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Veterinary Epidemiologic Research: Modelling Survival Data – Parametric and Frailty Models

[This article was first published on denis haine » R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Last post on modelling survival data from Veterinary Epidemiologic Research: parametric analyses. The Cox proportional hazards model described in the last post make no assumption about the shape of the baseline hazard, which is an advantage if you have no idea about what that shape might be. With a parametric survival model, the survival time is assumed to follow a known distribution: Weibull, exponential (which is a special case of the Weibull), log-logistic, log-normal, and generalized gamma.

Exponential Model
The exponential model is the simplest, the hazard h_0(t) is constant over time: the rate at which failures are occurring is constant, h(t) = \lambda . We use again the pgtrial dataset:

temp <- tempfile()
"", temp)
load(unz(temp, "ver2_data_R/pgtrial.rdata"))

pgtrial <- upData(pgtrial, labels = c(herd = 'Herd id', cow = 'Cow id',
tx = 'Treatment', lact = 'Lactation number',
thin = 'Body condition', dar = 'Days at risk',
preg = 'Pregnant or censored'),
levels = list(thin = list('normal' = 0, 'thin' = 1),
preg = list('censored' = 0, 'pregnant' = 1)))
pgtrial$herd <- as.factor(pgtrial$herd)

exp.mod <- survreg(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ herd + tx + (lact - 1) +
                   thin, data = pgtrial, dist = "exponential")

survreg(formula = Surv(dar, preg == "pregnant") ~ herd + tx + 
    (lact - 1) + thin, data = pgtrial, dist = "exponential")
           Value Std. Error     z         p
herd1     4.3629     0.1827 23.88 4.66e-126
herd2     4.6776     0.1711 27.34 1.41e-164
herd3     4.3253     0.1617 26.75 1.12e-157
tx       -0.2178     0.1255 -1.74  8.26e-02
lact      0.0416     0.0413  1.01  3.14e-01
thinthin  0.1574     0.1383  1.14  2.55e-01

Scale fixed at 1 

Exponential distribution
Loglik(model)= -1459.9   Loglik(intercept only)= -1465.6
	Chisq= 11.42 on 5 degrees of freedom, p= 0.044 
Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 5 
n= 319

Interpretation is the same as for a Cox model. Exponentiated coefficients are hazard ratios. R outputs the parameter estimates of the AFT (accelerated failure time) form of the exponential model. If you multiply the estimated coefficients by minus one you get estimates that are consistent with the proportional hazards parameterization of the model. So for tx, the estimated hazard ratio is exp(0.2178) = 1.24 (at any given point in time, a treated cow is 1.24 times more likely to conceive than a non-treated cow). The corresponding accelerating factor for an exponential model is the reciprocal of the hazard ratio, exp(-0.2178) = 0.80: treating a cow accelerates the time to conception by a factor of 0.80.

Weibull Model

In a Weibull model, the hazard function is h(t) = \lambda p t^{p-1} where p and \lambda are > 0. p is the shape parameter and determines the shape of the hazard function. If it’s > 1 , the hazard increases with time. If p = 1 , the hazard is constant and the model reduces to an exponential model. If p < 1 , the hazard decreases over time.

pgtrial$parity <- recode(pgtrial$lact, "1 = 1; 2:hi = '2+'")
weib.mod <- survreg(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ herd + tx + parity +
                   thin, data = pgtrial, dist = "weibull")

survreg(formula = Surv(dar, preg == "pregnant") ~ herd + tx + 
    parity + thin, data = pgtrial, dist = "weibull")
               Value Std. Error       z         p
(Intercept)  4.23053     0.1937 21.8412 9.42e-106
herd2        0.36117     0.1947  1.8548  6.36e-02
herd3       -0.00822     0.1980 -0.0415  9.67e-01
tx          -0.23386     0.1438 -1.6262  1.04e-01
parity2+     0.33819     0.1490  2.2698  2.32e-02
thinthin     0.11222     0.1576  0.7119  4.77e-01
Log(scale)   0.13959     0.0509  2.7407  6.13e-03

Scale= 1.15 

Weibull distribution
Loglik(model)= -1453.7   Loglik(intercept only)= -1460.7
	Chisq= 14 on 5 degrees of freedom, p= 0.016 
Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 5 
n= 319 

The shape parameter is the reciprocal of what is called by R the scale parameter. The shape parameter is then 1/1.15 = 0.869.

