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Which functions in plyr do people use?

This is the question that Hadley Wickham recently set out to discovering by asking frequent R and plyr users how they use it in an online survey. Once a decent number of people have responded, Hadley quickly went forward and produced a short analysis of the plyr usage survey, and published it in RPubs.  With his permission, I am re-posting his analysis here:  

Plyr usage survey results

Thanks to everyone who took part! I recieved 124 responses in about 24 hours, which is super awesome. This document gives a quick writeup of the results.

Function usage

Overall, function usage was much as I expected: ddply is by far the most commonly used function followed by ldply and dlply, then llply. This is reassuring because for the next iteration of plyr, I’m planning to focus on ddply, ldply and dlply. plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

Other functions

I didn’t perform a formal analysis of the free text “other functions”, but common themes were:


Again, no formal analysis, but the common themes were: A few things that you complained about that are fixed in the current dev version: