1.671875 -3.09375 C 1.722656 -2.445312 1.84375 -1.972656 2.03125 -1.671875 C 2.363281 -1.140625 2.957031 -0.875 3.8125 -0.875 C 4.476562 -0.875 5.007812 -1.050781 5.40625 -1.40625 C 5.8125 -1.769531 6.015625 -2.234375 6.015625 -2.796875 C 6.015625 -3.484375 5.800781 -3.960938 5.375 -4.234375 C 4.957031 -4.515625 4.367188 -4.65625 3.609375 -4.65625 C 3.523438 -4.65625 3.441406 -4.65625 3.359375 -4.65625 C 3.273438 -4.65625 3.1875 -4.65625 3.09375 -4.65625 L 3.09375 -5.765625 C 3.226562 -5.753906 3.335938 -5.742188 3.421875 -5.734375 C 3.515625 -5.734375 3.613281 -5.734375 3.71875 -5.734375 C 4.1875 -5.734375 4.570312 -5.804688 4.875 -5.953125 C 5.414062 -6.222656 5.6875 -6.691406 5.6875 -7.359375 C 5.6875 -7.867188 5.503906 -8.257812 5.140625 -8.53125 C 4.785156 -8.800781 4.375 -8.9375 3.90625 -8.9375 C 3.0625 -8.9375 2.476562 -8.65625 2.15625 -8.09375 C 1.976562 -7.78125 1.875 -7.335938 1.84375 -6.765625 L 0.59375 -6.765625 C 0.59375 -7.515625 0.742188 -8.15625 1.046875 -8.6875 C 1.566406 -9.625 2.472656 -10.09375 3.765625 -10.09375 C 4.796875 -10.09375 5.59375 -9.863281 6.15625 -9.40625 C 6.71875 -8.945312 7 -8.285156 7 -7.421875 C 7 -6.796875 6.832031 -6.289062 6.5 -5.90625 C 6.289062 -5.664062 6.023438 -5.476562 5.703125 -5.34375 C 6.234375 -5.195312 6.644531 -4.914062 6.9375 -4.5 C 7.238281 -4.09375 7.390625 -3.585938 7.390625 -2.984375 C 7.390625 -2.023438 7.070312 -1.238281 6.4375 -0.625 C 5.800781 -0.0195312 4.90625 0.28125 3.75 0.28125 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip1"> < path d="M 65.328125 47.480469 L 195 47.480469 L 195 92 L 65.328125 92 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip2"> < path d="M 89 47.480469 L 92 47.480469 L 92 92.996094 L 89 92.996094 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip3"> < path d="M 129 47.480469 L 131 47.480469 L 131 92.996094 L 129 92.996094 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip4"> < path d="M 168 47.480469 L 170 47.480469 L 170 92.996094 L 168 92.996094 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip5"> < path d="M 65.328125 86 L 195 86 L 195 88 L 65.328125 88 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip6"> < path d="M 65.328125 78 L 195 78 L 195 79 L 65.328125 79 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip7"> < path d="M 65.328125 69 L 195 69 L 195 70 L 65.328125 70 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip8"> < path d="M 65.328125 60 L 195 60 L 195 62 L 65.328125 62 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip9"> < path d="M 65.328125 52 L 195 52 L 195 53 L 65.328125 53 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip10"> < path d="M 70 47.480469 L 72 47.480469 L 72 92.996094 L 70 92.996094 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip11"> < path d="M 109 47.480469 L 111 47.480469 L 111 92.996094 L 109 92.996094 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip12"> < path d="M 148 47.480469 L 150 47.480469 L 150 92.996094 L 148 92.996094 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip13"> < path d="M 188 47.480469 L 189 47.480469 L 189 92.996094 L 188 92.996094 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip14"> < path d="M 65.328125 47.480469 L 195 47.480469 L 195 92.996094 L 65.328125 92.996094 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip15"> < path d="M 65.328125 95.59375 L 195 95.59375 L 195 141 L 65.328125 141 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip16"> < path d="M 89 95.59375 L 92 95.59375 L 92 141 L 89 141 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip17"> < path d="M 129 95.59375 L 131 95.59375 L 131 141 L 129 141 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip18"> < path d="M 168 95.59375 L 170 95.59375 L 170 141 L 168 141 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip19"> < path d="M 65.328125 134 L 195 134 L 195 136 L 65.328125 136 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip20"> < path d="M 65.328125 126 L 195 126 L 195 127 L 65.328125 127 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip21"> < path d="M 65.328125 117 L 195 117 L 195 119 L 65.328125 119 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip22"> < path d="M 65.328125 109 L 195 109 L 195 110 L 65.328125 110 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip23"> < path d="M 65.328125 100 L 195 100 L 195 101 L 65.328125 101 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip24"> < path d="M 70 95.59375 L 72 95.59375 L 72 141 L 70 141 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip25"> < path d="M 109 95.59375 L 111 95.59375 L 111 141 L 109 141 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip26"> < path d="M 148 95.59375 L 150 95.59375 L 150 141 L 148 141 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip27"> < path d="M 188 95.59375 L 189 95.59375 L 189 141 L 188 141 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip28"> < path d="M 65.328125 95.59375 L 195 95.59375 L 195 141 L 65.328125 141 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip29"> < path d="M 65.328125 143.710938 L 195 143.710938 L 195 189 L 65.328125 189 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip30"> < path d="M 89 143.710938 L 92 143.710938 L 92 189 L 89 189 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip31"> < path d="M 129 143.710938 L 131 143.710938 L 131 189 L 129 189 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip32"> < path d="M 168 143.710938 L 170 143.710938 L 170 189 L 168 189 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip33"> < path d="M 65.328125 182 L 195 182 L 195 184 L 65.328125 184 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip34"> < path d="M 65.328125 174 L 195 174 L 195 175 L 65.328125 175 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip35"> < path d="M 65.328125 165 L 195 165 L 195 167 L 65.328125 167 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip36"> < path d="M 65.328125 157 L 195 157 L 195 158 L 65.328125 158 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip37"> < path d="M 65.328125 148 L 195 148 L 195 150 L 65.328125 150 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip38"> < path d="M 70 143.710938 L 72 143.710938 L 72 189 L 70 189 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip39"> < path d="M 109 143.710938 L 111 143.710938 L 111 189 L 109 189 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip40"> < path d="M 148 143.710938 L 150 143.710938 L 150 189 L 148 189 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip41"> < path d="M 188 143.710938 L 189 143.710938 L 189 189 L 188 189 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip42"> < path d="M 65.328125 143.710938 L 195 143.710938 L 195 189 L 65.328125 189 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip43"> < path d="M 65.328125 191.824219 L 195 191.824219 L 195 237 L 65.328125 237 Z "/> < clipPath id="clip44"> < 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