We can also use a piecewise constant exponential regression model, which is a model allowing the baseline hazard to vary between time periods but forces it to remain constant within time periods. In order to run such a model, we need data in a counting process format with a start and stop time for each interval. However, survreg does not allow for a data in that format. The trick would be to use a glm and fitting a Poisson model, including time intervals. See this post by Stephanie Kovalchik which explains how to construct the data and model. The example below is using the same approach, for a time interval of 40 days:

interval.width <- 40
# function to compute time breaks given the exit time = dar
cow.breaks <- function(dar) unique(c(seq(0, dar, by = interval.width),
# list of each subject's time periods
the.breaks <- lapply(unique(pgtrial$cow), function(id){
  cow.breaks(max(pgtrial$dar[pgtrial$cow == id]))
# the expanded period of observation:
start <- lapply(the.breaks, function(x) x[-length(x)]) # for left time points
stop <-  lapply(the.breaks, function(x) x[-1]) # for right time points

count.per.cow <- sapply(start, length)
index <- tapply(pgtrial$cow, pgtrial$cow, length)
index <- cumsum(index) # index of last observation for each cow

event <- rep(0, sum(count.per.cow))
event[cumsum(count.per.cow)] <- pgtrial$preg[index]

# creating the expanded dataset
pw.pgtrial <- data.frame(
    cow = rep(pgtrial$cow[index], count.per.cow),
    dar = rep(pgtrial$dar[index], count.per.cow),
    herd = rep(pgtrial$herd[index], count.per.cow),
    tx = rep(pgtrial$tx[index], count.per.cow),
    lact = rep(pgtrial$lact[index], count.per.cow),
    thin = rep(pgtrial$thin[index], count.per.cow),
    start = unlist(start),
    stop = unlist(stop),
    event = event

# create time variable which indicates the period of observation (offset in Poisson model)
pw.pgtrial$time <- pw.pgtrial$stop - pw.pgtrial$start # length of observation

# create a factor for each interval, allowing to have a different rate for each period
pw.pgtrial$interval <- factor(pw.pgtrial$start)

pw.pgtrial[100:110, ]
    cow dar herd tx lact   thin start stop event time interval
100  61 113    1  1    4   thin     0   40     0   40        0
101  61 113    1  1    4   thin    40   80     0   40       40
102  61 113    1  1    4   thin    80  113     1   33       80
103  62 117    1  0    7 normal     0   40     0   40        0
104  62 117    1  0    7 normal    40   80     0   40       40
105  62 117    1  0    7 normal    80  117     2   37       80
106  63 121    1  1    1   thin     0   40     0   40        0
107  63 121    1  1    1   thin    40   80     0   40       40
108  63 121    1  1    1   thin    80  120     0   40       80
109  63 121    1  1    1   thin   120  121     2    1      120
110  64 122    1  1    3 normal     0   40     0   40        0

# Poisson model
pw.model <- glm(event ~ offset(log(time)) + interval + herd + tx + lact +
+                 thin, data = pw.pgtrial, family = "poisson")

glm(formula = event ~ offset(log(time)) + interval + herd + tx + 
    lact + thin, family = "poisson", data = pw.pgtrial)

Deviance Residuals: 
   Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
-1.858  -1.373  -1.227   1.357   3.904  

             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -3.602545   0.132436 -27.202  < 2e-16 ***
interval40  -0.112838   0.106807  -1.056  0.29076    
interval80  -0.064105   0.125396  -0.511  0.60920    
interval120 -0.007682   0.147919  -0.052  0.95858    
interval160 -0.005743   0.191778  -0.030  0.97611    
interval200 -0.427775   0.309143  -1.384  0.16644    
interval240  0.199904   0.297331   0.672  0.50137    
interval280  0.737508   0.385648   1.912  0.05583 .  
interval320  0.622366   1.006559   0.618  0.53637    
herd2       -0.254389   0.114467  -2.222  0.02626 *  
herd3        0.026851   0.119416   0.225  0.82209    
tx           0.219584   0.084824   2.589  0.00963 ** 
lact        -0.023528   0.027511  -0.855  0.39241    
thinthin    -0.139915   0.093632  -1.494  0.13509    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 2155.6  on 798  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 2131.1  on 785  degrees of freedom
AIC: 2959.1

