visit to ISU
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A short visit to ISU but and therefore a busy and proftable day! About ten appointments in Snedecor Hall after a nice morning run, a highly attended Zyskind Lecture, and many interesting discussions all over the day: e.g., I had a great time discussing using null recurrent Markov chains for integral approximations with Krishna Athreya and Vivek Roy, following Vivek’s seminar last week, ABC for spatial point processes with Alicia Carriquiry and Kristian Schmidt, SMC and ABC with [fellow blogger] Jarad Niemi, empirical likelihood with Song Chen, and hierarchical Bayes modelling and model checking with Mark Kaiser. I also met an impressive PhD student, Yihui Xie, who seems to have an endless pool of energy as he develops R packages by the dozen, such as animation, formatR, and knitr such as animation, formatR, and knitr, the later being an alternative to sweave, works on a book and seems to be contributing a lot to community sites like RPubs, in addition to maintaining his own blog… I actually took the opportunity to ask him a problem that bugged me for a while, namely how to include R code within beamer so that when I give a class/talk I can click on the code and see the output coming on the slide…
Filed under: pictures, R, Running, Statistics, Travel, University life Tagged: Ames, George Snedecor, Iowa State University offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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