Occupancy model fit & AUC
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Occupancy models are used to understand species distributions while accounting for imperfect detection. In this post, I’ll demonstrate a method to evaluate the performance of occupancy models based on the area under a receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), as published last year by Elise Zipkin and colleagues in Ecological Applications.
Suppose we are to fit a multi-year occupancy model for one species. We will evaluate the fit based on how well the model predicts occupancy in the final year of the project. Start by simulating some data (for details on the structure of these simulated data, refer to this post and references therein):
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For illustration, I included a strong interaction between treatment and the continuous site level covariate (could be elevation, area, etc). As such, a measure of model fit such as AUC ought to identify a saturated model as the best fitting. Handily, AUC is a derived parameter, and common occupancy model parameters can be used to estimate a posterior. To generate a posterior AUC, we need predicted occupancy probabilities ($\psi$) and realized occupancy states ($Z$) in the final year. Predicted occupancy probabilities can be produced using data from previous years, and realized occupancy states are assumed to be represented by the posterior for $Z$ generated from a single-year model, fit to the data from the final year of the study.
Fitting a saturated model
Begin by modeling occupancy probabilities as a function of both covariates and their interaction, predicting $\psi$ in the final year:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 | # model specification cat(" model{ #### priors p_beta ~ dbeta(1, 1) beta <- log(p_beta / (1 - p_beta)) p_rho ~ dbeta(1, 1) rho <- log(p_rho / (1 - p_rho)) p_rho0 ~ dbeta(1, 1) rho0 <- log(p_rho0 / (1 - p_rho0)) p ~ dbeta(1, 1) pa1 ~ dbeta(1, 1) pa2 ~ dbeta(1, 1) pa3~ dbeta(1, 1) a1 <- log(pa1 / (1 - pa1)) a2 <- log(pa2 / (1 - pa2)) a3 <- log(pa3 / (1 - pa3)) #### occupancy model for (j in 1:nsite) { z0[j] ~ dbern(rho0) logit(psi[j, 1]) <- beta + rho * z0[j] + a1 * covariate[j] + a2 * treat[j] + a3 * covariate[j] * treat[j] z[j, 1] ~ dbern(psi[j, 1]) for (t in 2:nyear) { logit(psi[j, t]) <- beta + rho * z[j, t-1] + a1 * covariate[j] + a2 * treat[j] + a3 * covariate[j] * treat[j] z[j, t] ~ dbern(psi[j, t]) } } #### observation model for (j in 1:nsite){ for (t in 1:nyear){ mu[j, t] <- z[j, t] * p for (k in 1:nrep){ x[j, t, k] ~ dbern(mu[j, t]) } } } } ", fill=TRUE, file="saturated.txt") # bundle data data <- list(x = xsub, nrep = nrep, nsite = nsite, nyear = nyear, covariate=covariate, treat=treat) # initial values zinit <- array(dim = c(nsite, nyear)) for (j in 1:nsite) { for (t in 1:nyear) { zinit[j, t] <- max(xsub[j, t, ]) } } inits <- function() { list(z = zinit) } # parameters to monitor params <- c("p", "beta", "rho", "psi", "pa1", "pa2", "pa3") # use JAGS require(rjags) # build model nchain <- 3 ocmod <- jags.model(file = "saturated.txt", inits = inits, data = data, n.chains = nchain) # specify MCMC settings and start sampling nburn <- 2000 niter <- 2000 nthin <- 2 update(ocmod, n.iter = nburn) out <- coda.samples(ocmod, n.iter = niter, thin=nthin, variable.names = params) |
Now that we have our posteriors for $\psi$ at each site in the final year, we can fit a single-year model to the final year’s data to estimate $Z$.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 | xlast <- x[,nyear,] # model specification cat(" model{ #### priors p_beta ~ dbeta(1, 1) beta <- log(p_beta / (1 - p_beta)) p ~ dbeta(1, 1) pa1 ~ dbeta(1, 1) pa2 ~ dbeta(1, 1) pa3~ dbeta(1, 1) a1 <- log(pa1 / (1 - pa1)) a2 <- log(pa2 / (1 - pa2)) a3 <- log(pa3 / (1 - pa3)) #### occupancy model for (j in 1:nsite) { logit(psi[j]) <- beta + a1 * covariate[j] + a2 * treat[j] + a3 * covariate[j] * treat[j] z[j] ~ dbern(psi[j]) } #### observation model for (j in 1:nsite){ mu[j] <- z[j] * p for (k in 1:nrep){ x[j, k] ~ dbern(mu[j]) } } } ", fill=TRUE, file="saturated2.txt") # bundle data data2 <- list(x = xlast, nrep = nrep, nsite = nsite, covariate=covariate, treat=treat) # initial values zinit <- array(dim = c(nsite)) for (j in 1:nsite) { zinit[j] <- max(xlast[j, ]) } inits <- function() { list(z = zinit) } # parameters to monitor params2 <- c("p", "beta", "pa1", "pa2", "pa3", "z") # build model ocmod2 <- jags.model(file = "saturated2.txt", inits = inits, data = data2, n.chains = nchain) # start sampling update(ocmod2, n.iter = nburn) out2 <- coda.samples(ocmod2, n.iter = niter, thin=nthin, variable.names = params2) |
To set up the data for AUC calculations, produce site by iteration arrays for $\psi$ and $Z$:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | require(ggmcmc) ggd <- ggs(out) ggd2 <- ggs(out2) nstore <- niter / nthin psi.pred <- array(dim=c(nsite, nstore*nchain)) Z.est <- array(dim=c(nsite, nstore*nchain)) for (j in 1:nsite){ indx <- which(ggd$Parameter == paste("psi[", j, ",", nyear, "]", sep="")) psi.pred[j, ] <- ggd$value[indx] indx <- which(ggd2$Parameter == paste("z[", j, "]", sep="")) Z.est[j,] <- ggd2$value[indx] } |
Now generate the posterior for AUC and store data on the true and false positive rates to produce ROC curves.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | require(ROCR) AUC1 <- rep(NA, nstore * nchain) fpr <- array(dim=c(nstore * nchain, nsite + 1)) tpr <- array(dim=c(nstore * nchain, nsite + 1)) for (i in 1:(nstore * nchain)){ psi.vals <- psi.pred[, i] Z.vals <- Z.est[, i] pred <- prediction(psi.vals, factor(Z.vals, levels=c("0", "1"))) perf <- performance(pred, "auc") AUC1[i] <- perf@y.values[[1]] perf <- performance(pred, "tpr","fpr") fpr[i, ] <- perf@x.values[[1]] tpr[i, ] <- perf@y.values[[1]] } require(reshape2) fprm <- melt(fpr, varnames=c("iter", "site")) tprm <- melt(tpr, varnames = c("iter", "site")) ROC1 <- data.frame(fpr = fprm$value, tpr = tprm$value, iter = rep(fprm$iter, 2)) |
Fitting a simpler model
Having fitted a saturated model, we can now fit a simpler model that includes only main effects:
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Comparing models
How well did our models predict occupancy in the final year of the study, and was one better than the other? We can answer this question by inspecting posteriors for AUC (larger values are better), and the ROC curves.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | p1 <- ggplot(ROC1, aes(x=fpr, y=tpr, group=iter)) + geom_line(alpha=0.05, color="blue") + geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, linetype="dashed") + ylab("True positive rate") + xlab("False positive rate") + theme_bw() p2 <- ggplot(ROC2, aes(x=fpr, y=tpr, group=iter)) + geom_line(alpha=0.05, color="red") + geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, linetype="dashed") + ylab("True positive rate") + xlab("False positive rate") + theme_bw() p3 <- ggplot(data.frame(AUC = c(AUC1, AUC2), Model = rep(c("Saturated model", "Main effects model "), each=length(AUC1))), aes(x=AUC, fill=Model, color=Model)) + geom_density(alpha=.8) + theme_bw() + ylab("Posterior density") + xlab("Area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC)") + scale_colour_manual(values=c("red", "blue")) + scale_fill_manual(values=c("red", "blue")) + theme(legend.position = "top") + theme(legend.title=element_blank()) + ggtitle("Posterior AUC and ROC curve comparison") require(gridExtra) grid.arrange(p3, arrangeGrob(p2, p1, ncol=2), ncol=1) |
As expected, the model that generated the data fits better than the model that excludes the strong interaction term. Note that AUC reflects the accuracy of model predictions, and does not penalize model complexity.
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