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Bio7 1.7 for Windows Released!

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A new Windows version of Bio7 is available. This version comes with a lot of new features and improvements for Java, R and ImageJ. One highlight is that you can now interpret Jython (Python) code with Bio7. In addition a new console implementation is available which offers access to a native shell, different Java interpreted languages, etc.

Below you find new videos about some new features of Bio7 1.7, a general feature overview and installation details.


Compile Java with Bio7 1.7

Create a custom JavaFX view

The new Bio7 Console

Particle Analysis with ImageJ, R and the Points panel

Plot data with R and ImageJ

Interpret Python scripts in Blender interactively

New features:





R – ImageJ

Points view


Flow editor


3d View

Bug Fixes


Installation Windows

The installation of Bio7 is similar to the installation of the Eclipse environment. Simply decompress the downloaded *.zip file in a preferred location on your file system. After decompressing with a standard zip-tool (like WinZip, Win Rar) the typical file-structure of an Eclipse based application will be created.

To start the application simply double click on the Bio7.exe (Windows) .

Optional R packages

In Bio7 1.7 please install the R package rgdal which is needed for some import and export scripts and knitr to use the report features with R.

For further information please read the Bio7 documentation on the Bio7 website.

Info about system requirements

It is recommended that your computer should have at least 2048 mb ram and a 1 ghz processor. A 3d Graphics Card which is OpenGL enabled (only necessary for the “Spatial” view and the embedded “WorldWind” view. To use the LibreOffice feature of Bio7 an installation of OpenOffice (LibreOffice) >= 2.0 is required. The path to LibreOffice can be adjusted in the Bio7 preferences to the default path.







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