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Data visualisation talk: Presentation using reports package

[This article was first published on Fiddling with data and code » R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Why I used html5 for my today’s talk?   My last presentation was in html5. This time I wanted to do my slides in something new.  I prepared  first few slides in Jessyink. Then I got to know that my friend (Trinker) developed one R package, reports,  for creating an amazing presentations including  beamer and reveal.js template.  This is kind of cool!!! Create presentation in R for R talk. I could write everything in R markdown and convert into beautiful html5 slides.

You could find my presentation just below this blog.  If any of you wanted to recreate the same, here is the R Markdown file Rmd.  I did bit modification in the style file and some tags. Otherwise you could generate the same. Ensure you have all required packages (check Rmd file) before running the file. The options required for slide creation very well described in the help (reports package).

 Short version of slide creation is as follows:

  1. Install reports package (install.packages(“reports”) or take it from github).
  2. Call the presentation(“your_folder”) function. This create Rnw and Rmd files inside your_folder/PRESENTATION.
  3. Add contents in Rmd file. Then click knit HTML if you are using RStudio or call knit2html. This would create the html file.
  4. Finally run reveal.js() function. This would create the html5 presentation slides inside your_folder/PRESENTATION/reveal.js(). You could customize the path or theme or transition… I have used theme as beige and transition as cube.

This process wouldn’t be smoother for an R beginner who uses Windows. One should make sure all dependencies are set.  Github page provides more help resources and it is helpful to complete successful creation of your presentation.

   Apart from reports one can try slidify  package for creating html5 slides. This got multiple  html5 presentation templates including shower, io2012, …

One thing I am bit sad  that Emacs+ess doesn’t have an Rmd mode. I guess somebody is working on that.  Now it is time for my research work.

M-x research-mode
research-mode enabled.

Note:Use firefox or chrome browser to view my presentation. left, right, up*, and down* arrows for transition.


PS:  As per audience response I should spend more time on ggplot2

The post Data visualisation talk: Presentation using reports package appeared first on Fiddling with data and code.

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