R/ggplot2 tip: aes_string
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I’m a big fan of ggplot2. Recently, I ran into a situation which called for a useful feature that I had not used previously: aes_string.
Imagine that you have data consisting of observations for several variables – let’s say A, B, C – where each observation is from one of two groups – call them X and Y:
df1 <- data.frame(A = rnorm(50), B = rnorm(50), C = rnorm(50), group = rep(LETTERS[24:25], 25)) head(df1) # A B C group # 1 0.2748922 -0.4805635 -1.80242191 X # 2 0.0060852 -1.2972077 0.64262069 Y # 3 0.1994655 -0.4628783 0.07670911 X # 4 0.5416900 0.3853958 0.50193895 Y # 5 0.3118773 0.9488503 -0.55855749 X # 6 2.0924626 0.3027878 -0.03000122 Y
If you were interested in the distribution of variable A by group, you might generate a boxplot like so:
png("A.png", width = 800, height = 600) print(ggplot(df1) + geom_boxplot(aes(group, A, fill = group)) + theme_bw()) dev.off() |
Here, the arguments to aes() are expressions (group, A) which ggplot interprets as column names from the data frame.
What if you wanted to generate plots for each of variable A, B and C using a loop? You might start like this:
for(i in names(df1)[1:3]) # oh wait, these are characters not expressions # [1] "A" "B" "C"
You see the problem. How do we pass the column names which are characters, not expressions, to aes()?
The answer: use aes_string() instead.
Description: Aesthetic mappings describe how variables in the data are mapped to visual properties (aesthetics) of geoms. Compared to aes this function operates on strings rather than expressions.
And so:
for(i in names(df1)[1:3]) { png(paste(i, "png", sep = "."), width = 800, height = 600) df2 <- df1[, c(i, "group")] print(ggplot(df2) + geom_boxplot(aes_string(x = "group", y = i, fill = "group")) + theme_bw()) dev.off() }
It’s a little ugly as it stands (better to write a function using one of the apply family). However, the key point is: you can pass data frame column names as expressions to aes() or as characters to aes_string().
With thanks to Hadley’s contribution to this mailing list thread.
Filed under: programming, R, research diary, statistics Tagged: aes, aes_string, ggplot2

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