Webinar: Managing Data with R
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Before you can analyze data, it must be in the right form. Join Revolution Analytics and me this June 21st for a 4-hour webinar that shows how to perform the most commonly used data management tasks in R. We will work through hands-on examples of R’s popular add-on packages such as plyr, reshape, stringr and lubridate.
Many examples come from my books, R for SAS and SPSS Users and R for Stata Users. That makes it easy to review what we did later with full explanations, or to learn more about a particular subject by extending an example which you have already seen.
At the end of the workshop, you will receive a set of practice exercises for you to do on your own time, as well as solutions to the problems. I will be available via email at any time in the future to address these problems or any other topics in my workshops or books. I hope to see you there!

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