Video: Google Analytics with R

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This post shares the video from the talk presented in September 2013 by Johann de Boer on accessing Google Analytics using R at Melbourne R Users.
In this presentation Johann will share his experience in creating his first open-source R package, ganalytics, used for accessing Google Analytics data. Reflecting on his journey to date in learning R, Johann will give tips to newcomers in helping them succeed in using R for their day to day work and in creating their own packages. A demonstration of ganalytics will follow with an invitation to the community to get involved in its future development.
Johann De Boer manages the Digital Analytics platform for Open Universities Australia. Through the collection and analysis of data, Johann generates insight into the behaviour of consumers to explore opportunities to better meet their needs. He works collaboratively with online marketers, business analysts and web developers to deliver user-centric online optimisations. Using Google Analytics API within the R programming language, Johann focuses on data quality and automation to produce analyses that enhance business insight. Johann is Google Analytics individually qualified and has a background in web analytics, usability and accessibility consulting, spanning industries in Australia, New Zealand, and the UK.
Additional Resources:
- ganalytics package on github
- slides
- Melbourne R Users Meetup page
- Johann de Boer on Twitter @johannux
- Complete play list of Melbourne R User videos offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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