[This article was first published on me nugget, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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The following is a template that I usually start with when producing figures for publication. It allows me to control:
- The overall size of the figure (in inches) (WIDTH, HEIGHT)
- The layout of figure subplots (using the layout() function) (LO)
- The resolution of the figure (for a .png file) (RESO)
I define margins (mar, oma) in terms of point size (ps), since this relates to the height of text, which allows of control of axis labeling. By defining the outer margins (OMA) and point size (PS) before calling layout, you will have these margins incorporated. Then, by running the x11() device (after the #), you can check your figure layout with layout.show(n):
I learned recently that the layout() function will adjust the character expansion size (par()$cex) depending on how your device is split up. For that reason, I usually include another line of code resetting par(cex=1) before proceeding with individual plots.
Finally, the three different device types included in the template are:
- x11(), for initial tweaking of the layout and general functionality of the plotting code
- png(), for producing a compact figure useful in pasting into Word documents, and for cases where the figure contains a lot of information and would be slow to loading as a .pdf
- pdf(), for a vector-based figure that is fully scalable / zoomable. When not too big, these figures look the best, and can also be embedded in LaTeX documents
Figure template:
#Layout of plots #1 1 3 #1 2 3 LO <- matrix(c(2,1,1,4,1,1,3,4), nrow=2, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) LO #double check layout #Resolution, pointsize RESO <- 400 PS <- 10 #Overall units in inches WIDTHS <- c(2,2,2,2) #widths of each figure in layout (i.e. column widths) HEIGHTS <- c(2,2) #heights of each figure in layout (i.e. row heights) #Outer margins and calculation of full dimensions OMA <- c(0,0,0,0) #Outer margins c(bottom, left, top, right) HEIGHT <- sum(HEIGHTS) + OMA[1]*PS*1/72 + OMA[3]*PS*1/72 WIDTH <- sum(WIDTHS) + OMA[2]*PS*1/72 + OMA[4]*PS*1/72 #Double check full dimensions WIDTH; HEIGHT #Start plot; open device - run from x11() down to observe behavior; run from pdf() down to produce .pdf png("plot.png", width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, units="in", res=RESO) #pdf("plot.pdf", width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT) #x11(width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT) par(oma=OMA, ps=PS) #settings before layout layout(LO, heights=HEIGHTS, widths=WIDTHS) #layout.show(max(LO)) # run to see layout; comment out to prevent plotting during .pdf par(cex=1) # layout has the tendency change par()$cex, so this step is important for control #par(mar=c(4,4,1,1)) # I usually set my margins before each plot ####################### ###INSERT PLOTS HERE### ####################### dev.off() # closes device
To reproduce example:
#required packages require(maps) require(mapdata) require(mapproj) deg <- 4 grd <- expand.grid(x=seq(-180+deg/2,180-deg/2,deg), y=seq(-90+deg/2,90-deg/2,deg)) poly <- vector(mode="list", nrow(grd)) for(i in seq(nrow(grd))){ xs <- c(grd$x[i]-deg/2, grd$x[i]-deg/2, grd$x[i]+deg/2, grd$x[i]+deg/2) ys <- c(grd$y[i]-deg/2, grd$y[i]+deg/2, grd$y[i]+deg/2, grd$y[i]-deg/2) poly[[i]] <- data.frame(x=xs, y=ys) } PROJ="orthographic" ORIENT <- c(-38,178, 0) PAR=NULL #Layout of plots #1 1 3 #1 2 3 LO <- matrix(c(2,1,1,4,1,1,3,4), nrow=2, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) LO #double check layout #Resolution, pointsize RESO <- 400 PS <- 10 #Overall units in inches WIDTHS <- c(2,2,2,2) HEIGHTS <- c(2,2) OMA <- c(0.5,0.5,2,0.5) HEIGHT <- sum(HEIGHTS) + OMA[1]*PS*1/72 + OMA[3]*PS*1/72 WIDTH <- sum(WIDTHS) + OMA[2]*PS*1/72 + OMA[4]*PS*1/72 #Double check full dimensions WIDTH; HEIGHT #The plot - run from x11() down to observe behavior; run from pdf() down to produce .pdf png("tmp2.png", width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, units="in", res=RESO) #pdf("tmp.pdf", width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT) #x11(width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT) par(oma=OMA, ps=PS) #settings before layout layout(LO, heights=HEIGHTS, widths=WIDTHS) #layout.show(max(LO)) # commented out to prevent plotting during .pdf par(cex=1) # layout has the tendency change par()$cex, so this step is important for control pos <- list(x=174 + 45/60 + 51.39/3600, y=-36 - 52/60 - 38.54/3600) # position of Maunga Whau volcano #plot1 par(mar=c(3,3,1,0.5)) plot(pos, t="n", col=2, xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(168, 183), ylim=c(-43,-33)) mtext("Latitude", side=2, line=2) mtext("Longitude", side=1, line=2) map("worldHires", add=TRUE, fill=TRUE, col=8) points(pos, pch=24, cex=2, col=3, bg="yellow", lwd=3) grid() box() #plot2 par(mar=c(2,2,0,0)) require(plotrix) map("world", proj=PROJ, orient=ORIENT, par=PAR, col=NA) for(i in seq(poly)){ polygon(mapproject(poly[[i]]), col="grey95", border="grey95", lwd=0.1) } map("world", proj=PROJ, orient=ORIENT, par=PAR, add=TRUE, resolution=0, fill=TRUE, col=8, border=8, lwd=0.001) polygon(mapproject(c(168,168,183,183),c(-43,-33,-33,-43)), col=NA, border=1, lwd=0.5) #plot3 par(mar=c(3,3,0.5,0.5)) image(x=seq(nrow(volcano)), y=seq(ncol(volcano)), z=volcano, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col=terrain.colors(100)) abline(h=35, lty=2, col=4, lwd=2) box() #plot4 par(mar=c(3,0.5,1,4)) plot(seq(0, (nrow(volcano)-1)*10, by=10), volcano[,35], t="l", lty=2, col=4, lwd=2, xaxs="i", xaxt="n", yaxt="n") axis(4) mtext("[m]", side=4, line=2) #outer margin text mtext("Maunga Whau volcano transect", line=0, side=3, outer=TRUE, cex=2) dev.off()
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