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 7

Log-logistic Model

loglog.mod <- survreg(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ herd + tx + lact +
                   thin, data = pgtrial, dist = "loglogistic")

survreg(formula = Surv(dar, preg == "pregnant") ~ herd + tx + 
    lact + thin, data = pgtrial, dist = "loglogistic")
              Value Std. Error      z        p
(Intercept)  3.9544     0.2531 15.625 4.91e-55
herd2        0.2537     0.2355  1.077 2.81e-01
herd3       -0.1019     0.2437 -0.418 6.76e-01
tx          -0.3869     0.1768 -2.189 2.86e-02
lact         0.0612     0.0550  1.112 2.66e-01
thinthin     0.0400     0.1894  0.211 8.33e-01
Log(scale)  -0.1260     0.0515 -2.447 1.44e-02

Scale= 0.882 

Log logistic distribution
Loglik(model)= -1467.2   Loglik(intercept only)= -1472.2
	Chisq= 9.85 on 5 degrees of freedom, p= 0.08 
Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 4 
n= 319 

Individual Frailty Model
In an individual frailty model, we add variance unique to individuals in order to account for additional variability in the hazard (like negative binomial model vs. Poisson model). For example, let’s fit a Weibull model with gamma individual frailty to the prostaglandin dataset:

pgtrial$preg.bin <- as.numeric(pgtrial$preg) - 1
indfr.mod <- parfm(Surv(dar, preg.bin) ~ herd + tx + lact + thin,
             cluster = "cow", data = pgtrial, dist = "weibull",
             frailty = "gamma")
Execution time: 17.872 second(s) 
Frailty distribution: gamma 
Baseline hazard distribution: Weibull 
Loglikelihood: -1455.679 

         ESTIMATE SE    p-val    
theta     0.000   0.003          
rho       0.867   0.044          
lambda    0.024   0.006          
herd2    -0.289   0.169 0.088 .  
herd3     0.039   0.175 0.824    
tx        0.204   0.125 0.103    
lact     -0.041   0.041 0.314    
thinthin -0.136   0.138 0.323    
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Shared Frailty
Shared frailty is a way to deal with clustered data. We will use the “culling” dataset and fit a shared frailty model with a Weibull distribution and a gamma distributed frailty common to all cows in a herd:

temp <- tempfile()
  "", temp)
load(unz(temp, "ver2_data_R/culling.rdata"))

shfrw.mod <- frailtyPenal(Surv(dar, culled) ~ as.factor(lact_c3) + johnes +
                          hazard = 'Weibull', data = culling, Frailty = TRUE)
shfrw.sum <- cbind(shfrw.mod$coef, sqrt(diag(shfrw.mod$varH)), 
                 shfrw.mod$coef / sqrt(diag(shfrw.mod$varH)), 
        signif(1 - pchisq((shfrw.mod$coef/sqrt(diag(shfrw.mod$varH)))^2, 1)),
 exp(shfrw.mod$coef - abs(qnorm((1 - 0.95) / 2)) * sqrt(diag(shfrw.mod$varH))), 
 exp(shfrw.mod$coef + abs(qnorm((1 - 0.95) / 2)) * sqrt(diag(shfrw.mod$varH))))
row.names(shfrw.sum) <- c("Lactation 2", "Lactation 3+", "Johnes")
colnames(shfrw.sum) <- c("Coef.", "Std. Err.", "z", "p-value", "Hazard Ratio", 
                       "Lower CI", "Upper CI")
                 Coef. Std. Err.        z     p-value Hazard Ratio  Lower CI
Lactation 2  0.2518627 0.1450806 1.736019 8.25605e-02     1.286419 0.9680321
Lactation 3+ 0.7636558 0.1227840 6.219508 4.98717e-10     2.146108 1.6870874
Johnes       0.5914741 0.3045475 1.942141 5.21200e-02     1.806650 0.9945867
             Upper CI
Lactation 2  1.709525
Lactation 3+ 2.730017
Johnes       3.281748

That’s it for reproducing the examples from Dohoo’s book, chapter on modelling survival data. Next time I’ll look at mixed models.

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